Affirmation: I Treasure the Joy and Pleasure of Simple Things

affirmations Mar 20, 2021

The most beautiful and enjoyable things can be the simplest. While many others pursue enjoyment and pleasure in luxuries, I can find enjoyment in everyday things.


Something as simple as a tree, flower, laughing child, or song can be immensely enjoyable on many levels. Fortunately, these beautiful things are all around me. I only need to open my eyes and pay attention.


Even in troubling times, there are simple experiences to be enjoyed.


I live a peaceful, easy life. This allows me to see and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. It is more than just a choice. It is a lifestyle.



 I am constantly simplifying my life.

Many people spend precious time and energy chasing after extravagances. I know better. I choose to take advantage of the simple enjoyments to be found in life.


I reject those things that are unnecessarily complex. My ability to perceive is the only limit to my joy and pleasure. Yet, it is a generous limit as I am a highly...

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Affirmation: I Love My Life, and It is an Incredible Ride Ā 

affirmations Mar 13, 2021

As I look forward to each day, I ask myself what is going to happen. I reflect on the possibility of meeting new people and living another exciting day full of positive experiences.


I love my life. I work hard to create a home that fits me. I surround myself with people I love who bring joy and interest to my life. My spare time is filled with fulfilling activities. I even take a healthy risk to try new things and test my mettle from time to time.


Whenever I experience stressful situations, I close my eyes briefly and remind myself that this is a part of life. I tell myself to stand strong and ride out of the problem. Later on, after I make it through the troubling times, I recognize that those experiences contribute to the excitement and adventure of my life.


I realize that I must experience the lows of life also to feel the highs. Like riding the roller coaster at the county fair, there are times that I hold on as tight as I can to make it through the loops...

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Affirmation: I Let Peace Reign in My Heart

affirmations Mar 06, 2021

I enjoy happiness and serenity because I open my heart to peace.


I slow down. I take frequent breaks when I am working. I pause between tasks, so I can give myself time to transition. I eat mindfully, noticing my food and savoring each bite.


I clear away clutter. Organizing my surroundings reduces anxiety. I feel more grounded when I can see my desk.


I simplify my routines. I set priorities and scratch less urgent tasks off my to-do list. I look for more efficient ways to run errands and manage my finances. I spend less time watching TV and posting on social media.


I meditate on God's Word and pray. I pay attention to my breath and quiet my thoughts. I wish for peace for the world and myself. Peace reigns in my heart.


I connect with nature. I walk around the block at lunch or sit by a window where I can see the trees. I play softball in the park or grow vegetables in my backyard.


I practice acceptance. I accept reality instead of struggling...

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Affirmation: I Find Joy in Small Accomplishments

affirmations Feb 27, 2021

I celebrate every small win. I find joy even in tiny achievements. My acknowledgment of these small wins helps me achieve bigger ones. As I celebrate my success, I show gratitude and thank those who support me.


My small accomplishments help me see progress.


This progress gives me a boost and encourages me to keep going. It helps me feel that I accomplish important things.


I cross off each win on my path to a bigger picture.


I celebrate my accomplishments with my family and friends. Even a small win deserves a party.


I divide my goals into smaller pieces. This makes them more manageable and lets me celebrate each little accomplishment on the list. I see progress all the time. I help others shape their goals into reasonable parts.


Minor milestones help me see that success is within my reach.


They show that my work has meaning. They let me refine my objectives, so my goals are easier to achieve.


The joy I feel with each...

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Affirmation: I Know My Opinion Matters

affirmations Feb 20, 2021

 My opinions are valuable, valid, and relevant because I have a lifetime of experiences.


My opinions are just as important as everyone else’s. I have intelligent thoughts to share with the world. My thoughts and beliefs are insightful and meaningful. Others are grateful for my perspective and advice. I want to support others by letting them know what I think.


I am confident that my words possess the power to change lives.


My friends often seek my advice. I openly share my opinion on the situation we are discussing. My family members love to listen to my opinions. The things I say are important and interesting to them.


I feel comfortable voicing my opinion on any topic in all situations. I know my viewpoint is well-received and respected. Others enjoy listening to me talk and place a high value on the things I say. I enjoy speaking up and take every opportunity to share my thoughts.


When I feel like my opinion is unimportant, I remind...

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Affirmation: I Smile Becuase My Heart Remains Young

affirmations Feb 13, 2021

Age has little to do with the enthusiasm of my heart. I keep my heart lively by focusing on the significant issues in life. My heart remains young.


I take time to enjoy fun activities because doing so keeps my heart laughing. Appreciating the humor in life prevents me from being bogged down by its stresses. I can see what is important in my existence.


I choose friends based on their similarities of the heart. I avoid using age to determine someone's compatibility with me. Individuals who relish life hold a forever place in mine.


The timeless state of nature helps me to value every day on Earth. It helps me realize that being present at each moment maintains my heart. I focus on how nature restores itself and brings forth youth in an endless cycle. When something gets me down, I quickly get rid of it and concentrate on innovation.


Negativity has little place in my life. I maintain a healthy mind and soul by practicing positive living. I lean into God for...

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Affirmation: I am Happy that my Life is Simple and Complete

affirmations Feb 06, 2021

I find pleasure in simple things and simple life. Having a simple life has many advantages. Simplicity ensures that I can thoroughly enjoy my life.


I acquire and keep only the things that mean the most to me. Having too many possessions and commitments requires too much of my time, money, and energy. Yet, the value that they add to my life is little.


I focus on the most important people, things, and activities in my life. This lifestyle is most enjoyable to me.


It is easier to have a complete life when life is simple. Complex life has missing elements. The complexity always ensures that something is missing.


A simple life has the necessary room to make additions. Valuing a simple life means it is also easy to subtract things. Subtraction is more than easy because it is enjoyable. I am excited when I find a way to make my life even more simple.


A simple life has financial advantages, too. I only spend my money on those things that are necessities...

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Affirmation: I Dance Without Reservation

affirmations Jan 30, 2021

I celebrate life through dancing. As I dance, I release stress and let go of worries. I can move around, jump, shout and enjoy myself. I feel set free when I step on the dance floor.


I enjoy the effects of lifting my hands, moving to the beat, and throwing my head back. I release myself from fear of what people might say and let myself have a good time.


Dancing is enjoyable because it is an avenue for me to express a different side to my personality. If I hit the dance floor, I am looking to have a good time with my best girlfriends.


As I put my hands in the air, I allow worries to roll off my body. With every step I take, I overcome fears and negativity. Dancing offers me confidence and energy like nothing else.


Ecclesiastes 3:1-4 KJV

1 To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

2  A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;

3 A time to kill, and a time to...

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Affirmation: I Realize That my Happiness Depends on my Efforts

affirmations Jan 23, 2021

My efforts determine my happiness. Happiness is an achievement that is within my control. However, sometimes I need to work for it.


It takes discipline to be content. I trade fleeting pleasure for long-term satisfaction. Saving money for retirement gives me more peace of mind than splurging on fancy clothing and electronics. Going to the gym after work keeps me healthier than sitting around watching TV.


Perseverance is important. I plan for obstacles and find alternative ways to reach my goals.


I direct my efforts towards cultivating gratitude and finding happiness. I appreciate the love of my family and friends. I give thanks for my health. I practice forgiveness and let go of grudges that weigh me down. I engage in positive thinking and transform hardships into challenges.


I manage stress. Taking a walk clears my mind. Deep breathing dispels tension. Rest and meditating on God’s word restore me.


My dedication to my relationships contributes...

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Affirmation: I Allow the Simple Things In Life to Give Me Joy

affirmations Jan 16, 2021

Life can be both simple and fulfilling. The desire to make life more complex than needed is a source of discontent. The greatest things in life are simple and meaningful at the same time. Joy and pleasure are present in my life today.


Contentment with simple things is a sign that my ego is under control. I limit my desires to things that matter to me most.


Making simple things more complicated is a habit I avoid. I use my creativity to make the complex easier. When I do, I free my mind from concern, stress, and worry. Joy and pleasure are the results. I see the link between joy and simplicity all around.


I appreciate being alive. I enjoy being free.


Children have a wonderful and simple view of the world. I strive to adopt that same simple perspective.


An act as simple as smiling can transform someone's day. I look for simple actions that make a difference in my and others' lives. There is power in the simplest moments.


I seek simplicity. I...

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