Affirmation: I Am a Better Me Now Because I Overcame Conflict in the Past

affirmations Feb 15, 2020

I am a strong and more confident woman since I can overcome conflict. I make a conscious decision to examine difficulties, not run from them. I can also stand my ground.


I am the woman I am now because of everything that has occurred in my life. My experiences have allowed me to be braver, stronger, and look at things from a fresh perspective. I learn from difficulties and succeed.


Many people have conflicts in their life. I am no exception. However, I refuse to be a victim, nor do I allow the conflict to affect me adversely. I choose, instead, to conquer all disputes.


I have the option to let the conflict win or to overcome the conflict and be victorious. I decide to conquer.


I can survive all that life throws at me, and I make the most of all opportunities. I continually apply what I have learned to make my life what I want it to be.


I lend my experience and strength to others so that they may also be victors over their conflicts.


Today, I...

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The Big 5 Personality Traits and You

relationships Feb 14, 2020

Many personality models have developed over history. A scientist named Lewis Goldberg developed the “The Big Five.”


Combining these five personality factors can accurately describe a person’s personality and predict their behavior and success in life quite well.


Use “The Big Five” to understand your personality and gain insight into your current challenges:


1. Extraversion. On one end of this scale are the extroverts, and on the other are the introverts. Most of us lie somewhere in between.


  •  Think of introverts as those who gain energy while spending time alone. They tend to tire from social interactions. Introverts are frequently introspective, reserved, and quiet. They often, but not always, lack social confidence.

  •  Extroverts are just the opposite. Being alone drains their energy, and they are recharged by spending time with others. Extroverts are commonly described as friendly, socially confident,...
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Let Struggles You Overcame in the Past Lead Your Way

life coaching Feb 13, 2020

Being stuck in the past is one of the most common issues I address in Life Coaching for ladies. Women cannot be their best self when their brain is preoccupied with prior mistakes, past hurts, and that nagging feeling of regret.


Depending upon the situation, you might want to let overcome past struggles lead the way and permit yourself to move forward.


What does it mean to allow the past struggles you overcame to lead the way?

Think about your past struggles. Perhaps you dealt with something emotionally challenging, like losing a close friend or family member. Maybe you experienced a professional battle and had to wrestle with problems at work. Sometimes your struggles are familial, such as contention or disagreement between family members.


You can use struggles this way because they often serve as essential teachers: Even the grimmest and most challenging struggles teach you some valuable wisdom as you experience them.


Regardless of your struggles or...

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Persuasion is the Skill You Need to Conquer

Marketers use a lot of skill sets to convey important information to their customers. Concisely explaining the benefits of goods and services is vital for sales and building relationships with your target audience.


The Power of Persuasion - Choose Your Words Wisely


What to say, how you say it, and why are essential things to pay attention to during all communications. In many cases, marketers only have a small window to grab a customer’s attention and get them to take action.


One of the critical skills marketers must master is the power of persuasion. How you say things are essential. Choosing the right words, phrases, and delivery can set marketers up for great success.


Here are three tips for choosing your words wisely:


Tip: Choose leadership language- Leadership language shows you are an expert. Leadership language, phrases, and directives set you up as the best person to buy goods and services from in your niche.

Make sure your marketing...

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Your Ships are Burned. What Happens Now?

personal development Feb 11, 2020

One key to achieving goals is to remove any escape route. It is tempting to draw back into safety and comfort when challenges and difficulties occur. To avoid turning around and discarding your goals, you must make going forward more convincing than going back.


While striving towards a goal, you need to focus on what you want to achieve and avoid the inclination to go back to what you know - your comfort zone. After the Spanish Conquistador Hernando Cortez landed in Mexico, one of his first orders was to burn the ships.


Cortez was committed to his objective and did not want to allow himself or his men the option of going back to Spain. Removing this option forced Cortez and his men to focus on how they could make the mission successful.


Removing an escape route creates a compelling reason to focus on the goal and to keep moving forward. But it is essential to keep in mind that although Cortez did have his crew burn their ships, he did not have them burn their...

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God Is Delighted When You Have An Active Prayer Life

spirituality Feb 09, 2020

God Is Never a Passive Listener

Worship focuses on who God is. During prayer, make time to give praise to God. Pray because God loves you so much He sent His only begotten son to die on a cross for you. When you develop an active prayer life, you begin to see the ways that God responds to your requests.


David recorded an exciting moment in Psalm 18.

“In my distress I called upon the Lord, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.” - Psalm 18:6


Prayer directs our thoughts and our hearts to God. David speaks about God hearing his prayers, but he makes one more point. In the next verse, David discusses how smoke poured from God’s nostrils and how God was furious on his behalf. God is more powerful than any problems we face.


God is already at work around you. It is tempting to consider God as a passive listener. You might imagine Him as this kindly grandfather type...

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Affirmation: I Open Myself to Experience All Feelings

affirmations Feb 08, 2020

I permit myself to be open to my feelings, good and bad. I realize positive and negative emotions are parts of our lives. By staying open to both, I stay emotionally balanced.


If I open myself to go through all feelings, I will know some negative ones. What goes up must come down. There will be good; there will also be bad. It is the way of keeping a balance. But, in my life, good far outweighs bad.


I accept that I have feelings like anger, grief, regret, and sadness. I also enjoy positive feelings of confidence, happiness, joy, and peace.


I will not permit negative feelings to construct a wall and block out all emotions. I know it is far more worthwhile to feel everything.


Today I gladly experience all my feelings. If bad things transpire, I acknowledge the emotions and deal with them positively.


By staying open and accepting all emotions, I healthily deal with them. This lets me stay open and honest with myself and others.



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Fight For It! Stop Hiding Behind What Happens Easily

life coaching Feb 06, 2020

What does it mean to hide behind what is easy?


When you decide to hide behind what is easy, you limit yourself to safe or comfortable options rather than stepping outside your comfort zone to try something new or challenging.


Hanging out in your comfort zone and surrounding yourself with the familiar feels like the best place to be.


It is termed the "comfort" zone for a reason – when you let yourself stick to the expected and easy, you never face any adversity, challenge, or strange territory. You never have to fear surprises or discomfort when choosing the easy route in life.


However, hiding behind what is easy offers minimal chances to learn new things and grow. Your comfort zone is a place of homeostasis – not much changes, and things tend to stay the same there. If everything always stays the same in your life, you are not learning new things or developing as a person.


This is why your comfort zone is such an easy place to hide.

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You Need to Identify The “Right” And “Wrong” People

relationships Feb 06, 2020

Human beings are highly social creatures who develop many relationships throughout their lives. As you meet new people, some of the relationships you form will become intimate and serious, such as your best friends and romantic partners.


Others will be formal, such as your coworkers or supervisors. Some will be cordial, like the neighbors that live two houses down from you or the girl who works at your local coffee shop.


Regardless of who you meet or how serious the relationships you form become, there is always a way you can divide these many connections: Ones that are right for you and ones that are wrong for you. Differentiating the right relationships from the wrong ones is a crucial skill to excel in life.


What does it mean to identify the “right” and “wrong” people for you?


“Right” and “wrong” can assume a variety of definitions between different people. Since all human beings are distinctive and have...

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How To Make Talking Easy

Why is it so tough to talk with people?

You must be able to communicate to succeed in any business and make money.  Oddly enough, we are constantly communicating. But living in an era of direct messages, emails, texts, and tweets, it is becoming harder and harder to talk to one another. The heartbreaking thing is a conversation is an art form that is necessary more now than ever.

To get ahead, whether in business or your personal life, you must know how to communicate with people using something more than content on a screen. If making conversation is intimidates you, then use these tips to master the art of talking. 



4 Tricks for Talking to Anyone

1. Ask Thought-Provoking Questions

Instead of asking questions that can be responded to with ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ try raising questions necessitating more complicated answers. For example, if you are in a networking situation, learn something about the people you will meet. Asking specifically...

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