Affirmation: I Let the Seasons Inspire Me to Accept Change

affirmations Nov 16, 2019

Sometimes I would like to defy change. I find comfort in my routines. Things move smoothly, and I quickly anticipate the usual obstacles. However, when I look outside, I see a world in constant flux. I am reminded that the world is always changing and adapting.


These cycles of change encourage me to change and adapt as well.


Spring brings change. Life is green, growing, and abundant. Opportunities abound. I seek spring forms in my life: new challenges to overcome and build upon, the ability to create new relationships, and methods of improving my life.


During summer and fall, I reap the benefits of spring's new occurrences. I revel in the warmth of achievement.


Winter is cold but necessary. In my life, winter is a period of rest and forethought. I wisely use this time to relax, and I look forward to planting new seeds in the spring.


Even my day is cyclical, like the seasons. When I wake, I see new beginnings, like the budding leaves on a tree. The...

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Affirmation: I Have Good Things Happen To Me Because I Live With Positive Expectations

affirmations Nov 09, 2019

Positive thinking results in positive experiences. There is a direct connection between my expectations and experiences. I am encouraged to keep my thoughts on good things.


Having positive expectations means knowing that my hard work and effort result in great payoffs.


I maintain a positive view of the people I interact with daily. I let others know that I think highly of them. This approach results in mutual respect and healthy relationships.


Having healthy relationships means experiencing successful collaboration. I let my coworkers know how much faith I have in their abilities. Doing this encourages them to give their best effort, resulting in impressive projects.


Sometimes I feel overwhelmed, but I avoid throwing my hands in the air. I remind myself that I am blessed.


I know that expecting blessings results in them coming in wonderful proportions. I spend my time focusing on the things I can change and allow everything else to unfold as...

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Affirmation: I am Prepared for New Experiences While I Travel

affirmations Nov 02, 2019

My life is an open path to new experiences on my trips. I embrace new ideas and challenges while I travel.


I remain open to new possibilities in my world.  


My vacation is a wonderful opportunity to experience new adventures. Each day provides exciting new prospects, and I avoid letting fear or anxiety stop my pursuit.


New experiences are always within my reach while I travel, as long as I allow myself to try new things. My choices affect what I experience, so I am careful about my decisions.


I can balance new ideas with my old beliefs during a vacation. I embrace the education from each new concept I find. Different cultures and languages provide valuable lessons about the world around me. I am enriched with this new knowledge.


I appreciate the different lifestyles I encounter while on vacation. I make new friends. I pick up new tips and advice. And I learn from their cultural backgrounds and histories.


My travels help me appreciate...

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Affirmation: I conquer any challenge with my spiritual beliefs

affirmations Oct 26, 2019

The weight of challenges lifts off my shoulders when I seek spiritual guidance.


I can take all my hardships and challenging times in stride because I rely on spiritual guidance to keep me strong.


Some of my most challenging experiences serve as life lessons instead of hindrances because I accept wisdom from a higher place.


When I feel weighed down by emotional gloom, I pull myself out of it with the assistance that comes through my faith. I know that I receive happiness and peace, so I lean on that belief to propel me to a better emotional place.


I view family challenges as blessings because they teach me to embrace my loved ones regardless of the circumstances. I pray for spiritual calmness to see the path I need to take to resolve the issue.


The weight of challenges grows continuously lighter as I rely more and more on the spiritual path that guides me. I know I support a more extraordinary being, and I lean on that support when it feels like I...

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Affirmation: I am grateful for all the beautiful places I have seen in my life.

affirmations Oct 19, 2019

It is easy for women to get caught up in negative thought patterns and focus on bad times in their lives instead of the good. That is where gratitude affirmations come into play.


Gratitude affirmations can change your life.

Today, we will talk about the importance of Gratitude Affirmations to increasing your overall life satisfaction.

Expressing gratitude is a crucial part of feeling happiness. There are many mental and physical benefits to being grateful daily. One of the easiest ways to build this simple practice is using gratitude affirmations.



>Are you thankful for the small things in your life? 
>Do you remind yourself of how blessed you are to be alive?
>Do you see the beauty in being able to create your Future?

Daily gratitude affirmations like these above are some of the best ways to appreciate your life and improve overall life satisfaction. 
Doing so allows you to completely transform your...

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Affirmation: I Happily Know How to Write an Affirmation

It is that time of year again when millions of women are setting New Year's resolutions, in an effort to transform their lives. 

If you just take this approach, sadly, the odds are stacked against you. Chances are the resolutions you are so passionate about right now, will not last out the month. 

Instead of helping you change your life and accomplish your goals, you will soon be back into your old routines and habits. 


Unless you take a different approach...

This year, if you are trying to make a healthy lifestyle change, I invite you to consider an alternative- try an affirmation instead.


Goals are something you want to accomplish that includes taking actionable steps to achieve them.

Resolutions are statements of intent. Affirmations are statements of 'truth'.

Have you ever stopped to think about the subtle differences between those things? 


Setting goals mobilizes us toward grand achievements and new experiences.

New year's resolutions...

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Affirmation: On the Pursuit of Lifetime Happiness

affirmations Oct 05, 2019

Are you seeking happiness? Do you look around for someone or something to come along and make you happy? Most women have things right in front of us every day that would make us deliriously happy if only we let them. Does this describe you?


Happiness does not need to be created for us. It exists within us, and it is up to us to choose to be happy.


Happiness is achievable by anyone, so long as they want it. If you do not want to be happy, you will not be. If you wish to change your life and find the happiness you have been searching for, you can do just that!


A great way to find happiness each day is to permit yourself to concentrate on the positive instead of the negative. It takes training, but as soon as you come to be skilled at it, the rewards are a sheer joy!


Affirmations of Happiness


Happiness affirmations are tools you can use to help you reach happiness.


What is a happiness affirmation? The concept is a simple one, really, and it all...

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