Affirmation: I am Confident, My Thoughts are Loving and Positive

affirmations Oct 16, 2021

Positive thinking allows me to do everything better. Negative thinking makes me do everything worse. The choice is clear, and I choose to think thoughts that are positive and loving. Negative thoughts are toxic and damaging.


Positive thinking results in positive actions, which lead to success. Positive thinking changes the way I behave.


I make those around me better with my positive thoughts.


Positive people are attractive.


My life is easier and more joyful when my thoughts are loving and positive.


I am kind and loving. Loving thoughts make me a more thoughtful person. The people in my life benefit from my caring thoughts. I am a more thoughtful and generous person when I hold loving thoughts in my mind.


It is natural for me to have positive thoughts because I am a positive person.


I may occasionally catch myself thinking a negative thought. I am aware of the negative impact that negative thinking can have. It degrades my mood and my...

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Affirmation: I Know Happiness Engulfs my Life

affirmations Oct 09, 2021

My thoughts are positive and Full of happiness. I make time to take pleasure in life. I choose to live in happiness. I only consider ideas that maintain good feelings.


I free myself from negative thinking.


Sometimes, a negative thought tries to creep in. I focus on all the great things in my life during these times. My attention immediately gets back on track. I feel my attitude transform back to happiness again.


My joy grows deeper each day. I am thankful for my thoughts and my power to control them. I am in command of my thoughts. I am in charge of my degree of happiness.


Everything in my life seems to improve naturally. Joy fills my life. I am filled with love and enthusiasm. Good things happen to me.


My high levels of happiness positively impact others, and this impact enhances my life even more.


Life is effortless. I am privileged and blessed with such an amazing existence. I am worthy of happiness and living this amazing life. I am the...

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Affirmation: I Understand that Everything Happens For My Good

affirmations Oct 02, 2021

I have faith that life provides me with the experiences I need to grow as a person. I accept this truth and make the best of the situation. I understand that God knows the best way, and has a plan for my life.


Some experiences in life are less enjoyable than others. But all experiences teach me something new. Some of the least pleasant things that happen in my life provide the most profound lessons. I value these lessons and apply them going forward. This way, I can avoid repeating my mistakes.


The Holy Father is wiser than I am. I trust that everything happens for my good. I have learned so much from my past challenges that I look forward to managing my future challenges. I am empowered.


I often receive what I want, just in a different manner than I expected. Many of my failures result in greater successes than I ever dreamt of before. I feel a gentle hand guiding me in a positive direction.


I avoid feelings of frustration when things fail to work out...

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Affirmation: I See that Peace of Mind Makes Me Truly Happy

affirmations Sep 25, 2021

The best feeling to me is a calm heart and mind. I achieve so much when I let my peace of mind take over.


I avoid letting guilt prevent me from moving forward. I take it easy on myself when I make a poor decision. My disappointment quickly turns into perseverance because I know I can do better the next time.


My goal is to experience happiness each day.


When I have a clear mind, I am free to be creative. I come up with amazing ideas and feel confident about them. My creations leave me feeling truly satisfied.


I know that when I am realistic, it is easier to accept the outcome of a situation. I attempt to approach problems with an open mind and an open heart.


I endeavor to handle everything with a relaxed mindset. When I do, it is easier for me to unwind. At the end of each day, I go to bed feeling calm and at ease. My rest is sound, deep, and peaceful.


I inspire my family and friends to take it easy on themselves. I remind them that it is...

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Affirmation: I Accept and Embrace all Experiences

affirmations Sep 18, 2021

With the right perspective, nearly all experiences can be viewed as neutral. My perception of the situation determines whether I view it as positive or negative. When I am accepting of all experiences, life is easier to manage.


Each experience is unique and provides individual lessons. I miss out on these important lessons if I fail to embrace the experience fully.


I know that my expectations shape my experience. So I avoid the belief that life should unfold in a particular way.


Acceptance of others enhances my relationships and allows me to bond more fully with everyone around me. The separateness I sometimes feel from others melts away when I am more accepting.


I accept my life as it is today. I have goals, but I accept my current circumstances. I am free from anxiety, confusion, and regret. I am okay with life not happening according to my plans.


My new life begins each day with the rising sun.


I value all of my experiences and deal with...

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Affirmation: I Release Negativity and Hold Joy in my Heart

affirmations Sep 11, 2021

My heart and mind are free from negativity. Negativity is a poison that taints my thoughts, moods, expectations, and happiness. Removing negativity from my life is a major goal of mine. Releasing negativity creates room for joy to enter my heart.


I welcome positive emotions. When I am filled with positivity, I expect good things to happen. My motivation soars, and I feel as if anything is possible. I experience positive emotions regularly.


Whenever I catch myself focusing on the negative, I take control of my thoughts and redirect them to more uplifting ideas. I can control my thoughts. I choose positive thoughts. Positive thoughts lead to positive action and results.


I choose to spend my time with other positive people. They are an important part of my environment and help me to avoid negative thinking. I avoid pessimistic people whenever possible.


I remind myself of the amazing things and people in my life. Gratitude is an important concept for me. It...

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Affirmation: I Say - Guilt Does Not Get in the Way of Enjoying my Blessings

affirmations Sep 04, 2021

Each day presents many things for me to be thankful for in my life. I acknowledge my blessings and remind myself that it is okay to enjoy them.


When I consider how wonderful my friends and family members are, I am amazed at how fortunate I am to have them. Their presence in my life deserves to be celebrated.


My employer acknowledges my efforts by giving generous rewards. Although some co-workers may miss out on the opportunity, I still embrace the gesture extended to me.


I am satisfied with my contribution to my organization and feel deserving of the kind recognition. Although I remain humble, I allow myself to show pride in my accomplishments.


I realize that I have little control over what comes my way. When someone chooses to extend a blessing to me, I accept it with an open heart.


It is a blessing to be in the thoughts of another person. It means that I display attributes that leave an impression.


Guilt does not make an appearance when I...

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Affirmation: I Think Winning Fairly Provides a Great Sense of Accomplishment

affirmations Aug 28, 2021

Success is most meaningful when I achieve it fairly. I feel a great sense of triumph when I succeed while sticking to my morals. It is twice as significant as winning by whatever means.


I look forward to competing for promotions and other opportunities at work. My competitors are worthwhile and deserve a fair challenge. I commit to providing that environment.


While others are downplaying the abilities of their competitors, I do not take that approach. My approach is to showcase their strengths while elevating my performance. That ensures the environment remains positive.


Competing with tough participants motivates me to give it my all. I evaluate their strengths and work towards improving upon them for my performance.


When playing soccer, I avoid seeking favors from referees when I am falling behind. That approach portrays me as a sore loser. Instead, I perform to my best ability and push myself to catch up to my opponents.


I choose opponents who...

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Affirmation: I Get That True Happiness Means Being True to Myself

affirmations Aug 21, 2021

I do not use external factors to make myself happy. I know that true happiness comes from being true to myself.


Being true to myself means living according to my beliefs. What I believe is grounded in my morals, and I use my conscience as a guide. I believe in following my gut.


My principles help me work through both the positive and negative experiences in my life. I occasionally make tough decisions that are necessary for my happiness. Some decisions that may cause unhappiness today lead to happiness later. I have confidence in my instincts about what to do, regardless of the effect today.


When my conscience is clear, I feel comfort. I leave my nervous predispositions in the past. I do not rely on opinions from others to make my decisions. Seeking advice is helpful, but I just do it to gain perspective.


Every so often, I catch myself being inflexible in my thinking. I recall my duty to make mature decisions. Even if others are not happy with my choices,...

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Affirmation: I Am Successful Because Love Guides Me

affirmations Aug 14, 2021

Love is like a bright and shining light. It guides me through the darkness.


Love keeps me going when I feel like giving up. I hang onto my hopes and inspiration. I remember my purpose.


My relationships are based on trust. I focus on the good qualities of others. I notice their strengths and talents. I dare to be vulnerable and share my feelings. I am truthful and transparent.


I express my gratitude. I tell my spouse and children how much they mean to me. I let a stranger know when their kindness brightness my day. I send my coworkers a thank you note for helping me to excel at my job.


I practice forgiveness. I have compassion for others even if I oppose their actions. I am willing to give them a second chance.


I give without expectations. I am content with the joy I feel when I share my blessings.


I spend time with family and friends. I pay attention to what they have to say. I care about their needs and help them whenever they need them.


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