Affirmation: I Am Happy Becaue Life Provides Abundant Opportunities For Laughter

affirmations Jun 13, 2020

I know laughter is good for both my body and mind. I make a point of developing humor within my life.


Occasionally humor comes to me in flashy neon pink, billboard-style, and cannot be ignored. But most of the time, laughter in my life springs from ordinary things: a toddler discovering to kick a ball or a dog chasing his tail.


I slow down and notice what is going on around me to not miss those moments.


If my niece paints her face with her mom's lipstick, I can wail about the waste or moan about the necessary clean-up. Or I can laugh at her youthful folly and grab a camera, opting to relish this moment.


I can select to laugh at myself, too. I keep away from taking myself too seriously and keep small frustrations in perspective by seeing the humor in occasional mishaps.


My clear enjoyment of life makes me more welcoming to others and leads to healthier and more productive relationships.


I release the notion that life must always be serious. I...

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Affirmation: I Feel Safe and Happy in My Home

affirmations Jun 06, 2020

I enjoy my home. It is my place of refuge. I sense physical and emotional comfort from the moment I walk through my front door.


It is home, sweet home to me.


My home is in a great location for me. Work, family, and friends are all conveniently close. I am proud to live here and feel grateful whenever I arrive home. I live in a safe location and feel secure.


I enjoy the external appearance of my home. I like the floorplan and have all the space I need. I even have a pleasant yard for fun outside activities. I enjoy my home!


My home is just right for entertaining my friends and family. It is a warm and inviting place. I enjoy having company, and they enjoy spending time in my home.


After a long, demanding day, I look forward to going home. I keep my home neat, tidy, and pleasant, so it has an inviting atmosphere. I instantly feel better when I step inside my home and close the door behind me.


My home is decorated tastefully in a style that I...

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Affirmation: I Understand that a Peaceful Soul Makes the Most of Any Situation

affirmations May 30, 2020

There are very few things that rattle my sense of contentment because it comes from within. “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world,” John 16:33. I have a peaceful soul. 


When faced with a hindrance, I successfully navigate it with a calm mindset. It is easy to avoid being shaken by adversity when I commit to having inner peace.


I use that centered existence to think of solutions carefully. My mind is more open to finding answers when my soul is unstirred.


Until I can achieve the outcome that I am looking for, I find value in the situation that I am in at the moment. I know that I can be effective regardless of what is happening around me. There is an inner purpose that is rarely impacted by outside forces.


At the end of each day, I am sure of living the day with purpose and will. The gift of life produces the desire...

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Affirmation: I Exemplify Joy in Every Circumstance

affirmations May 23, 2020

Joy is my steady state of mind. I could certainly give in to feelings of anger, guilt, or sadness, but I feel so much better when I am happy. And because I think positively about life, I radiate joy, which in turn comes back to me.


In any situation, I take a minute to look at the value of my circumstances. I believe that there is a wealth of lessons and knowledge to be found everywhere. These teachings, whether positive or negative, help to shape me into a better person. Being the best person I can be, fills me with joy.


True happiness also means nurturing the well-being of my family. I pay attention to the impact my actions have on those that I love.


When my child gets injured or has a falling-out with a friend, I put on my nurturing hat. I offer support and unconditional love. The healing I see when my child’s face lights up again is more than enough to make me happy.


I know I am truly at peace when every breath I take brings fulfillment. My...

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Affirmation: I Laugh Because Encouraging Others Makes Me Happy

affirmations May 16, 2020

I discover many opportunities to impact the lives of others daily. I live in a world filled with others trying just as hard as I am to live their best life. Therefore, I seek to do my part when it comes to encouraging them.


I introduce myself when I encounter someone new. I look for ways I can reach out. Touching someone’s life is very important to me because it enhances my connections with them.


It is fulfilling to know that I affect others in ways that make their lives easier.


One method of impacting others is by offering encouragement. I believe that everyone needs as much encouragement as possible. To encourage is to give hope to someone or inspire them with confidence. Encouragement makes us continue working towards whatever we wish to accomplish.


I encourage others to achieve their goals whenever possible.


I feel thankful that something I can easily do means so much to those who I encounter. I am happy that I have the power to give...

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Affirmation: I am Self-Reliant and Hold Realistic Expectations of Others

affirmations May 09, 2020

As I awaken, I am thankful for the new day and confident in managing the duties I must do today. I efficiently handle my work and home life so that both run smoothly.


I have a feeling of satisfaction, knowing that I can succeed on my own. My self-reliance gives me independence and permits me to live a life corresponding to my principles.


I am making it on my own, so I maintain reasonable expectations of others.


If I need something fixed at my house, I hire a professional rather than burdening my friends. I appreciate that everyone has families and responsibilities. Everyone deserves downtime.


I know that my responsibilities are mine alone. I trust myself to get the job completed effectively because I am confident in my success. I prosper through my hard work and take accountability for my life choices.


Because I am self-reliant and appraise each situation with a strong dose of levelheadedness, I am more contented than ever! It is not easy to...

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Affirmation: I am Made Stronger Out of Adversity

affirmations May 02, 2020

I know life is hard. I acknowledge that as part of the natural order of things. If I did not have hard times, I could not be grateful for the complete joy of good times.


I am reminded of the famous declaration, "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger!" Even if I feel I cannot bear any more, I persevere. I come out of the situation, seeing that I am stronger than before.


As my body is strengthened through exercise, my character is strengthened through adversities. Challenges apply pressure on me and make me feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. But each adversity I overcome makes it less complicated for me to kick off the weight of the next one.


Overcoming adversities brings me the confidence to face new challenges as well. If I did it once, twice, or many times, I know I can do it again!


Because of experience, I also know with certainty that "this, too, shall pass." It gives me the strength to continue no matter what the circumstances.


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Affirmation: I Am Free from Anger and Remorse

affirmations Apr 25, 2020

I live my life free of anger and remorse because I choose to deal with situations as they arise. I avoid the tendency to prevent conditions that cause me pain. I know tackling them upfront will help me get to the origin of problems immediately before they can take root and grow.


If I am offended, I talk over my feelings with the person involved. I am not interested in laying blame, but I attempt to be open and honest, sharing how I feel in the wake of their actions. I speak out of a need for greater understanding and respect.


If I upset someone, I express regret with a sincere heart. I release my pride as well as any wish for revenge.


Rarely is an issue one person's fault entirely. I oppose the idea that the other person must approach me before I can forgive or ask for forgiveness. After all, I cannot change anyone else.


I can only take the blame for my actions. But, I am ready to ask for forgiveness and seek understanding, even when I feel that the other...

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Affirmation: I Listen Because Words of the Wise Empower Me to Stay Grounded

affirmations Apr 18, 2020

I value wise counseling.


Wise words in times of confusion empower me to stay grounded like an anchor for a ship. Instead of being swayed by every wave that comes my way, I ask for the advice of knowledgeable people who truly care for me.


Seeking wisdom keeps me from drifting in the vast sea of opportunities. I pay attention to my trusted advisers and respect their advice. I take advantage of their ideas as a springboard for forming my conclusions.


Listening to words of the wise protects me from needless hazards. Life is too short to be taught every lesson from personal experiences. I save myself time and anguish if I learn from varied past experiences of others.


Counseling helps me deal with life changes free from fear. I request counseling for a range of circumstances. Whether personal or career-related, it does me good to take heed of the ideas of others.


When I am deeply engaged in a situation, and my emotions are high, it can be tricky to think...

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Affirmation: I AM Bettering my Future and Letting Go of the Past

affirmations Apr 11, 2020

I am fully mindful that the past is in the past. Therefore, I hold my chin up and move forward with no looking back.


I have no control over events that have already occurred in my life. However, I have control over my present and future. So, I assert my authority over my future by making sound decisions that allow me to live well today and in the coming days.


I take responsibility for my actions. Generally, the things I do bring positive experiences into my life. But, from time to time, I do make an unsound decision. When this happens, I dare to face the outcome of my actions.


I choose to learn from my difficulties, ensuring that the same mistake is never made twice. This in itself allows me to create a better future!


My possibilities are shining brightly! Rather than dreaming my days away, I make the most of each day by planting small seeds today to reap the rewards in the future.


Life is about making the most of what I have now while still...

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