Affirmation: I Cleanse my Body, Mind, and Spirit, By Letting Go

affirmations Apr 04, 2020

I let go. It is a freeing process to renew me. The old me steps aside when I release my inhibitions and awaken anew. I must let go of many things in my life to open myself to blessings in store for me.


Letting go of all anxiety and stress cleanses my mind. As I let go of my worries, I have peace of mind and tranquility in my soul. I am empowered when I surrender control because my mind is free from tension’s corruptive power.


I let go of all emotional wounds of my past so that I can cleanse my spirit. No matter whatever is behind me, I step forward into a better day. I oppose evil thoughts and replace them with faith and trust. And I know my present and future hold the best days of my life.


To cleanse my body, I scrutinize my diet and make necessary changes. I eliminate fatty and unhealthy foods. I eat fruits, vegetables, and other food rich in nutrients and vitamins. My body is free from alcohol, drugs, and other toxins. My lungs are free from smoke. I...

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Affirmation: I Stand Up for Myself if Others Try to Tear Me Down

affirmations Mar 28, 2020

I know that there is a distinct difference between being nice to others and being a pushover. For this reason, when I feel offended by others' comments and feel as if their comments are mean-spirited, I stand up for myself.


I am the type of woman that likes to avoid conflict. I normally tend to agree with others basically for the sake of dodging an awkward situation. Though a lot of people might not be fond of these personality traits, I find them to work just fine for me.


But, my attempts to avoid conflict are discontinued when others intentionally try to tear me down. I need a right to stand up for myself. I make it a point to put others in line if they say something that hurts my feelings.


I love to live in harmony. But if I choose to let others walk all over me, I pay the price emotionally later. So, I choose to protect myself by standing up for myself. When someone attacks my competence or negatively affects my emotions, I prefer to say something.



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Affirmation: I Realize that Living a Positive Lifestyle is My Defense Against Anger

affirmations Mar 21, 2020

I strongly think that anger repels happiness. I cannot grasp living a happy, full life if it is also filled with anger.


From a logical standpoint, I think that happiness repels anger just as easily as rage repels contentment. So, I remove anger from my life by only living in a satisfying manner rich with joy.


According to the law of attraction, good attracts good, and bad attracts bad. The first step to deterring anger from my life is becoming an overall positive person. Daily, I move toward greater positivity.


If I feel anger creeping up, I take a minute and breathe quietly to gather my thoughts.


Negative reactions can lead to negative outcomes. Therefore I foster positive thoughts and tell myself I am above stooping to a level of negativity.


I encircle myself with positive people. I nurture relationships in my life. By promoting these relationships, I generate additional positivity in my life.


I also take time for myself. I indulge in...

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Affirmation: I Can Say “No” and Forgive Myself for Trying to Do It All

affirmations Mar 14, 2020

Saying “No” to others is easier as I take better command of my life. I no longer am lost in the confusion of struggling to carry out every task for everybody. I free myself from attempting to please people as I learn to say “No”.


The power of “No” frees me!


When my schedule is full, and someone asks me to do something I cannot do, I say “No”. I prevent the stress of trying to do too much by utilizing a planner and scheduling tasks.


When someone requests my help with something I do not yet understand how to accomplish, I make clear that a person with the right skill set for this task could help them better than I. This prevents me from aiming to do the impossible and being unsuccessful in my promise.


When I am called upon to miss my time with my family to help out someone else, I can respectfully refuse, knowing that my family is my main concern. Saying “No” to others offers me the time I need...

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Affirmation: I Am Quick to Forget Offenses

affirmations Mar 07, 2020

When someone hurts me, I promptly forget it and move on. I am worthy of a life free from hatred and resentment. My life abounds in grace and mercy.


When I make a mistake, I love forgiveness. The sensation of receiving a second chance is sweeter than honey. I treat people in ways that I would want to be treated; so, I provide those who hurt me with a second chance.


Persistent offenses cloud my vision like a winter haze. If I let go of the past, the light of forgiveness disperses the fog and clears my point of view. As an alternative to putting people under a critical microscope, I can relish the friendship.


I prefer to see the best in the people around me and believe it is good within them. Regardless of what a person previously did to me, I free my mind to them with no objections.


If I have anxiety moving past an offense and handling the individual with grace, I shift my point of view. I strive to see them the way their loved ones see them and the way...

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Affirmation: I Can Learn From the Differences I Have with Others

affirmations Feb 29, 2020

Differences are part of the Creator’s gift. I am so appreciative that I have been given a unique set of skills. When I think about the talents of others, I am grateful that there are so many differences in the world.


Even when I disagree with other’s thoughts or actions, I do not take these differences personally. I am glad some people experience the world in a way that is different from mine. This lets people see solutions that might be hard to recognize or contribute ideas that might not have entered my mind.


Because people are so unique, our world is a better place. How dull would it be if everyone and everything in this world were identical? When I think about that, I can find the great beauty in the world today.


I see myself as a kid coloring an image. Instead of filling all the lines in one color, I use the whole crayon box to draw inside and outside the lines. Every color and shade, however distinct, enhances more depth to the...

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Affirmation: I Develop More Patience with Myself and Others Daily

affirmations Feb 22, 2020

My tolerance for myself and others grows each day as I release unrealistic expectations, and develop patience.


I am accepting and forgiving of myself. I continue to have more patience daily by simply living in the present and letting go of the impossible. My acceptance and leniency of others have increased as well by releasing expectations I place on them.


If I create impossible expectations for myself or others, I set us all up for failure. Having extreme expectations is my mind's effort to control the uncontrollable. By releasing the need to control, I can let go of my expectations and be myself.


I focus, instead, on facing what develops in my life from a fresh viewpoint. I am ready for all life brings my way without setting limitations. Concentrating on appreciating the journey permits me to be more understanding and accepting and, therefore, more loving and thoughtful. In this way, I can enhance my love for myself and others.


Today I concentrate...

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Affirmation: I Am a Better Me Now Because I Overcame Conflict in the Past

affirmations Feb 15, 2020

I am a strong and more confident woman since I can overcome conflict. I make a conscious decision to examine difficulties, not run from them. I can also stand my ground.


I am the woman I am now because of everything that has occurred in my life. My experiences have allowed me to be braver, stronger, and look at things from a fresh perspective. I learn from difficulties and succeed.


Many people have conflicts in their life. I am no exception. However, I refuse to be a victim, nor do I allow the conflict to affect me adversely. I choose, instead, to conquer all disputes.


I have the option to let the conflict win or to overcome the conflict and be victorious. I decide to conquer.


I can survive all that life throws at me, and I make the most of all opportunities. I continually apply what I have learned to make my life what I want it to be.


I lend my experience and strength to others so that they may also be victors over their conflicts.


Today, I...

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Affirmation: I Open Myself to Experience All Feelings

affirmations Feb 08, 2020

I permit myself to be open to my feelings, good and bad. I realize positive and negative emotions are parts of our lives. By staying open to both, I stay emotionally balanced.


If I open myself to go through all feelings, I will know some negative ones. What goes up must come down. There will be good; there will also be bad. It is the way of keeping a balance. But, in my life, good far outweighs bad.


I accept that I have feelings like anger, grief, regret, and sadness. I also enjoy positive feelings of confidence, happiness, joy, and peace.


I will not permit negative feelings to construct a wall and block out all emotions. I know it is far more worthwhile to feel everything.


Today I gladly experience all my feelings. If bad things transpire, I acknowledge the emotions and deal with them positively.


By staying open and accepting all emotions, I healthily deal with them. This lets me stay open and honest with myself and others.



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Affirmation: I Establish Positive Habits in Life

affirmations Feb 01, 2020

I know habits are patterns of behavior that are automatic responses or actions. This takes place after doing a specific routine for a duration of time until it becomes instinctive. I have had many habits during my life. 


By focusing on healthy and productive routines each day, I begin to create positive habits. Nourishing my body with healthy foods every morning is a healthy habit I maintain each day. Setting aside time each day for self-reflection and prayer has also become a positive habit in my life.


My character is made stronger by positive habits. These habits have become a part of me. I am a stronger and healthier person because of my healthy routines. I continue to create healthy behaviors and habits, leading to my positive transformation and growth. I become healthier as I practice my healthy routines.


Today, I honor my existing positive habits and continue them because they are a part of who I am. I create more positive behaviors and continue doing...

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