Gratitude Is The Powerful Emotion You Need

life coaching Nov 28, 2019

It is easy to be grateful for the good things in life; however, to experience the full benefits of gratitude, we must learn to find gratitude in our challenges. 


It is that time of year when most women give up on their goals because they do not see the results they want. Resist the temptation to give up right before the end. Remind yourself how far you have come this year, from the small wins to the big moments. You owe it to yourself to do the best you can.


“We ought to give thanks for all fortune: if it is good, because it is good; if bad, because it works in us patience, humility, contempt of this world and the hope of our eternal country.” – C. S. Lewis


Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions we can cultivate as women. And, gratitude inspires a positive mindset.

Best of all, there is always something women can find to be grateful for,  from the big things - such as a promotion, achieved goal, dream relationship, or good health, to the little things - such as...

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New to Hosting a Thanksgiving Celebration?

life coaching Nov 21, 2019

Thanksgiving is more than breaking bread with your family and friends. Are you new to hosting the yearly feast? Not too positive concerning your hosting skills? Well, you are not the only one. Hosting a Thanksgiving dinner is challenging for the inexperienced. Arranging a glorious celebration is pretty challenging. Have you brushed up on your skills cooking the classics yet? Are you anxious about taking the reigns as this year’s hostess?

I am on the same page. The list of to-dos can keep your head spinning. Guess what? No one says you have to do it alone. Using the assistance and a few extra hands might be worth it. Do not tie yourself up with a long list of chores. Although you are the hostess, you ought to have the merriment of the holidays too. If you are busy juggling a zillion chores and stressing over the nitty-gritty, the spirit of cozy thanksgiving dinner is lost.

Don’t you want to greet and help your guests relax and enjoy the holiday with ease? Performing the role of a stel...

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Affirmations Will Make You Feel Powerful

life coaching Nov 07, 2019

One value of working with a Life Coach is the power to get a fresh, informed point of view on challenges that you encounter. In addition to offering new insight into those challenges, a Life Coach helps you find negative patterns standing in the way of your success. Sometimes negative habits can be in words you tell yourself.


The strength of words is impressive, and they describe everything in our life. The words of our inner voice can be the most powerful of all.  When it comes to thinking good about yourself, learning how to use affirmations is helpful. There are so many opportunities to manifest abundance and love.


Affirmations can be potent, and they are also easy to use. Today, I will discuss the importance of gratitude affirmations to increasing your overall life satisfaction.



If you begin to form thoughts and repeat similar things, again and again, you start believing in the ideas. If we can create our narrative and make sure...

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Affirmations: Powerful Boost To The Inner Strength

life coaching Oct 03, 2019

A simple, but powerful, technique I use as a Life Coach to help women transform their lives, is affirmations. This is an excellent way of programming your brain to focus on positivity.


Affirmations are sentences designed to delve deep into the subconscious mind to refill the well of inner strength. As women practice these affirmations, the sentences can empower them with a deep sense of reassurance and break negative mindset patterns.


If a woman says affirmations, the subconscious mind recognizes them. Behavior changes take place based on how the woman then decides to live her life.


Affirmations influence the women who use them by causing them to react to situations, pleasant or unpleasant, with a more contented outlook. Saying an affirmation allows the woman to replenish her inner strength.


By connecting with the power of the subconscious mind, you can transform your life.

  • First, the affirmation impacts how you think.
  • Then, the way that you think about things impa
  • ...
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