How to Improve Your Life with Self-Hypnosis

life coaching Sep 24, 2020

The skill of self-hypnosis often gets dismissed as being "new age." But, just like nearly everything in life, if you genuinely believe in yourself and the practice, it can prove to be very helpful.


So, What Is It?


Self-hypnosis is a method of hypnosis that you can perform on yourself. It certainly comes in handy because you will not need anyone else to help you obtain the many benefits of hypnosis. Self-hypnosis is now a big part of modern hypnotherapy.


How Does It Help Out?


The applications for self-hypnosis are virtually endless. If you have a challenge that you wish to resolve, chances are, self-hypnosis can help you find your answer. Self-hypnosis can wipe out the obstacles that keep you from achieving your goals.


Examples of challenges self-hypnosis help resolve:


  • Drinking, smoking, or other unhealthy habits
  • Managing pain, including chronic pain or the pain of childbirth or surgery
  • Managing stress
  • Personal improvement
  • Problem-solving


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6 Easy Tips to Help You Better Cope with Change

Uncategorized Sep 22, 2020

Changes are unavoidable. One of the only unchanging things in our lives is that there will constantly be change. So why do we often have such a challenge in coping with change?


You may have an easier time dealing with change than others. On the other hand, you may tend to have trouble handling change because you become almost addicted to holding onto things as they are. Either way, the effects of change in your life come down to a positive and healthy attitude.


When events are bad, it is nice to know that they will ultimately change for the better. Still, when things are good, you need to have the wisdom to know that things may not last indefinitely. However, you can take heart in the reality that all will come around full circle and return to good once again.


How you cope with change can create a massive difference in your life. You can grab change by the horns and squeeze every benefit out of it, or moan, groan, and have a challenging time going nowhere. The...

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Affirmation: I Accept People as They Are

affirmations Sep 19, 2020

Experiencing the variety of life invigorates me. The world is a more remarkable place because people offer a wonderful assortment of God-given personalities and perspectives.


I don’t believe people will mirror me because of the wonderful variety the world offers. I realize I don’t have to agree with everyone or be close friends with each person I encounter. This knowledge permits me to enjoy people for who they are.


Understanding the value of variety is essential to me. Looking at how I am unique from others helps me appreciate how unique and special I am. I also love to discover the extraordinary talents and abilities of others.


My approachable and accepting behavior rewards me. Being approachable has brought so much goodness into my life.


My life is enriched by variety. I benefit from new relationships and accept people as they are.


Cultivating new relationships offers me perspective and appreciation for views of others. I learn from...

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Christian Signs of a Healthy Relationship You Need to Know

relationships Sep 18, 2020

In a world where fleeting emotions and self-interest often define relationships, it can be challenging to discern what constitutes a healthy relationship. For Christians, the Bible offers a unique and timeless perspective on how to build and maintain relationships that honor God and nurture the well-being of everyone involved. Whether it’s a friendship, a marriage, or a relationship with family members, certain signs indicate that a relationship is healthy and rooted in Christian principles.


So, what are the characteristics of a healthy relationship?


Christ-Centered Foundation

The cornerstone of a healthy Christian relationship is unwavering faith in Jesus Christ. In Matthew 7:24-25, Jesus underscores the importance of building our lives on the solid rock of His teachings: "Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the...

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Did You Know That NLP Makes You Successful?

life coaching Sep 17, 2020

Have you heard about Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP? It is a beneficial behavioral science that can facilitate change in women's lives.


It was established in the 1970s, blending methods from computer science, linguistics, and neurology. NLP techniques help women (and men) reach their full potential. Here is what it is and how it works.


Neuro-Linguistic Programming has been described as the science of excellence in humans and involves modeling your language structure and behavior after successful people.


So, this means if you want to be a happy, successful woman, you cannot go wrong by thinking, talking, and behaving the way content, successful people think, talk, and behave. And if you utilize NLP in your language, you will be able to persuade and convince others with tremendous success, as well!


Basic NLP Principles


There are several variants of NLP, so there is a debate between some practitioners that others are not doing it correctly. Even...

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Your Greatest Strengths May Start as Little Blind Spots

personal development Sep 15, 2020

Do you ever look back on something you thought was difficult, only to now believe it is easy?

We do not start in life with strengths set in stone. We start with an empty slate. Many women have natural abilities, but they still need to improve their blind spots. It just does not take them as long as others.

When you look at your current strengths as a one-time weakness, you can take comfort in knowing your present blind spots will someday be strengths. Of course, this is if you want to turn them into strengths. There may be reasons why you do not want to put in the effort. We only have only 365 days in a year, after all. We have other situations happening in the lives that cause us to put certain things on the back burner.

You should ask yourself, "How important are some of your blind spots?"

This is when you take advantage of the strengths-once-were-weaknesses mindset. That is not always as straightforward as we would like.

Are they preventing you from obtaining your goals?

No: If...

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Affirmation: I Release Feelings of Trying to Control Everything

affirmations Sep 12, 2020

I can go with the flow.


I accept that the only one I have control of is me! I cannot control actions, opinions, or thoughts of anyone else. But, I manage my reactions to all that life throws at me.


I release my desire to control situations. I refuse to let frustration cloud my mind. I concentrate on what I can do in any condition.


Although I cannot control everything, I am powerful. I possess tools that help me point my life in the direction of accomplishing goals in spite of life's distractions.


Time management skills help me maintain focus and organization. I set aside time in my schedule for dealing with distractions without losing focus on my priorities.


Affirmations are tools that help guide my life to where I want to go. No matter what life throws at me, I replace negative thoughts with positive ones.


Even during chaotic times, I can use breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, and meditating on God's word to bring back harmony and...

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Set Goals From A Perspective Of The Thing You Crave

life coaching Sep 10, 2020

Women tread wearily towards the “right” goals. But what if you let your fixed ideas go and spend time delving into what you really crave from life?

To make an ultimate goal (your dream lifestyle), you must identify and choose your best “significant dream”.


Let’s check out the “What if…” game.

Suppose you have no limits to what you can:

  • Achieve
  • Attempt
  • Do
  • Spend


Imagine you are in perfect health.


Now imagine you are an ideal age. 


What perfect age ARE you?

Put serious thought into this. At what age were you joyful? What age would you like to be perpetually? What age bracket would you like to do again with what you know now?

Most of us would like to be younger but perhaps retain the wisdom we have gained over a lifetime. But then again, some women instantly picture themselves at ten years of age, winning horse show classes on their dream pony and longing to stay in that moment.

Others want to retreat to...

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9 Ways to Easily Stop Self-Sabotage

personal development Sep 08, 2020

Perhaps aside from the most successful people in the world, we all sabotage ourselves. Some wait until they get close to success, while others sabotage themselves before taking the first step. The causes are the same regardless of when it occurs.


The world is tough enough without taking on the role of the greatest obstacle you face in life. You are also the toughest opponent to beat.


Hardly anyone addresses this issue in their own life. If you can end this behavior, you will have a huge advantage over everyone you know. There is not much else in your way if you can get out of your way.


Avoid self-sabotage and enjoy more success with these strategies:


  1. Think about your goals. Does this make you feel uncomfortable? This best predicts your ability to follow through on a goal. If you can think about achieving your goal and only have positive feelings, you won’t sabotage yourself. But, if you get that queasy feeling, you know you have some work to do.


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Affirmation: I Know Life Is a Sequence of Opportunities to Live My Best Life

affirmations Sep 05, 2020

Each moment, each day is an opportunity to make the most of the time I am blessed with by my Heavenly Father. I believe life is a series of opportunities to be the best possible version of myself.


Opportunities to make today meaningful come all the time. I avoid taking them for granted because I do not know when those chances might run out. I commit to using them wisely.


My interactions with others are positive because I choose to use a smile as my introduction. A sincere smile makes the world a more joyful place.


Deciding to embrace a positive outlook is a great way to have a full and rewarding life. My satisfaction with life increases, and I live without regret.


When one moment is gone, I want to be able to look back and define it as a well-spent moment. That means working well with others and avoiding confrontation that troubles the soul.


A peaceful existence comes from having serenity at my core.


I commit to living in kindness and with a...

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