Affirmation: I Feel Using My Natural Talents Brings Me Joy

affirmations May 29, 2021

I am thankful today for the abundance of gifts in my life. Not the least of these are my natural abilities and aptitudes. Whether I have many or just a few of these, I make sure to put them into service. It brings me joy to use my natural talents.


Each day, I have an opportunity to do something at which I am innately good. I see every one of these situations as a blessing. Not only do I get to feel good about myself and my abilities, but I get to offer the fruits of those gifts to others.


Perhaps I am good at organization, and my neighbor is frustrated over her lack of skill in this area. I can certainly be helpful there.


Or maybe I paint or sing well and can offer the results of my artistic abilities to others.


Perhaps the thing I do best is cook. Surely someone I know could use a hand with this! I feel good each time I have a chance to help.


Also, doing the things I am good at helps me connect with people who value those skills. Whether they have...

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Affirmation: I Agree with the Timing of Experiences in my Life

affirmations May 22, 2021

I approach each new day with enthusiasm and an open mind. Even if I am faced with the unexpected, I handle it without complaining. I agree with the timing of experiences in my life.


I welcome the new path before me. Instead of feeling down about things taking time to happen, I make the most, here and now. Each moment I get to live is a chance to live well.


I have goals that are crucial to me, yet I am patient in going after them. I look at delays in my journey as opportunities to prepare myself for better success.


My academic path is different from my friends', but I am okay with getting my degree later than planned. I made space for other experiences. And those experiences shaped the future that is just right for me.


Each moment I get to live is a chance to live well. I applied it to my advantage and came out well in the end. This attitude allows me to accept my situation.


My attention is on making the most of all that life puts before me. I...

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Affirmation: I Think My World is a Peaceful and Loving Place

affirmations May 15, 2021

My life is filled with love and peace.


I feel love the most when I love others. I am free of the need for perfection in others. I embrace human weaknesses. Love has a quality of loyalty that exists through good and bad times.

Just as flowers need the sun to survive, I require love to survive. My life is overflowing with love. I have every abundance I could ever need. I keep true love in my heart.


I spread love everywhere I go. Everyone that comes into contact with me leaves happier. I choose love because hate is too burdensome to bear.


Love is the thing that makes life worthwhile. A life without love lacks soul and meaning. I give the emotion of love the attention it deserves in my life. I ask myself how I can be more loving to those around me.


Kindness can be viewed as loving someone more than necessary. I value kindness in my life and seek out compassion from others. Kind words result in confidence. Kind thoughts create love.


My life is peaceful...

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Affirmation: I Experience Happy Feelings Daily

affirmations May 08, 2021

I am pleased that every day of my life, I experience happiness. I focus on finding joy at some point during the day. My reality is wonderful because I encounter so many things that bring about happiness.


Each morning, I awaken with feelings of refreshment and wonder. I think about what my day might bring. Perhaps I can see an old friend today. Maybe this is the day that the love of my life surprises me with something special. As the sun rises, my joy is just beginning.


Even though some things that make me happy are momentary, I know I have lots of incentives to be happy. I work to keep those reasons fresh in my mind each day.


My husband's affection, the pleasure of watching my nieces and nephews grow, the fascination with my work, and the unknown factors to come into my life all make me feel happy.


My delight of the day keeps my spirits high. I smile to myself because I feel appreciation for my life and this day. The joy I feel this second reminds me of...

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Affirmation: I Make the Most Out Life Ā 

affirmations May 01, 2021

I believe my life is a precious gift. Every day brings me a fresh opportunity to accomplish my dreams and appreciate the beauty surrounding me.


Routine physical activities and good quality nutrition keep my body in shape and strong. Keeping myself in top shape provides me the ability to honor God’s temple and my life.


Logic exercises sharpen my reasoning skills.


Spiritual practices add to my insight and resolve to make good choices.


Forming priorities permits me to drive my life to the results I want. I focus my hard work on what I know is meaningful.


Spending moments with family and friends gives me a sense of love and connection. Dedicating my talents to meaningful work helps me to build self-esteem while I contribute to society.


The more I consider my surroundings, the more treasures I discover.


I believe education is a lifelong process. I delight in learning.


I travel to meet others and get a renewed perspective on my...

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Affirmation: I See that My Present is Great, and the Future Looks Bright

affirmations Apr 24, 2021

I have many things to be thankful for in my life. I count my blessings.


I think that my life is wonderful. I am grateful for all the positive things that are happening in the here and now. My present life only continues to get better. I make an effort each day to list the things for which I am grateful.


My future looks even brighter. I awaken every morning with enthusiasm and anticipation for whatever the new day may bring. The positive steps I have already taken almost guarantee that the most amazing parts of my life are yet to come.


I visualize my future for a few minutes each day. I focus on that image to produce the most compelling future possible. My confidence soars, and I know that my dreams are coming to fruition.


I know in my heart that the forecast for my future is bright and sunny.


My emotions and my life are connected. One feeds the other. I choose to see the good things in my life and be happy about them.


With such a fulfilling...

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Affirmation: I Reconnect with Nature and Invigorate My Spirit

affirmations Apr 17, 2021

Nature energizes my spirit and my life. I enjoy my connection to nature. The outdoors helps me regain my focus.


I can disconnect from my busy lifestyle so that I can reconnect with nature. 


Modern society challenges my relationship with nature. I put aside my technology to focus on the incredible, natural splendor all around me. I take time to walk outdoors to be grateful for the majesty of the animals and plants.


I pay attention to the rhythm of nature during my outings. I listen to the sounds that envelop me. I observe the connections between plants and animals. All of these beautiful elements raise my spirit.


My spirit feels vibrant while I delve into nature.


I easily re-establish my relationship with nature, even when I have been away from it for a time. I try not to stay away too long because nature is essential to my soul. It makes me healthy, serene, and strong.


Nature unlocks a channel in my heart that embraces love. It helps...

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Affirmation: I Discover and Experience the Beauty Around Me

affirmations Apr 10, 2021

As long as I allow myself to see the beauty surrounding me, my life is enhanced a hundred-fold. Therefore I strive to release any negative thoughts and feelings that can blind me from this beauty.


Beauty abounds in my loved ones and my relationships with them. Each one has its unique beauty, unlike anyone else. I see this beauty in their smile, feel it in their caress, and hear it in their song of life.


They share their beauty in their hopes, dreams, and aspirations. I listen and am lifted as I encourage them. When I feel down, they let their beauty shine through to bring me back up again.


I find beauty in everyday things - a wildflower lifting its bloom through the rocky soil, the puppy that greets me with glee, the crystals of the morning dew, and the soft comfort of my bed at the end day.


Even humdrum routines bring the beauty of their own. When I get something done at work, it is a beautiful thing! When I make a tasty dinner, that is beautiful also,...

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Affirmation: I Release Joy Everywhere I Go Ā 

affirmations Apr 03, 2021

How I deal with the world each day largely determines the kind of day I have and the quality of connections I experience. So I make a conscious decision daily to be cheerful. I strive to spread joy.


Because I prefer that people positively affect me, I want to do the same for everyone I come into contact with too. This means managing my mood and ensuring that I stay positive.


However, to have something to share with others, my cup must be full. So I also tend to my joy by engaging in interests that satisfy me. This helps uplift my mood and empowers my approach to life to be filled with joy and passion.


I do my best to both uplift others and be uplifted by individuals I meet. Life is more pleasant when I am in the company of happy people. To boost the spirits of others, I am joyful and spread happiness and positivity among those around me as much as I can.


Today, I promise to put all my effort into releasing joy everywhere I go. I stay on top of my moods so...

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Affirmation: I Make Time for Things that Bring me Joy

affirmations Mar 27, 2021

Life can be overwhelming. Work is busy. My home life is hectic. And my social calendar is full. So I make conscious decisions to schedule free time to engage in activities that fulfill me.


I understand that I am the only one responsible for ensuring I do things that bring me joy. It may be spending time with my husband, going out with my friends, playing a game with my child, or just having some “me” time.


The more joy I experience, the better prepared I am to make it through the challenging moments in life.


I attempt to end my days by engaging in activities that bring me comfort and solace. I often read a book, paint a picture, or watch an old movie to relax. I might call my parents or a close friend.


I take part in actions that make me smile or laugh. I am excited and happy to spend time doing my favorite things. I know I am blessed.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How much spare time do I have daily, on average?
  2. When was the last time I...
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