Secrets Of Analyzing Thought-Provoking Dreams to Conquer Problems

personal development Oct 06, 2020

While dream analysis will not solve all your challenges, just paying closer attention to your dreams can drive you in the right direction for resolving at least some of them. Your dreams can give you clues about what is going on in your subconscious.


Sleeping gives your mind much-needed rest and allocates your brain time to sort things out. What is actually on your mind may wind up in your dreams as a way to deal with your feelings.


Take an interest in Dreams


Get into the practice of paying attention to what your dreams are advising you. They might appear wild and crazy initially, but you may find an important message hidden within if you break them down.


When you have trouble recalling your dreams, keep a pen and paper beside your bed. You might be able to remember your dream the instant you wake up. If so, you can immediately jot down your thoughts before they are lost. This technique also enables you to capture the details of your dreams more fully.


Common Dreams...

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Practical Self-Care and The Truth Mindset: Stewarding Your Health

health Oct 05, 2020


Self-care is more than just a buzzword—it’s an essential practice that honors the body, mind, and spirit God has given us. As Christian women, we are called to steward our health as a form of worship and service to God. However, many of us struggle with guilt when it comes to taking time for ourselves or overlook the importance of caring for our well-being amidst life’s demands.

This blog will explore how adopting a Truth Mindset helps us embrace self-care as an act of faith and stewardship, focusing on balancing physical, mental, and spiritual health for the glory of God.


1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.”


This powerful verse reminds us that our bodies belong to God, and we are called to honor Him through how we care for ourselves. Treating our healt...

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Affirmation: I Take Time to Listen to Others

affirmations Oct 03, 2020

I listen to others because I care about them and realize that it is in my best interest.


I recognize there is a great deal more to discover about life. I have learned a lot already and will continue to do so because of events to come. If I am open to lessons from individuals with more life experiences, I equip myself with more understanding than I would have achieved.


By listening to others, I safeguard myself from potential pitfalls. At times other people's pasts give them an invaluable perspective in my life. They can alert me to hazards that I may not see. I remain open to their guidance, knowing that those who love me speak out of a desire for my well-being.


I also have faith in community. I am convinced that women are all better off when we have firm bases to fall back on. And such a base takes care, time, and work to build.


We all have ups and downs. While I might feel self-sufficient and content in life right now, my life may be changed in a week, month, or year....

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Healthy Relationships: An Important Part of Being Christian

relationships Oct 02, 2020

As Christians, our faith is not just about personal salvation or individual spirituality; it is also deeply connected to how we interact with others. From the beginning, God designed us to live in a community and build relationships that reflect His love, grace, and truth. Pursuing healthy relationships is, therefore, an essential part of living out our Christian faith. By striving to build strong, loving connections with those around us, we not only grow closer to God but also experience the profound joy and fulfillment that come from witnessing His transforming power in our lives.


The Biblical Foundation for Healthy Relationships

The Bible contains numerous teachings emphasizing the significance of relationships. Jesus summarized the essence of the Law with two great commandments: "Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like unto it; Thou...

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Life Coaching as the Boost You Need to Be Successful

life coaching Oct 01, 2020

We all need support sometimes. It is an essential piece of our life story and a facet of everyone's world. The need is incredibly real when we are going through a challenging experience, such as a hard divorce or the throes of a toxic relationship. Our friends and family are there for us but do not understand the complexity of what we are going through most times.

Often we find ourselves trying to solve and muster all on our own, desperately trying to navigate this thing called life. We find ourselves struggling to maintain a level of peace in our lives, financially, emotionally, mentally, and physically.

We question how we will pay the next bill, who can bring the kids to and from school while working, stress over the added housework, and maintain the life we created, the life we love. Difficult times do not have to be the final destination of your journey. Difficult times lead to glorious and prosperous opportunities if you allow the right people to be there for you.

Life coaches ...

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Conquer your Comfort Zone - Quick and Easy Strategies

personal development Sep 29, 2020

It could be a great thing if you find your comfort zone. Every woman likes a place where she can feel safe. Still, sometimes your comfort zone limits you. You may miss out on opportunities without even knowing that you are missing out!


Growing your comfort zone can create a whole new world of excitement, experiences, financial opportunities, friends, knowledge, and passion in your life. To take advantage of these benefits, the first thing you must do is embrace change.


Life is full of changes. When you get into the habit of finding the good in every change, you become more comfortable with the idea of change itself and look forward to the new adventures that lie ahead. With this mindset, you are ready, willing, and able to expand your comfort zone.


Try these practical techniques to help you break free of the limits of your comfort zone:


  1. Think positive thoughts. When you live in a bubble, and that bubble breaks, you will most likely feel fear. When you are afraid, focu
  2. ...
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Affirmations: I Communicate Positively and Peacefully

affirmations Sep 26, 2020

I exchange words and feelings with others positively and calmly.


I make sure I am in a positive frame of mind when I speak with others. I do my best to be mindful of the ideas I want to communicate to them.


I get rid of feelings of anger or frustration before I participate in communications. Planning in this way allows me to remain calm and communicate constructively.


It is not easy to communicate with others if they are defensive. I lower their defenses and offer a peaceful platform for positive communication. This opens doors for others also to communicate positively.


Constructive communication empowers me. I am in control, focused, and effective. I know I am objective in my communications with others.


I communicate in a calm, constructive way that offers a peaceful setting. I stay positive no matter the situation. I am confident that I can walk away with my head held high. I feel good about my ability to remain positive and peaceful in my communications.



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Do You Know God Created Us for Healthy Relationships?

relationships Sep 25, 2020

Based on your past experiences and interactions with others, you might question the feasibility of cultivating and sustaining healthy relationships. The world is full of fractured situations and disarray. You may wonder if it is possible to have long-lasting, fulfilling relationships built on trust and bring joy to both individuals involved.


According to the Bible, God intended for Adam and Eve to have a beautiful and honorable relationship that would honor Him. From the very beginning of creation, God designed us to be in relationships. These relationships—whether with God, family, friends, or our community—are at the core of what it means to be human.


But what does it truly mean to have healthy relationships, and how can we nurture them according to God’s plan?


We Reflect God’s Nature

God Himself exists in a perfect relationship within the Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This divine fellowship is a model for the loving, supportive, and unified relationships God cr...

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How to Improve Your Life with Self-Hypnosis

life coaching Sep 24, 2020

The skill of self-hypnosis often gets dismissed as being "new age." But, just like nearly everything in life, if you genuinely believe in yourself and the practice, it can prove to be very helpful.


So, What Is It?


Self-hypnosis is a method of hypnosis that you can perform on yourself. It certainly comes in handy because you will not need anyone else to help you obtain the many benefits of hypnosis. Self-hypnosis is now a big part of modern hypnotherapy.


How Does It Help Out?


The applications for self-hypnosis are virtually endless. If you have a challenge that you wish to resolve, chances are, self-hypnosis can help you find your answer. Self-hypnosis can wipe out the obstacles that keep you from achieving your goals.


Examples of challenges self-hypnosis help resolve:


  • Drinking, smoking, or other unhealthy habits
  • Managing pain, including chronic pain or the pain of childbirth or surgery
  • Managing stress
  • Personal improvement
  • Problem-solving


When you put...

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6 Easy Tips to Help You Better Cope with Change

Uncategorized Sep 22, 2020

Changes are unavoidable. One of the only unchanging things in our lives is that there will constantly be change. So why do we often have such a challenge in coping with change?


You may have an easier time dealing with change than others. On the other hand, you may tend to have trouble handling change because you become almost addicted to holding onto things as they are. Either way, the effects of change in your life come down to a positive and healthy attitude.


When events are bad, it is nice to know that they will ultimately change for the better. Still, when things are good, you need to have the wisdom to know that things may not last indefinitely. However, you can take heart in the reality that all will come around full circle and return to good once again.


How you cope with change can create a massive difference in your life. You can grab change by the horns and squeeze every benefit out of it, or moan, groan, and have a challenging time going nowhere. The choice is up ...

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