Affirmation: I Can See that What I Do Makes a Difference

affirmations Jan 09, 2021

Even the little things matter. Everything I do makes a difference.


My actions set an example for others. My children are less likely to swear if I am careful about what I say in stressful situations. When I allow someone to go ahead of me in the grocery line, they may pass on a similar favor to someone else.


Each time I take a step forward, it brings me closer to my goals.


My choices are important. Choosing grits for breakfast instead of a donut puts me on track for eating healthy all day. Saving money each week provides me with the funds for unexpected home or car repairs.


We all face setbacks in life. My presence and support can cheer someone up when they need it most. I can reduce their burden by listening to their concerns or helping them find a solution.


Major achievements require teamwork. Even when I play a minor role, my efforts are significant. When I proofread a report or help out with simple tasks, I add to a useful presentation. It is...

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Affirmation: I acknowledge that I cannot control others. I can only control myself.

affirmations Jan 02, 2021

I let go of the tendency to control other people's thoughts, opinions, or actions. I focus on self-improvement. There is only one person I have control over - me!


I like it if people think well of me. But I release worry about what they might think. It is a waste of my time and energy and causes me unnecessary anxiety. I do my best, and I know that is all I can do. I understand this. Moreover, I am fine with it.


I abide by the Golden Rule (Do unto others as you would have them do unto you). I stay true to myself. I am sure most people think well of me. I refuse to let it distract me if they do not.


I like understanding I am in control of my actions, behaviors, and thoughts. It takes the burden off my shoulders to know that the only person I need to control is me. What an uplifting revelation!


I have gratitude bringing me joy.


I have a zeal for life that enables me to enjoy every minute of every day by simply living in those moments.


I have...

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Affirmation: I Let Go of My Doubts for the Future

affirmations Dec 26, 2020

I look forward to the future with faith and confidence. When the future brings joy, I welcome it. When it brings challenges, I know that I possess the inner power and resilience to conquer them through God. As a result, I am set free from worry.


When I am at the base of a curved stairway, I am not reluctant to take the first step since I cannot see the top! If I get in my car to go somewhere, I do not fear what I encounter on my journey!


In the same way, I push ahead with my life and accomplish goals, even if I cannot see my entire journey ahead of time.


I avoid worrying over what might come. Even in today’s environment, with an intense political climate and a recession in full bloom, I can prevent fret. In its place, I seek solutions and focus on what I CAN DO to experience the life I desire.


One point I can accomplish is to live in the moment. When I am focused on the moment, I do not worry about the past or future. There is only right now! I...

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Affirmation: I Am Mentally Strong, Even Through the Busy Holidays

affirmations Dec 19, 2020

I am strong. I am happy while I am busy, and I have no fear. I challenge myself to achieve a lot during the holidays because I enjoy the fulfillment it gives me. I like to do things each day.


Spending time with family and friends is essential to me. I enjoy the time with others and realize that it helps me to stay happy.


If I am active, worries and stress leave my mind. I push any cares away and focus on the many tasks at hand. As I come to be more focused, I see my enjoyment of the present moment growing. I stay mentally sharp and happy no matter what life throws my way. I understand the significance of peace.


Remaining peaceful and strong is a choice I make. I am the controller of my thoughts. Holiday tasks that used to frighten or upset me excite me today. I take on each challenge as I come to it and stay mentally strong. I welcome these obstacles and embrace them each time they appear.


Instead of attempting to avoid them, facing challenges is one of...

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Affirmation: I Know The Holidays Bring Out the Joy of Family Time

affirmations Dec 12, 2020

I look forward to the holidays. Spending time with my loved ones is even more enjoyable when everyone is around. Special seasons allow the wider family to get together. I love catching up with those I do not see throughout the rest of the year.


There is a lot to catch up on when my family gathers during the holidays. Spending hours hearing about how my family’s lives are unfolding is memorable.

I love playing board games and watching old Christmas movies with cousins. It reminds me of happy times together as kids. The memories last a lifetime and only become more engrained with each holiday get-together.


Watching my family members gather in one place reminds me of how extended my support base is. I feel privileged to have that many people rooting for me.


Every year we spend holidays together can teach the younger generation the value of family and friendship.


My family story runs deeper than simple years of existence. It speaks to how we contribute...

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Affirmation: I Believe Holidays are for Sharing Kindness and Love

affirmations Dec 05, 2020

When kindness is shared, it is immediately multiplied. I look forward to opportunities to give.


Various holidays focus on the importance of togetherness and love. One of the highest forms of love is sharing what I have with others. It feels good to share kindness and love as well as material things.


I always invite others to spend time with my family for the Christmas holiday. When someone is alone, I introduce them to a spirit of community. And, gathering the family together is one of the special draws of the Christmas season. 


Giving of my time is a small way to share love and kindness with others. I do it to make others feel good. It gives me joy to be a factor in the happiness of someone who has less than I do.


Volunteering at a shelter is a regular activity for me around the holidays. It reminds me to be grateful for what I have in my life.


Shifting the focus from myself to others is a humbling experience that keeps me grounded. I realize...

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Affirmation: I Stop, Breathe, and Enjoy my Life

affirmations Nov 28, 2020

All the possessions on Earth mean nothing to me if I cannot take time to enjoy them. In my pursuit of success, I take time to stop, take a breath, and make the most of the occasions that life has given to me.


I let go of all feelings of guilt for taking time out for me. I know that I will be more productive down the road if I take regular time to rest and enjoy what I have earned.

Taking time to relax and play also increases my creativity.


My best ideas come to me when I am relaxed and at peace. By allowing myself to disengage from the stress and routines of everyday life, I allow doorways in my mind to swing open that would have otherwise remained sealed tightly shut had I stayed at my desk.


Also, what I have gained means nothing unless I make time to share it.


A freezer full of food is just a box of dinners. Sure, it brings security to me to know that I will not be hungry, but it does little for me beyond that. But once I invite family and friends...

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Affirmation: I Know All Activities that I Accomplish are Rooted in Thanksgiving

affirmations Nov 21, 2020

My day-to-day activities are intentional. I prefer to move through life with a thankful attitude. That focus allows me to maintain a positive mindset. All activities that I accomplish are rooted in thanksgiving


As I step into my office every day, I tell myself that having this job is a luxury. Being thankful for this occupation gives me the motivation to work diligently.


Before I welcome my friends, I express gratitude that I can see them and communicate with them. My initial statements set a positive tone for our conversations.


The simple blessings in life are apparent to me with every step that I make. I move deliberately and with enthusiasm as I am blessed with the capability to walk. I stay away from moping around even when I am feeling down. A spirit of thankfulness guides my steps.


Giving thanks is a genuine part of my life. I celebrate occasions to show my thankful mindset. Acknowledging goodness in life allows me to live happily and peacefully.


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Affirmation: I Release any Anger Through my Soul

affirmations Nov 14, 2020

I consider decisions with a calm manner and a serene attitude. I live in a positive mindset that presumes success. Even when I feel frustrated, I manage each situation with grace and composure.


Those I love feel a refreshing peace in the storms of life as I respond calmly and efficiently to them.


I have power over anger. I quickly overcome feelings of ire and replace them with moderation. I focus on solutions rather than challenges.


I discover more and more about who I am and about my capabilities daily. Instead of feeling helpless and annoyed when things are less than optimal, I solicit help and build a support system to get the job accomplished.


I deal with negative feelings quickly and decisively. I learn the lessons the negative feelings bring, and I promptly discard them in favor of more positive thoughts.


Life is too beautiful to stay angry for very long. I cherish every moment of my life. I readily release anger from my soul and change it to...

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Affirmation: I Understand that Communication of My Feelings is Important

affirmations Nov 07, 2020

Because I know that relationships cannot flourish without understanding and communication, I share my honest feelings with the special people in my life.


I know there is a possibility of the other person misinterpreting or even get angry. But I am convinced that we can work through these hitches and use them to develop deeper relationships with communication.


It is a wonderful thing to be happy, content, and peaceful. When I feel that way, I am more than pleased to share my good feelings.


I also acknowledge that life is often far too challenging to be in a perpetually happy state, and I will not pretend for the sake of keeping the waters calm.


I strive for genuineness in my relationships. I would like those I love to know they can come to me if they are hurt or upset. I set a precedent by being accessible to them and sharing my fears, worries, and struggles along the way.


I recognize that some people in life are merely polite when they ask how...

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