Affirmation: I Only Let Positive Thinking Into My Life

affirmations Nov 27, 2021

I choose only to let positive thoughts into my life. Everything I do has purpose and meaning. I decide to make my life a positive experience. Each day is happy since I go for positive thoughts.


I find value in being happy and at peace. Love and joy are the things I focus on in my life. I give out these things to the world, and they come back in to me. I learn the lessons from all situations and choose to focus on these things.


Negative people would like what I have. They realize that I have joy because of the positive thinking choices I make. Each day I focus on thoughts that offer me power and peace.


I only focus on good things in my life. Since I concentrate on good things, I will continue to experience blessings. I see the world as a wonderful place. Negative things happen, but how I see them puts it in a positive light.


Happiness is freely accessible to me. Joy is always feasible for me, and it is available every time I choose it. Staying joyful is...

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Focus on Good this Thanksgiving

life coaching Nov 25, 2021

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord He is God: it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are His people, and the sheep of His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting; and His truth endureth to all generations.” – Psalm 100:1-5 KJV


It is easy to get focused on what you do not like or what is not working in your life.  If you are not careful, that is all you think about. Our future continues to be unclear as we move into our second Thanksgiving of the ‘COVID-19 pandemic’. But, God joins us in our pain and disappointments. So, there has never been a more important time to exercise gratitude and enjoy the simple moments in life.


Even during our...

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Affirmation: I consider things, and I am thankful

affirmations Nov 20, 2021

Every day is a day of thanksgiving. In the course of the hustle and bustle of life, it is easy to overlook blessings. But I set aside time each day to consider the things I am grateful for at this time in my life.


Even on difficult days, I give thanks that it is not any worse. I acknowledge that so many others have it worse than me. That mindset helps me to build the drive and will to keep going.


I make the time to express thanks for my challenging situations. They teach me perseverance, forgiveness, and creativity. I feel my character building with each challenge I face.


My resolve grows each day after I list the things I am thankful for that day. I feel more and more invincible.


I see every situation as a blessing. Some are harder than others. But I welcome each learning experience I have. I respect the person I am becoming.


Today, I realize blessings in both good and bad days. I practice finding something positive in every situation. I am...

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Affirmation: I Think Wholesome Thoughts

affirmations Nov 13, 2021

My mind is my source of action. It drives the choices that I make each day. I think wholesome thoughts so that my efforts are honorable.


I am strong-willed. When I think of myself in that light, my motivation to be a go-getter is strengthened. Giving up is the last resort because I believe in my ability to find the answer to any challenge.


Giving others the benefit of the doubt involves choosing to think of them in a positive light. It is only fair to view others from a level playing field.


Although I sometimes have doubts about the intentions of others, I avoid jumping to conclusions. I take their words and actions at face value until I can prove an ulterior motive. I feel that this approach is reasonable and fair.


Whenever I am offended, I avoid letting my anger push me toward negative thoughts or actions. That is destructive behavior.


My thoughts in such situations involve envisioning a moral breakthrough for them. Instead of consuming myself...

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Affirmation: I Let Happy Thoughts Come to Me Naturally

affirmations Nov 06, 2021

My natural inclination is to think happy thoughts. I find life enjoyable. It only makes sense that my thoughts are predominately happy. Happy thoughts lead to a happy life. A happy life leads to happy thoughts.


I am an optimistic person. Optimism is a choice I make each day that allows me to maximize my enjoyment. The more I enjoy myself, the happier thoughts I experience.


I can choose my thoughts. When I catch myself thinking negatively, I take control of my thinking and focus on something that makes me feel happy. My thoughts lead to my emotions. My emotions maintain my thoughts.


I keep my mind in a positive state that generates happy thoughts continuously.


My thoughts color my experience in the world. Over time, my thoughts create my reality. I know that happiness is the natural result of experiencing happy thoughts regularly.


There are so many good things happening in my life that happy thoughts are easy to find. I can find happiness and...

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Affirmation :Ā I Gratefully Rejuvenate my Body, Mind, and Soul

affirmations Oct 30, 2021

Living a full life involves a committed soul, an energized body, thoughtful words, and plans. As I want to enjoy my life and bring happiness to others, I ask that my body, mind, and soul be fully present in my life.


Every day, I revitalize myself because I perform best when I replenish my body, mind, and soul.


I rejuvenate my body by both exercise and rest. Moving and relaxing are critical aspects of energizing my physical being.


Not only do I get a whole night's sleep, but I also seek out methods to strengthen my body with robust daily activities.


I gratefully fill my mind by looking for activities to refuel my brain. I develop stimulating conversations with friends and push myself to accomplish different tasks, read books and solve puzzles. I take the time to stir up creative ideas.


Caring for my soul is another way I rejuvenate my life. I use prayer and self-reflection to be sure I stay true to my passions, purpose, and relationships. Sustaining...

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Affirmation: I am Happy that My Thoughts are Positive

affirmations Oct 23, 2021

My thoughts are the determining factor of my attitude and mood. If I can manage what I think about, I can control myself and my life.


I recognize my negative thoughts result in negative emotions and a pessimistic outlook, while positive ones do the reverse. I know that we usually get what we expect. Therefore, I always hope for the best.


I can perform at my best if my thoughts stay positive. I appreciate life more when I engage in positive thinking.


It is sometimes difficult to control my thoughts, but my capacity to do so is growing fast. I make conscious efforts to keep my mind focused on the positives in all situations.


I ask myself questions that permit my mind to sustain a positive outlook. I ask, “What is good about this situation,” or, “What is the soundest decision that I can make right now,” or, “What is comical about this?”


When I fail to control my thoughts, they can lead me down negative pathways. If...

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Affirmation: I am Confident, My Thoughts are Loving and Positive

affirmations Oct 16, 2021

Positive thinking allows me to do everything better. Negative thinking makes me do everything worse. The choice is clear, and I choose to think thoughts that are positive and loving. Negative thoughts are toxic and damaging.


Positive thinking results in positive actions, which lead to success. Positive thinking changes the way I behave.


I make those around me better with my positive thoughts.


Positive people are attractive.


My life is easier and more joyful when my thoughts are loving and positive.


I am kind and loving. Loving thoughts make me a more thoughtful person. The people in my life benefit from my caring thoughts. I am a more thoughtful and generous person when I hold loving thoughts in my mind.


It is natural for me to have positive thoughts because I am a positive person.


I may occasionally catch myself thinking a negative thought. I am aware of the negative impact that negative thinking can have. It degrades my mood and my...

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Affirmation: I Know Happiness Engulfs my Life

affirmations Oct 09, 2021

My thoughts are positive and Full of happiness. I make time to take pleasure in life. I choose to live in happiness. I only consider ideas that maintain good feelings.


I free myself from negative thinking.


Sometimes, a negative thought tries to creep in. I focus on all the great things in my life during these times. My attention immediately gets back on track. I feel my attitude transform back to happiness again.


My joy grows deeper each day. I am thankful for my thoughts and my power to control them. I am in command of my thoughts. I am in charge of my degree of happiness.


Everything in my life seems to improve naturally. Joy fills my life. I am filled with love and enthusiasm. Good things happen to me.


My high levels of happiness positively impact others, and this impact enhances my life even more.


Life is effortless. I am privileged and blessed with such an amazing existence. I am worthy of happiness and living this amazing life. I am the...

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Affirmation: I Understand that Everything Happens For My Good

affirmations Oct 02, 2021

I have faith that life provides me with the experiences I need to grow as a person. I accept this truth and make the best of the situation. I understand that God knows the best way, and has a plan for my life.


Some experiences in life are less enjoyable than others. But all experiences teach me something new. Some of the least pleasant things that happen in my life provide the most profound lessons. I value these lessons and apply them going forward. This way, I can avoid repeating my mistakes.


The Holy Father is wiser than I am. I trust that everything happens for my good. I have learned so much from my past challenges that I look forward to managing my future challenges. I am empowered.


I often receive what I want, just in a different manner than I expected. Many of my failures result in greater successes than I ever dreamt of before. I feel a gentle hand guiding me in a positive direction.


I avoid feelings of frustration when things fail to work out...

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