Spirit Wellness as the Backbone of Your Life

spirituality Oct 25, 2020

Are you seeking a deeper spiritual meaning for your life? You are not alone. The chaotic demands of life in the 21st-century, coupled with a pandemic, have made many women feel disengaged. Maybe you need a spiritual connection to bring a sense of balance and completion in your life.

Many women confuse spirituality with religion and believe that spirit wellness can only come from religious beliefs. Spiritual balance can come from more than endorsing a religion. Some women do seek religion for their spirituality, but spirituality can also be achieved without belonging to a specific denomination. If you are not part of a physical church, you can still build your spirit wellness!


“Help me raise my gaze.”  Sharon Hodde Miller


The cornerstone of your body is your backbone. It provides support and stability. Spirit wellness is a powerful life skill that provides you a better understanding of who you are as a person. That gives you better stability in life as well. 


How to Develop Spirit Wellness

Developing spirit wellness involves working toward recognizing what you believe in and how well those beliefs give you inner strength through even the hardest patches in life.

When you have developed spirit wellness, you can:

  • Comprehend the meaning of life and become in tune with the meaning of your existence.
  • Express the values you uphold and stand behind them at all times.
  • Lead a fulfilling life.
  • Respond to people honestly, regardless of the situation.


How do we achieve spirit wellness?

Each of us has to cultivate spirituality in our own way. Your selected path may take you on a distinct journey than another woman.

When you are prepared to start your transformational track toward spirit wellness, think about the following recommendations:

1. Question the purpose of your existence. Ask yourself a few essential questions as you go on a transformational trek to achieve balance through spirit wellness. Self-exploration is vital to developing your spiritual balance.

Examine yourself:

  •  What defines me?
  • What is the purpose of my existence on the planet?
  • What things, people, and ideologies should I be committed to?
  • What do I want out of life?

2. Connect with your meaningful. After you have responded to those questions, your next mission is to connect to and identify with the ideas in life that you want to epitomize you. Do you believe in helping other women? Is it your interest to sacrifice your physical characteristics of life to increase spiritual muscle?


Set your answers to these questions to work.

  • Contribute to a charity if you are inclined to help others.
  • Go on a fasting mission to gain endurance and clarity of mind.

3. Examine your limits. When you take on challenges, you grow your awareness of a whole new myriad of opportunities for you. Examining your limits could mean many things.


These are a few examples:

  • Take on a small (safe) physical challenge that ordinarily you would not take on due to fear of failure, or disappointment, or the challenge itself.
  • Make an important decision based on your core beliefs (conviction) even though you know it may not be the trendy way.
  • Come Up With the strength to stand by your convictions even if others rebuff them.

Becoming spiritually strong requires believing in something. It includes identifying your purpose and working towards achieving that purpose. Most importantly, it means growing to be truly happy with your life.

Ultimately, the balance you pursue will come when you fulfill your spiritual requirements. By undertaking the steps outlined here, you can put yourself on the true path to spiritual fulfillment.


“Lord, help me not to lean on my own understanding but in everything acknowledge You so that You can direct my words, thoughts, and actions. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.”  Sharon Glasgow


Achieving spirit wellness is not an overnight development. With persistence and dedication, you will find yourself uniting with another aspect of your existence that you never knew. What do I want out of life? More and more things will grow to be clearer to you and you will begin to feel true inner peace, no matter what challenges you are faced with!



Prayer Journal Prompt

Lord, sometimes I question my faith. Please help me to focus on this scripture today... Hebrews 11:1—‘Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.'



To learn more about Life Coach for Ladies or see if we would be a good team in navigating your transformational track, contact me today. I would love to get you on the path to inner healing, reaching your goals, and living your most successful life. 

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