Affirmation: I Have a Right to Say No to Others Without Feeling Guilty

affirmations Jan 25, 2020

My life is my own to live as I please. And my choices are mine to make. Therefore, friends and family members cannot pressure me into decisions they would like me to make.


I strive to be friendly and respectful to all people. However, I stand my ground when people become overly needy or start making demands of me.


Like everything else in my life, my time is my own. If I am not in the mood to frequently visit a family member or friend, so be it. My only actual obligation is to my immediate family; everyone else gets portions of the time I have accessible. They each get only the time I am willing to dedicate to them.


I make it a point always to respect the boundaries of others. I refrain from pushing, prying, or overextending my welcome. I would feel like a burden if I were to push myself onto others in such a manner. It is only fair that my friends and family respect my need to control my own time and decisions.


I have the capacity to say no to others...

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Affirmation: I Accept Happiness into My Life

affirmations Jan 18, 2020

Happiness is not yesterday's memories or tomorrow's hopes; it happens today.


I treasure the enjoyable memories of 'days gone by'. But, I do not live in the past. Also, I let go of any predisposition to put off my life while waiting for a better day. Tomorrow might not ever come!


Today is what I have, and I collect happiness from each minute of it.


When the day begins, I am happy to live another wonderful day in my life. I peek out the window and note how lovely the dew is as it reflects the sun's light. I hear birds singing in beautiful harmony as they also rejoice in this brand new day.


I relish the pleasant aroma of my morning coffee and enjoy the warmth of the sun when I go out the door to meet whatever adventure life brings me today. When every day starts this well, how could anything diminish its pleasure?


My day is a parade of wondrous moments, and I joyfully receive the pleasure of every one of them.


My husband, flowers, puppies,...

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Affirmation: I can Remain Faithful to New Habits

affirmations Jan 11, 2020

I form new habits to enhance my life and improve my overall satisfaction. I am resolved to keep on practicing the healthy habits I have established. The power necessary to successfully form and keep new habits is in me.


I have tolerance for myself when creating challenging new habits. At times it takes days or months to form a new behavior pattern. I have the patience to keep trying.


Repetition is my key to success. To change new activities into habits, I must exercise repetition. I achieve my new activities with hard work and great effort daily.  


If I feel persuaded to give up, I push myself to do it again. I communicate my goals with those closest to me and gather their support. With the help of my loved ones and my reminders, I am successful!


When establishing new habits, I take them one day and one habit at a time. An easy-going pace helps me progressively make a long-lasting change. I forgive myself when there are setbacks and jump right...

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Affirmation: I Am Free From the Restraints of My Past

affirmations Jan 04, 2020

My past is only a memory of positive and negative experiences, which have taught me valuable life lessons. I have shaken off the restraints that once held me captive to my past. Leaving my past behind me, I can now feel free in my present.


The trials that took place in my past remain part of my history. Though I do not forget about my past, I am confident in correcting previous mistakes and paving a new transformational track for myself. I am shrewder and more matured now than I was in years past.


At present, who I am is a collection of the pieces of my past fit all together, forming a stronger and wiser me. I purge myself of the hurt that some parts caused me, but I learned the lessons.


While I learned many lessons from my past, I move forward to grow and create ways for new experiences. I forgive myself for my past missteps and make every effort to make better choices today.


I acknowledge that I am worthy of friendship and success even though I had a...

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Affirmation: I Safely Say Goodbye to One Year and Look Forward to Another

affirmations Dec 28, 2019

The changing of the year often generates parties and excess. Instead of being careless, I choose to meet the New Year safely. I softly say goodbye to the year that is departing. I contemplate on all it brought me - good and bad - and choose to focus on the good. There are many accomplishments I am proud of in the past year.


Looking back at things that took place last year, I decide what I need for the New Year. I realize what to avoid and what I want to see more of in the upcoming months. I choose happiness, joy, and peace. These are all gifts I can bestow on myself. I consider their importance and value and vow to keep them in my life throughout the New Year.


Because I possess these gifts, I share them with others. I make the world better and brighter since I am happy to share what I know. I freely offer my happiness and joy to others. I present them peace with no strings attached. I get much satisfaction from encouraging others.


I serenely let go of one year...

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Affirmation: I Embrace Christmas with Childlike Wonder

affirmations Dec 21, 2019

As the snowflakes begin to fall, I become a child again. I love to catch snowflakes on my tongue. I love to watch the first snow of the season gently change the landscape. I especially love the giant snowflakes that look like angels in flight. They are my favorite.


I am full of childlike wonder as the world changes from orange to white.


As the world shifts, my heart becomes light. I think of times in my youth of sliding down the hills of snow on a sled. I can even hear the ‘shushing’ of my skis right now. I hear the echo of friends calling through the hills of white.


I cannot help but smile and feel like warm cocoa inside.


Becoming a child again helps me to see the world through a fresh set of eyes. No longer do I have the weight of the adult world on my shoulders.


I am free to be silly. I am free to laugh. I am allowed to do anything I want. Wow, this feels good!


This time, I am going to go through the Christmas season with the...

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Affirmation: I am Happy that Special Seasons Take Me Closer to Loved Ones

affirmations Dec 14, 2019

Special seasons during the year provide me with a feeling of gratitude. At those moments, I take time to reflect on my blessings. Most of my blessings are a result of the support I get from loved ones.


My connection with my family and friends deepens during special times each year. When I am prompted to reflect on the good times in my life, I immediately reach out to them. Family gatherings, gift-giving, singing Christmas carols, and special meals are also inseparable parts of Christmas. 


I use each opportunity I get to tell my family how important they are. It is easy for me to pinpoint their influence in my life.


When I am at odds with a friend, special seasons allow us to rekindle our relationship. I use those times to consider the role we play in each other's lives. I acknowledge that a season of caring and love is the best time to offer and receive forgiveness.


Houses aglow, parties with friends, and memories made with family—Christmas...

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Affirmation: I Stay Joyful When Holiday Times Get Stressful

affirmations Dec 07, 2019

Staying joyful is vital to me. Busy holidays can add to stress, but stress leaves me like water off a duck's back. My life is overflowing with positivity and happiness. I remain joyful no matter what the holiday brings me. Each holiday is a distinctive occasion to do something that brings me more joy.


As holidays near, I find ways to stay calm. I let my peace radiate out to others. They see the peace I have, and they feel better about their holidays. I help a lot of people just by staying happy and positive during stressful holiday times. I know the holidays are what I make of them. I choose to make them joyful and fun.


I turn the stress of my life into positivity by concentrating on solutions. Holidays are wonderful times to appreciate family and friends. I take pleasure in finding the beauty of the holidays. I see that beauty and concentrate on it to help keep my stress levels down. Low stress equals high joy.


I live in joy this holiday season by walking in...

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Affirmation: I Am Positive Because Hope Is My Daily Hymn

affirmations Nov 30, 2019

Every day I wake up with rekindled strength and decide to make the day a great one. I arm myself with positivity and a winning mindset. When I step into the world, I start to hear the beautiful hymn of hope that follows me everywhere I go.


Even when others choose to play a soundtrack of hopelessness, I dance to my hymn of hope. My ears are prepared to listen only to the sound of hope and to disregard any other noise. I abstain from listening to negative news reports that will only try to deprive me of my capacity to hear the sound of hope.


With so much negativity around me, I have to actively seek the good in the world to stay filled with hope. When I concentrate on the good characteristics of others, I can come up with hope.


My life is a song filled with hope. Although there is no guarantee in life, I am confident that my life choices move me on the right path. I know that I will be successful.


I sing my hymn of hope to the world so others can be lifted...

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Affirmation: I keep myself physically fit during the Thanksgiving season

affirmations Nov 23, 2019

Staying physically fit matters to me. I make time for fitness even when my life is very busy. The Thanksgiving holiday is a busy time, but I still have plenty of hours in the day.


I get things done because they are important to my life. The things I do each day have value and meaning to me. Staying fit is one of those things that I value highly.


To stay fit, I make time for exercise. I avoid changing my routine during the holidays. I can enjoy the holiday season and still keep my workout routine. In doing so, I ensure my continued fitness and good health. I make sensible choices during the holidays. I stop and take time for myself when things start to get hectic.


Because I see the value of exercise, I make it a part of my schedule. I encourage others because I want them to succeed in their fitness goals.


By working with others to help them meet their fitness goals, I feel fulfilled. Seeing me fit and healthy makes others want to work toward their own...

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