Affirmation: I Know Seeing the Big Picture in My Mind Helps Me to be More Patient

affirmations Oct 31, 2020

Thinking about the big picture is a source of strength for me. It sustains my hope. Concentrating on the whole situation reminds me that every action, decision, and sacrifice I make today shapes my future.


Tedious parts of everyday living grow to be less trivial if I think about them in light of the big picture. When I consider my fundamental purpose, I am patient and begin to appreciate the seemingly insignificant happenings in my life.


Occasionally, I may grow weary because my dreams are not coming true in the way I hoped. Fear tries to make itself at home in my mind, but it cannot linger because I keep my eyes on the prize.


I focus on the goal so that I press on with endurance. I enjoy the peace that my best days remain ahead of me. Being patient is painless when I remember that life is about so much more than just the current situation I find myself in.


Each day is a speck in the grand scheme of things compared to the fulfillment and joy awaiting me....

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Affirmation: I Allow Myself to Say "No"

affirmations Oct 24, 2020

I can say "No" to requests I do not feel comfortable with doing. Occasionally, people expect too much from others. I love to help people. However, I know I cannot say "Yes" to every person all the time. It is acceptable and healthy to say "No" sometimes.


Even if I said "No," I still care for those people to whom I said it. "No" is not a sign of my sentiments for the person who made the request. Saying "No" is about preserving my happiness, joy, and peace instead of giving them away to please others.


Folks still love me when I say "No" to them. They know why I sometimes have to decline their request. I am able to take good care of the folks I love without agreeing to everything they ask of me. I understand that it is okay to say "No."


Saying "No" can be healthy. By saying "No," I safeguard my happiness and peace of mind. I say "Yes" when I can, "No" when I cannot, and that is perfectly fine with me. Others welcome my honesty.


I still feel good about myself...

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Affirmation: I Keep My Composure Even In Heated Situations

affirmations Oct 17, 2020

I maintain my composure and respond gracefully in heated situations. I am sometimes faced with enraging problems, but reacting negatively would only worsen the situation.


The circumstance that I find myself in is less critical than how I respond to it. I can only control my behaviors. I have tons of life experience under my belt. So, I developed the necessary maturity to hold myself together in tough situations.


Occasionally, when the situation gets too heated, I find it safest to walk away. I prefer to be the bigger person and react in a calm, cool, collected way. By walking away from a situation before it gets out of control, I have time to gain y composure and diffuse my emotions.


One more method I like to use is simply kindness. As an adage says, "you can attract more flies with honey than you can with vinegar."


This reaction may upset those who love to argue. But I do not have time in my life for drama. So, I instantly detachment myself from these...

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Affirmation: I Have Courage that Launches Me Above My Fears

affirmations Oct 10, 2020

Fear is a healthy, natural emotion necessary for survival. Instead of folding in the face of fear, I utilize it to stir my courage. Fear renders it possible for me to experience a degree of bravery stored inside of me.


Courage is the presence of action amid fear. My courage brings me above my fears and into a place where dreams come true. Because of courage, my heart is bursting with bold hope.


I annul the power of fear in my life, which tries to dictate my actions. With faith illuminating the way, I take risks beyond everything I have accomplished before. I shake off timidity from lack of confidence and change it to courage. 


I dare to dream outside of the limits set on me from my childhood. I do not believe negative words voiced about me as a child. I think my Creator has greater purposes for my life.


I seek to know my purpose with a heart prepared to do whatever it takes to see my destiny fulfilled. By clothing myself in uplifting peace, I stand...

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Affirmation: I Take Time to Listen to Others

affirmations Oct 03, 2020

I listen to others because I care about them and realize that it is in my best interest.


I recognize there is a great deal more to discover about life. I have learned a lot already and will continue to do so because of events to come. If I am open to lessons from individuals with more life experiences, I equip myself with more understanding than I would have achieved.


By listening to others, I safeguard myself from potential pitfalls. At times other people's pasts give them an invaluable perspective in my life. They can alert me to hazards that I may not see. I remain open to their guidance, knowing that those who love me speak out of a desire for my well-being.


I also have faith in community. I am convinced that women are all better off when we have firm bases to fall back on. And such a base takes care, time, and work to build.


We all have ups and downs. While I might feel self-sufficient and content in life right now, my life may be changed in a week,...

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Affirmations: I Communicate Positively and Peacefully

affirmations Sep 26, 2020

I exchange words and feelings with others positively and calmly.


I make sure I am in a positive frame of mind when I speak with others. I do my best to be mindful of the ideas I want to communicate to them.


I get rid of feelings of anger or frustration before I participate in communications. Planning in this way allows me to remain calm and communicate constructively.


It is not easy to communicate with others if they are defensive. I lower their defenses and offer a peaceful platform for positive communication. This opens doors for others also to communicate positively.


Constructive communication empowers me. I am in control, focused, and effective. I know I am objective in my communications with others.


I communicate in a calm, constructive way that offers a peaceful setting. I stay positive no matter the situation. I am confident that I can walk away with my head held high. I feel good about my ability to remain positive and peaceful in my...

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Affirmation: I Accept People as They Are

affirmations Sep 19, 2020

Experiencing the variety of life invigorates me. The world is a more remarkable place because people offer a wonderful assortment of God-given personalities and perspectives.


I don’t believe people will mirror me because of the wonderful variety the world offers. I realize I don’t have to agree with everyone or be close friends with each person I encounter. This knowledge permits me to enjoy people for who they are.


Understanding the value of variety is essential to me. Looking at how I am unique from others helps me appreciate how unique and special I am. I also love to discover the extraordinary talents and abilities of others.


My approachable and accepting behavior rewards me. Being approachable has brought so much goodness into my life.


My life is enriched by variety. I benefit from new relationships and accept people as they are.


Cultivating new relationships offers me perspective and appreciation for views of others. I learn from...

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Affirmation: I Release Feelings of Trying to Control Everything

affirmations Sep 12, 2020

I can go with the flow.


I accept that the only one I have control of is me! I cannot control actions, opinions, or thoughts of anyone else. But, I manage my reactions to all that life throws at me.


I release my desire to control situations. I refuse to let frustration cloud my mind. I concentrate on what I can do in any condition.


Although I cannot control everything, I am powerful. I possess tools that help me point my life in the direction of accomplishing goals in spite of life's distractions.


Time management skills help me maintain focus and organization. I set aside time in my schedule for dealing with distractions without losing focus on my priorities.


Affirmations are tools that help guide my life to where I want to go. No matter what life throws at me, I replace negative thoughts with positive ones.


Even during chaotic times, I can use breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, and meditating on God's word to bring back harmony and...

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Affirmation: I Know Life Is a Sequence of Opportunities to Live My Best Life

affirmations Sep 05, 2020

Each moment, each day is an opportunity to make the most of the time I am blessed with by my Heavenly Father. I believe life is a series of opportunities to be the best possible version of myself.


Opportunities to make today meaningful come all the time. I avoid taking them for granted because I do not know when those chances might run out. I commit to using them wisely.


My interactions with others are positive because I choose to use a smile as my introduction. A sincere smile makes the world a more joyful place.


Deciding to embrace a positive outlook is a great way to have a full and rewarding life. My satisfaction with life increases, and I live without regret.


When one moment is gone, I want to be able to look back and define it as a well-spent moment. That means working well with others and avoiding confrontation that troubles the soul.


A peaceful existence comes from having serenity at my core.


I commit to living in kindness and with a...

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Affirmation: I Think that There is Always a Reason to Smile

affirmations Aug 29, 2020

Within the noise and chaos of the world around me, I choose to see the positive side of life. I believe that there is always something to smile about if you look.


Being one with my thoughts allows me to reflect on my past experiences. If I take time to reflect, I recall intimate and memorable moments with my loved ones. Sometimes a kind gesture or a funny joke brings my heart so much joy.


Even when I am in the midst of a difficult situation, I can smile because I am alive. I feel grateful for the ability to work through challenges.


I smile at the bravery of little children learning to swim for the first time. Fear inhibits a lot of adults, so I look to the example of kids to motivate myself. Their model of free-living is enough to make my heart sing.


When I think back to my sense of fashion as a teenager, I smile with pride. It feels good always to embrace my individuality, regardless of what anyone else says.


When someone assumes they know me, I...

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