Happy July 4th. Affirmation: I Love Being Outdoors

affirmations Jul 04, 2020

Happy July 4th. 

July 4th,  America's Independence Day, is a day of family celebrations. It is a patriotic holiday for celebrating the freedom and liberties fought for by the first generation of many of today's Americans. There is no better way for a family to celebrate this 4th of July than hanging out in the backyard, enjoying games together, and creating great memories! 


Today's affirmation: I Love Being Outdoors


Outdoors, surrounded by nature, is a wonderful place to be. Coming face to face with the majesty of creation causes the burdens of my heart to lift away. Physically moving my body from inside to outside activates a shift in my emotional state.


The picture displayed in the sky can never be duplicated. The view found in nature is more beautiful than any painting an artist could create. Each time I look up at the clouds, I see a striking new scene. From that beauty, I draw inspiration for life.


Unlike in the predictable indoors,...

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Christian Life Coaching: How To Experience True Personal Transformation

life coaching Jul 02, 2020

Collaborating with a Christian Life Coach can be an enriching and transformative experience for women seeking to overcome obstacles and achieve their desired outcomes.

  • Clients can evaluate where they are, form a vision of where they want to go and set priorities and goals.
  • Coaches empower clients by helping them identify and overcome self-limiting beliefs and behaviors, promoting mental and emotional well-being, and fostering personal growth and development.


Unlike traditional therapists and consultants, Christian life coaches approach their work with a focus on spiritual growth and fulfillment of divine purpose. They guide and support clients seeking to integrate their faith into their personal and professional lives, helping them discover their unique talents and abilities and achieve their full potential. Clients assess their careers, values, and aspirations for a fulfilling future.


A therapist's role is to help clients heal from past traumas, providing...

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Thinking Big in Work and Life

personal development Jun 30, 2020

Do you feel like your life is run-of-the-mill? Are you less than thrilled with your current set of circumstances? Perhaps your goals are too small. Have you ever considered that you could be and do much more than you currently represent?


Thinking big is your means to a new life!


Think about these seven ideas:


  1. Sidestep contentment. Did you ever notice that when life takes a dip below what you consider acceptable, you will work like mad to reestablish the normal balance in your life?

  •  For instance, you will do plenty to replace your lost salary if you lose your job. However, you will not work nearly as hard to double your income.

  •  Avoiding contentment is not the same as being constantly unhappy. That would not be a pleasant way to live. However, when you want to achieve something more, you must go all out to live more.

  1. Big goals are exhilarating. Going camping at the same state park for the 10th year in a row is fine, but odds are you will not...
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A novel coronavirus is what happens when a new strain occurs

health Jun 29, 2020

A novel coronavirus is a new coronavirus that has not been previously identified.

There are many types of human coronaviruses including some that commonly cause mild upper-respiratory tract illnesses. The virus causing coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), is not the same as the coronaviruses that commonly circulate among humans and cause mild illness, like the common cold.

COVID-19 is a new disease, caused by a novel (or new) coronavirus that has not previously been seen in humans. The name of this disease was selected following the World Health Organization (WHO) best practice for the naming of new human infectious diseases.


On February 11, 2020, the World Health Organization announced an official name for the disease that is causing the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak, first identified in Wuhan China. The new name of this disease is coronavirus disease 2019, abbreviated as COVID-19. In COVID-19, ‘CO’ stands for ‘corona,’ ‘VI’ for...

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Affirmation: I Achieve Goals with a Joyful Heart

affirmations Jun 27, 2020

I achieve goals with a smile and a light touch. While others might find success through brute force and a hardened attitude, I can be successful while enjoying myself along the way.


Success can be fun, playful, and simple. The idea that the road to success is miserable is a myth.


I can maintain a positive outlook when I must deal with adversity. I enjoy the challenges that life brings my way. Each challenge I overcome fills my heart with joy.


I make goals to fill me with excitement and anticipation. This is one reason I can maintain a joyful heart. Life is too short to chase meaningless goals.


I know that happiness is a choice. Each morning, I choose to have a great day, to feel joy and happiness in my life. I adopt an optimistic, positive mindset. This is the way to be happy while chasing success, and I live this philosophy each day.


I find that my results are better, too, when I maintain a positive outlook!


Positive things are happening in...

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4 Easy Ways to Rise from Discouragement and Feel Better About Yourself

personal development Jun 23, 2020

Life is not always what you expect it to be. When the results you hope for do not come to fruition, you can sometimes question your self-worth and abilities. It is easy to fall into that trap of discouragement.


The good news is that you can get out of that gloomy mood!


Whenever you are down in the dumps, you must take action to start feeling better about yourself. Dwelling on the negative and remaining in a depressed state is unhealthy. After a while, you will feel like you are moving backward instead of forward. This makes it challenging to get back to a positive mindset.


Try these easy tips to restore your belief in you:


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Girl, You Need to Hear Your Own Voice

personal development Jun 23, 2020

Women sometimes do not achieve goals because they are goals set by someone else. Oh, perhaps not blatantly. No one walked up to you in the street and said: "I want you to go be a nurse, computer programmer, secretary, attorney, etc.." But there is enormous pressure in North American business life today to always be the next Mary Barra or the next Oprah.

Often, that type of pressure does not come from within—or at least, if it does, it is not speaking with your pure voice. One of the reasons women remain trapped in a life that does not align with who we are is because we are afraid we will let the people we love the most down.

Are you doing everything your heart desires, or are you only doing what others want you to do? Whose voice do you hear when you decide on big or small goals? In this way, consider where these goals are coming from – or who.

  • Your mother's voice
  • Your father's voice
  • Your teacher's voice
  • Your coach's voice
  • Your boyfriend's voice
  • Your husband's...
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Pray: You May Get Different Results Than You Think

spirituality Jun 21, 2020

God Answers Every Prayer


Christians widely believe that a prayer is a powerful tool for making a difference in the world. But, sometimes Christians assume that their prayer is unanswered if God did not give them what they asked for in prayer.


Yet God always answers His children. Every single time. Every single prayer. In all of history, there have never been nor will there ever be unanswered prayers.


The primary purpose of prayer is to glorify God in any and every situation. God answers every prayer. Not all of our prayers are satisfied with the way we hope or on the anticipated timeline. Maybe you prayed to be married by twenty-five. Perhaps you prayed for a cure for your daughter’s illness.


God could respond to your prayers for a godly spouse when you are twenty-seven or forty-seven. God might answer your prayers for your daughter’s illness after she has suffered for five, ten, or even twenty years.


But when our circumstances do...

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Affirmation: I See that Communication is Key to Opening Doors to Happiness

affirmations Jun 20, 2020

My sense of well-being determines the quality of relationships in my life. This happiness is constructed on a strong base of communication.


I make deeper relationships, sharing my thoughts and feelings honestly. I have released the belief that people should be able to read my mind. I speak up when I feel upset or offended. I am confident our friendship grants us the ability to work through conflicts. I communicate my thoughts and ideas because I know we are strongest when we work together.


Communication is key to opening doors to happiness. I ask others what they are thinking and feeling. I actively listen and repeat back what I think they are saying until I am confident that I truly hear their words and the meaning they wish to convey.


I no longer hold the idea that I will be happiest when others say what I want to hear. I have no fascination with illusions, even ones that feel good. I am more interested in sharing the truth and creating bases, or foundations,...

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Christian Life Coaching Will Energize You To Live Godā€™s Purpose

life coaching Jun 18, 2020

What Is Christian Life Coaching?

Christian life coaching is a transformative, faith-based approach to personal development that focuses on helping individuals align their lives with God’s purpose and plan. Unlike traditional coaching, which often emphasizes personal goals and secular strategies, Christian life coaching is deeply rooted in biblical principles. It is a collaborative process in which the coach partners with the individual to set goals, address challenges, and seek growth while centering their journey on the Word of God.

At its core, Christian life coaching seeks to answer the question: “How can I live the life that God has called me to?” Through prayer, scripture, and spiritual reflection, Christian life coaching helps individuals draw closer to God, develop their spiritual gifts, and grow in their faith. For women navigating personal or professional challenges, this kind of coaching provides a powerful way to find direction, clarity, and peace in the...

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