Affirmation: I Maintain a Pure Heart and that Brings Me Peace and Happiness

affirmations Aug 07, 2021

My heart holds on to only positive thoughts, feelings, and desires.


I maintain a pure heart because I know it is the desire of my Creator for me to do so. I also keep a pure heart because it makes me happy when I let go of negativity.


I concede that it is sometimes difficult to let go, forgive and cleanse my heart of negative sentiments. But, even though I may momentarily want to show others that their actions are wrong, I act in ways that produce positive results.


I let go of any negative actions inflicted on me. I show others that I am without the need to fight negative with negative.


I forgive their trespasses and show them that I can fight negative with love. I truly forgive and wipe my heart clean of any negative thoughts about others.


Today, I strive to maintain a pure heart and forgive others. I acknowledge that I feel more at ease and peace when I let go of negativity. I stand proud, knowing that wrongful or hurtful acts towards me cannot...

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Affirmation: I Experience Tiny Miracles Each Day

affirmations Jul 31, 2021

How I choose to respond to situations determines what I can extract from them. I prefer to find the benefit in each interaction. Taking the positive approach allows me to experience tiny miracles every day.


Each breath I take is a miracle in itself. Being able to feast my eyes on the beauty of nature is an experience that I do not take for granted.


When I awaken each morning, my first activity is to thank God for my opportunities and experiences. I recognize that they are more than what many others have. Acknowledging that reminds me that I have so much to be grateful for each day.


Being able to hug a child is a miracle. Knowing that a woman’s body has been able to produce another life is phenomenal to me. I am in awe of it.


Faith brings me many of the tiny miracles that I experience. The knowledge that my actions result in positive outcomes is a blessing in itself.


Financial concerns very rarely impact my peace of mind. I believe that each...

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Affirmation: I Choose Relationships That Make Me Happy

affirmations Jul 24, 2021

There are very few things I look for in relationships, and happiness is the first. My goal is to maintain friendships with those whose words and actions contribute to a positive life. Our bond comes from a good place and is long-lasting.


My friends come from various backgrounds, but all have positivity in common. That chosen way of life attracts me. My energies mesh well with theirs.


I choose friends who are concerned about my well-being. Having sincere people in my corner allows me to feel safe and protected. Their consideration gives me a warm feeling of love. I reciprocate by caring about them as well.


Relationships are more fulfilling when I can have meaningful conversations. I like knowing that the other person has an open mind and heart.


I look for relationships with people who allow me to have an opinion. Acceptance of another person's point of view is a true display of openness. I am happy when I find people who value my perspective as much as...

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Affirmation: I Am Exuberant About Life

affirmations Jul 17, 2021

Even though my life presents some complex challenges from time to time, I choose to feel joyful and excited about life. I still have days when boredom starts to creep in. But when it does, I seek out and find my inner happiness.


I discover that I have so many reasons to have high spirits.


When I wake up in the morning, I decide to allow my exuberance to spring forth all day.


I can feel it now within me – like an inner bubbling spring of beautiful, blue water. My cheerfulness surrounds me. It bathes my world in abundance.


I experience profuse happiness and excitement about life’s possibilities. I recognize the opportunities that come to me consistently, every day. My eagerness helps me make the most of my life.


My exuberance is truly the key to my fascinating existence.


Because I am responsible for how I feel, I choose to be joyful and high-spirited. I feel a special sense of happiness and positivity that overflows into...

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Affirmation: I Am Fortunate To Have My Extraordinary Life

affirmations Jul 10, 2021

As I look around me and consider everything I have in my life, I feel truly thankful.


I am blessed because I do work that I love, have people nearby who love me, and my home is comfortable and welcoming when I step through my front door.


My life has ups and downs, just like anyone else’s. Sometimes, my life’s pace is hectic and chaotic. Other times, it is easygoing and serene. Whichever the case, I receive all with open arms.


When I look around, it is clear that the lives of others are different from mine in many ways. I might occasionally think that I would like to have another person’s existence rather than my own. However, that thought is fleeting because I recognize the blessings unique to my life.


My gratitude for all that I own and my experience is deep and wide. Feeling thankful is such an awesome and comfort-filled emotion. I am glad to be alive.


I take note of all that I am thankful for in my life. I realize the abundance...

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Affirmation: I Feel Like Music Awakens My Soul

affirmations Jul 03, 2021

The power of music is undeniable. Music stirs my soul and unites me to my emotional center. I relish the journey that melodies allow me to take.


At the end of every day, I turn on the soothing sounds of Christian music to help me wind down and feel at peace. I focus on love and other wonderful feelings. Christian music connects me to a place of well-being.


I also rely on sounds from nature to provide that same soothing effect. The sounds made by windblown trees and chirping birds are the real music of my soul.


When I get the desire to feel alive, I listen to upbeat music. The rhythmic beats and catchy lyrics motivate me. My heart beats with the tunes. This worship music helps me prepare for a busy workday ahead.


Music that calls for worship is important to me. It reminds me always to consider what is important in the world.


When artists feel the need to sing about life and faith, I feel inspired by their words. It awakens a desire in me to do my...

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Affirmation: I Experience Satisfaction in all Parts of My Life

affirmations Jun 26, 2021

I can find pleasure in almost anything. My career, home life, and recreation time are all valuable to me, so I make a point to enjoy all of them!


I work hard to have a positive attitude, and I experience satisfaction in all parts of my life.


I look forward to personal development in my career and take pride in what I do. Therefore, I can take pleasure even in simple tasks that I complete daily. The satisfaction of a job well done strengthens me until the next challenge, which I confidently approach.


My home life satisfies me, too. I continually cultivate sanctuary in my home and with my family. I am always pleased to see them! My time alone there is also enjoyable; I do plenty of nourishing things for myself whenever I get a chance.


I also enjoy going out with friends. I choose relationships that encourage me to be my best, and I support them in return. My social life is as full as I want it to be, and I love it!


If I find myself experiencing...

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Affirmation: I Awake with Renewed Love for Godā€™s creation

affirmations Jun 19, 2021

My dream world renews my love for the physical world. I awaken daily with a restored sense of happiness. I welcome each new day with passion in my heart.


I have renewed energy and a deeper appreciation of my surroundings. I enjoy our magnificent world and am grateful for all my blessings. My sense of discovery and wonder is restored so that I can explore new experiences.


Acts 2:17 KJV

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.”


My body and mind are connected to the deepest parts of God’s creation. They are renewed each night as I dream.


I am secure in my perception of the world. I find new meaning and joy in daily tasks. My love grows with each moment I spend on this planet. I appreciate the people, places, and events that shape my life.


The Holy...

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Affirmation: I Balance My Happiness With the Desires of Loved Ones

affirmations Jun 12, 2021

Positive, healthy relationships strengthen my happiness. I value relationships with loved ones and friends. I give their happiness as much priority as I share my own.


I do what I can to make the lives of my loved ones better.


I know I may not be able to help in every situation. But I give my best effort to support and uplift them however I can. I know that my input is greatly appreciated.


My happiness is multiplied when I can contribute to someone else's happiness. I feel accomplished. I believe in fulfilling my God-given purpose on earth.


I am sure to pay attention to my own needs as well. At times, I have to choose one or the other, but I am aware that I can only be as good to others as I am to myself.


When I have loved ones around me, my days feel much brighter. The sense of family and community makes life worth living. I enjoy the genuine care and love we have for each other.


Today, I commit to unselfishly loving others. I believe that...

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Affirmation: I Let Enthusiasm Permeate Whatever I Do

affirmations Jun 05, 2021

Each day, I take part in situations, events, and tasks. Some of these occurrences involve only me. But whatever I am doing, I make every effort to do it with zeal, enthusiasm, and spirit.


I feel that whatever it is I am doing is worth my time. Therefore, I do it with enthusiasm.


Because I am enthusiastic about most tasks, I am rarely bored. Life is filled with fascinating people, places, and things. I want to experience all the best of what life has to offer. I embrace every situation with zest.


I make a conscious decision to jump in with both feet and develop a keen interest in whatever I do.


I find the day goes by faster when I stay enthused and consciously connected to what is going on around me. My enthusiasm flows, whether I am washing the car, talking to a neighbor, or working on a favored project at the office.


I live life in living color because of my enthusiasm. I put my all into each job, and because I do, my life is better.



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