Affirmation: I am Moving Out of my Comfort Zone

affirmations Aug 22, 2020

I get out of my comfort zone and appreciate everything accessible to me.


Moving out of my comfort zone from time to time opens a whole new world of opportunities. Though I can have many rewards remaining warm and cozy inside my comfort zone, I understand that getting out of it can bring even more!


My comfort zone holds all the comforts of home. Inside my house, I feel confident. I am self-assured. I know where everything is located. I arrange it according to my likes and dislikes. I am in control of my life if I am in my home.


I understand that when I step outside my home, everything changes. Life can throw unforeseen challenges at me. But even with such a risk, I know that I could never live my life only inside my home. That would be too restricted and limiting!


In the same way, I know living inside my comfort zone limits me to a very narrow range of experiences. Even though I am comfortable and confident there, where is the excitement? Do I want to...

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Affirmation: I Am Free to Govern Over My Passions

affirmations Aug 15, 2020

I remain thankful for the blessing I have to be free. With freedom comes the great task of managing my independence sensibly. I want to rule over my passions rather than becoming a victim of desire.


Part of living free means that I am held responsible for what I do with my passions. Emotions are an important part of me, although I also have to learn to govern my feelings to achieve inner peace.


I break free from emotional bondage because I have power over my feelings. My feelings do not rule over my mind, as my mind is more powerful.


There are seasons of my life when only my mind knows the way. I let my mind lead me as I follow with behaviors in an act of faith. In time, grace lines up my feelings and ideas.


I lack desire to continue because I let disillusionment or disappointment deprive me of joy. During those critical times, I recall that the great purpose for which I am destined stays unaffected by my situations.


Other times I am so thrilled...

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Affirmation: I Savor Every Minute of Every Day

affirmations Aug 08, 2020

I savor the moments that fill my life because each day is only lived once. My life is composed of unique and special moments.


Being mindful of the gift of time facilitates me to live a prosperous life. Opting to be conscious of each precious moment that passes fills me with sweet joy.


Life overflows with wonderful moments - playing with a child, embracing a loved one, reading a good book, conversing with friends, doing well in my career, spending time with my family, or resting after a long day’s work. I am grateful for each moment.


Every day is an occasion for me to enjoy life. Recognizing the value of every moment lets me savor the joys of life. A wonderful experience can stay with me for as long as I remember it.


Knowing I am creating good memories and will look back on these experiences with laughter, fondness, and joy makes every moment even more priceless. I see these memories as wonderful gifts to my future self.


Once the day has...

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Affirmation: I am Open to Insight by Sharing my Thoughts and Feelings Constructively

affirmations Aug 01, 2020

 As I speak to others, my tone is calm and respectful. I know that if I would like others to listen, I have to communicate my thoughts positively. 


My language is typified by a constructive word choice, soft tone, and unhurried pace. My vocabulary is abundant and free from curses. I can get my point across without elevating my voice or using profanity.


Every person is like a well of precious insight. I use my effective communication abilities to draw out the abundance of knowledge in others.


I take pleasure in learning new things. I seek to uncover something fresh each day. If I take time to understand others, I am informed. 


My attitude attracts others to me. By being positive, I encourage others to travel unexplored waters with me.


People are not afraid to communicate their feelings with me because I am welcoming. They trust me enough to express their ideas and ask for my input. In turn, when I want help, others are more than ready...

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Affirmation: I Understand that Enjoyable Times Make Difficult Times Easier to Manage

affirmations Jul 25, 2020

Laughter is the medicine that heals difficulties, so I incorporate some enjoyment into each day.


I make my job fun by listening to music that makes me feel like dancing. Although I sit in an office chair for most of the day, I rock from side to side. Moving to music keeps me feeling upbeat, and the challenges at work feel less burdensome.


I get creative with my entertainment.


Having game nights at my home invites laughter and joy to my sanctuary. My family and I love playing board games at home on a Friday night. These small experiences together last a lifetime in my memory and keep my spirit alive.


It is enjoyable to dance around when I am home alone. When I play my favorite Christian music, I feel like I am in my little world.


Working out is also fun because it improves my mood tremendously. I choose exercises that are challenging but manageable. It feels good to achieve the fitness targets that I set for myself.


A fit body makes room for...

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Affirmation: I Feel Adventures Awaken My Spirit

affirmations Jul 18, 2020

There is something wonderful about new opportunities that stirs excitement in my soul. Adventures awaken my spirit and allow me to have an open mind to newness.


I love being able to explore the world. New places challenge my sense of adventure and teach me how to soak up the unfamiliar humbly. I feel alive when faced with a new language to learn or a new culture to respect.


I travel to have adventures, gain new knowledge, and make new friends.


There is little room for fear when I board a plane to a foreign country. I proceed with a brave heart and a peaceful soul because I believe that my steps are guided.


Sure, I get butterflies in my stomach when I try something for the first time. There is a mix of anxiety and excitement that comes with discoveries. But my sense of adventure wins out over fear every time.


It is easy for me to venture out into the unknown. When I focus on gaining a positive experience, I leave little time for negative thoughts. I...

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Affirmation: I Wear My Calm Hat When I Evaluate Sticky Situations

affirmations Jul 11, 2020

To fully recognize and analyze situations, I need to remain calm and gather my stillness and quietness.

When life throws me trials along the way, I remain calm and enjoy the peace that is mine. Using specific tools that help me be calm allows me to let go of the necessity to panic or fall apart in challenging situations. Calm is something I can choose to be. I am strong enough to build up my stores of serenity for surprises.

I have a special reservoir within me. I either choose to fill this tank and keep it filled or to let it become empty. This special reservoir is my serenity tank. When it is full, I enjoy calmness in all situations. I can draw from my serenity tank when I need it.

I fill my tank with positive energy from maintaining a healthy body and mind, daily relaxation, and meditating on God’s word.

When I forget my physical and emotional needs, let negative energy into my life, or become over-stressed, I drain my serenity tank.

Today, I will add to my serenity tank...

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Happy July 4th. Affirmation: I Love Being Outdoors

affirmations Jul 04, 2020

Happy July 4th. 

July 4th,  America's Independence Day, is a day of family celebrations. It is a patriotic holiday for celebrating the freedom and liberties fought for by the first generation of many of today's Americans. There is no better way for a family to celebrate this 4th of July than hanging out in the backyard, enjoying games together, and creating great memories! 


Today's affirmation: I Love Being Outdoors


Outdoors, surrounded by nature, is a wonderful place to be. Coming face to face with the majesty of creation causes the burdens of my heart to lift away. Physically moving my body from inside to outside activates a shift in my emotional state.


The picture displayed in the sky can never be duplicated. The view found in nature is more beautiful than any painting an artist could create. Each time I look up at the clouds, I see a striking new scene. From that beauty, I draw inspiration for life.


Unlike in the predictable indoors,...

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Affirmation: I Achieve Goals with a Joyful Heart

affirmations Jun 27, 2020

I achieve goals with a smile and a light touch. While others might find success through brute force and a hardened attitude, I can be successful while enjoying myself along the way.


Success can be fun, playful, and simple. The idea that the road to success is miserable is a myth.


I can maintain a positive outlook when I must deal with adversity. I enjoy the challenges that life brings my way. Each challenge I overcome fills my heart with joy.


I make goals to fill me with excitement and anticipation. This is one reason I can maintain a joyful heart. Life is too short to chase meaningless goals.


I know that happiness is a choice. Each morning, I choose to have a great day, to feel joy and happiness in my life. I adopt an optimistic, positive mindset. This is the way to be happy while chasing success, and I live this philosophy each day.


I find that my results are better, too, when I maintain a positive outlook!


Positive things are happening in...

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Affirmation: I See that Communication is Key to Opening Doors to Happiness

affirmations Jun 20, 2020

My sense of well-being determines the quality of relationships in my life. This happiness is constructed on a strong base of communication.


I make deeper relationships, sharing my thoughts and feelings honestly. I have released the belief that people should be able to read my mind. I speak up when I feel upset or offended. I am confident our friendship grants us the ability to work through conflicts. I communicate my thoughts and ideas because I know we are strongest when we work together.


Communication is key to opening doors to happiness. I ask others what they are thinking and feeling. I actively listen and repeat back what I think they are saying until I am confident that I truly hear their words and the meaning they wish to convey.


I no longer hold the idea that I will be happiest when others say what I want to hear. I have no fascination with illusions, even ones that feel good. I am more interested in sharing the truth and creating bases, or foundations,...

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