Fight For It! Stop Hiding Behind What Happens Easily

life coaching Feb 06, 2020

What does it mean to hide behind what is easy?


When you decide to hide behind what is easy, you limit yourself to safe or comfortable options rather than stepping outside your comfort zone to try something new or challenging.


Hanging out in your comfort zone and surrounding yourself with the familiar feels like the best place to be.


It is termed the "comfort" zone for a reason – when you let yourself stick to the expected and easy, you never face any adversity, challenge, or strange territory. You never have to fear surprises or discomfort when choosing the easy route in life.


However, hiding behind what is easy offers minimal chances to learn new things and grow. Your comfort zone is a place of homeostasis – not much changes, and things tend to stay the same there. If everything always stays the same in your life, you are not learning new things or developing as a person.


This is why your comfort zone is such an easy place to hide.


When you surround yourself with choices made from the comfort zone, you are not facing any character development or new, exciting experiences. Instead, you are coasting through life on the familiar.


What does it mean to "fight for it" instead of hiding behind what is accessible?


Rather than sticking around your comfort zone and hiding behind what is easy, "fighting for it" refers to the act of taking risks, accepting challenges, and trying new experiences. Any time you decide to take a chance, get a challenge, or try something new, you choose the more challenging route because doing these requires you to exit your comfort zone.


Fighting for what you want and pushing against the urge to stay in your comfort zone require drive, determination, and grit.


Exiting your comfort zone to fight for something and chase that more complicated route can prove to be challenging and uncomfortable. However, women who decide to "fight for it" and go after what they want in life know that the payout is more than worth it – they gain life experiences, new skills, fresh relationships, and a plethora of opportunities.


Life coaching is about helping women identify the obstacles that keep getting in their way, assisting them with finding motivation and pinpointing any resistance to change.


What are the benefits of fighting for something instead of hiding behind what is accessible?


Choosing to be a "fighter" rather than a "hider" comes with many fantastic benefits. For example, women who choose to fight for it rather than hiding behind what is accessible:


 1. Find a more profound sense of satisfaction in their achievements.

Because fighters take the more challenging route to accomplish goals and grow as people, their achievements feel intensely satisfying. When they finally reach their end goals, they enjoy them even more because they know they worked extra hard to get themselves to that success.


 2. Have a higher level of resiliency.

When you regularly fight for something instead of taking the easy route, you find much success and some upset and heartbreak. With any good fight comes the chance for something to go wrong.


Unfortunately, failures and making mistakes are a natural part of life. However, women who fight for what they want are often far more resilient than their "hiding" counterparts – when they experience a setback. They are more likely to bounce back and find a new way to continue on their journey rather than allowing themselves to stop.


 3. Enjoy an exciting and fulfilling life.

Women who fight for it rather than hide behind what is easy enjoy so many amazing people, places, and experiences in their lives. Taking that challenging route takes you on a life journey with no limits.


When you are fighting for what you want, you go on a lot of adventures along the way to meeting your goals – within those challenging times, you meet great people, learn lots of skills, and experience lots of exciting places.


If you tend to hide behind what is easy, how can you become more "fighter"?


Learning how to fight for it is a skill you can acquire (with practice and time) through life coaching. Women from every possible age, background, and occupation get life coaching. They have something in common, though: a desire to achieve something more in their personal or professional life. But changing your attitude from hiding to fighting requires a significant shift in habits, so being patient with yourself is critical.



"Of all the things successful people do to accelerate their trip down the path to success, participating in some kind of coaching program is at the top of the list." - Jack Canfield, author of Chicken Soup for the Soul.


Consider the following strategies to develop more of a "fight for it" attitude:


 1. Challenge yourself to do one small thing outside your comfort zone each day.

A great way to approach exiting your comfort zone is to begin slowly. Start by doing one small thing outside your comfort zone that requires very low-stakes risk each day. For example, you can try watching a TV show that you would not usually choose.


You can order a different meal than you usually get at a restaurant. These small steps outside your comfort zone are low risk (if you do not like the TV show or dinner, fine) but still bring you a few steps away from what is easy and familiar.


 2. Get a clear picture of what you truly want out of life.

Understanding your deepest goals and dreams is a great way to encourage your "fighter" to come out of the darkness. It is natural to hide behind what is easy when you do not know what you want out of life. A life coach helps you become more confident in yourself and what you do.


Take time to reflect on your life so far and determine where you want to see yourself go in the future. Once you choose a handful of goals you want to meet, begin picturing how you will get there.


Visualizing these goals helps you see the possibilities before you – with those images in mind, you'll feel the urge to embrace your inner fighter so you can begin working toward them.


 3. Permit yourself to make mistakes and fail.

Fighters are not perfect people (spoiler: no one is). Even when they are working extra hard to push themselves into new, challenging situations, they will not always find success on the other side of their efforts. Making mistakes and experiencing failure is a natural part of life for everyone. Giving yourself permission to make those mistakes and fail is a big part of embracing your inner fighter.



Women often find thoughts and beliefs founded in the falsehood that keep us from being our best selves. A life coach will help you identify strengths and blind spots and overcome obstacles holding you back.

Life coaching empowers women by assisting them in making, meeting, and exceeding goals in their personal and professional lives. You can start to make your dreams a reality when you partner with a life coach.

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