Affirmation: I Make Time for Things that Bring me Joy

affirmations Mar 27, 2021

Life can be overwhelming. Work is busy. My home life is hectic. And my social calendar is full. So I make conscious decisions to schedule free time to engage in activities that fulfill me.


I understand that I am the only one responsible for ensuring I do things that bring me joy. It may be spending time with my husband, going out with my friends, playing a game with my child, or just having some “me” time.


The more joy I experience, the better prepared I am to make it through the challenging moments in life.


I attempt to end my days by engaging in activities that bring me comfort and solace. I often read a book, paint a picture, or watch an old movie to relax. I might call my parents or a close friend.


I take part in actions that make me smile or laugh. I am excited and happy to spend time doing my favorite things. I know I am blessed.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. How much spare time do I have daily, on average?
  2. When was the last time I...
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You Need to Know Good vs. Bad Dependence

personal development Mar 23, 2021

One of the most challenging aspects of independence is that many people today fear it. They fear to be in control of their own life because that means that you cannot place blame - for anything - on anyone but yourself: scary prospect, that.

But society today has a confused outlook on what independence truly is. Freedom is not about you hardening yourself, suppressing who you are, and never letting anyone help you. Surprised?


Dependence and independence are pretty misunderstood.

  • Independent does not mean you are narcissistic and anti-social, overly-driven and aggressive.
  • Dependence does not mean you are weak, spineless, or cannot do anything for yourself.


First of all, society hints that depending on anyone is a sign of weakness. Anytime you get involved with another, and you begin to feel as if you can rely on them (a significant definition of dependence), others may make you feel as if you are doing something wrong.


This is not the case. But if you listen to...

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Affirmation: I Treasure the Joy and Pleasure of Simple Things

affirmations Mar 20, 2021

The most beautiful and enjoyable things can be the simplest. While many others pursue enjoyment and pleasure in luxuries, I can find enjoyment in everyday things.


Something as simple as a tree, flower, laughing child, or song can be immensely enjoyable on many levels. Fortunately, these beautiful things are all around me. I only need to open my eyes and pay attention.


Even in troubling times, there are simple experiences to be enjoyed.


I live a peaceful, easy life. This allows me to see and enjoy life’s simple pleasures. It is more than just a choice. It is a lifestyle.



 I am constantly simplifying my life.

Many people spend precious time and energy chasing after extravagances. I know better. I choose to take advantage of the simple enjoyments to be found in life.


I reject those things that are unnecessarily complex. My ability to perceive is the only limit to my joy and pleasure. Yet, it is a generous limit as I am a highly...

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5 Easy Ways of Becoming More Independent, Less Codependent

personal development Mar 16, 2021

Relying on others to shape who we are is the basis of codependence. It is, in effect, creating our feelings and behaviors around something external, rather than figuring out for ourselves what our feelings and behaviors should be and how they should look.


“Independence is happiness.” Susan B. Anthony


Autonomy, or true independence, is the ability to make decisions based on what you have learned about the world, your experiences, perceptions, and feelings, and how you interact with the world. Independence is empowering. Codependence is stifling.

Here are five practical ways to become less codependent and grow your valuable independence:

  1.  Get to know who you are inside.

There are so many approaches to do this. One is to begin journaling your thoughts and feelings about your daily activities. Then ask yourself, “Is that the truth?” and “Is that how I feel about it?” Many times, upon reflection, we find that we have simply...

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Affirmation: I Love My Life, and It is an Incredible Ride Ā 

affirmations Mar 13, 2021

As I look forward to each day, I ask myself what is going to happen. I reflect on the possibility of meeting new people and living another exciting day full of positive experiences.


I love my life. I work hard to create a home that fits me. I surround myself with people I love who bring joy and interest to my life. My spare time is filled with fulfilling activities. I even take a healthy risk to try new things and test my mettle from time to time.


Whenever I experience stressful situations, I close my eyes briefly and remind myself that this is a part of life. I tell myself to stand strong and ride out of the problem. Later on, after I make it through the troubling times, I recognize that those experiences contribute to the excitement and adventure of my life.


I realize that I must experience the lows of life also to feel the highs. Like riding the roller coaster at the county fair, there are times that I hold on as tight as I can to make it through the loops...

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6 Benefits When You Become More Independent

personal development Mar 09, 2021

As our usage of technology and the internet become more prevalent, women find ourselves as a society relying more and more on it and less and less on ourselves. But technology cannot solve all problems. It is not always available, nor do we usually want it to be. There are simply parts of the human mind, body, and soul irreplaceable - by technology or anything else!


The more technology runs our world, being independent becomes both more accessible and more complex. By learning to become more personally independent, you increase your chances of success in all areas of your life. Independent refers to all aspects of your life, including career, emotional, financial, personal faith, and beliefs. Self-reliance is a skill set that comes easier to some women than others, but it is a skill that everyone can benefit from all the time.


Here are six areas of your life that are sure to become stronger once you learn to stand on your own two feet:


  1. Self-Esteem


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Affirmation: I Let Peace Reign in My Heart

affirmations Mar 06, 2021

I enjoy happiness and serenity because I open my heart to peace.


I slow down. I take frequent breaks when I am working. I pause between tasks, so I can give myself time to transition. I eat mindfully, noticing my food and savoring each bite.


I clear away clutter. Organizing my surroundings reduces anxiety. I feel more grounded when I can see my desk.


I simplify my routines. I set priorities and scratch less urgent tasks off my to-do list. I look for more efficient ways to run errands and manage my finances. I spend less time watching TV and posting on social media.


I meditate on God's Word and pray. I pay attention to my breath and quiet my thoughts. I wish for peace for the world and myself. Peace reigns in my heart.


I connect with nature. I walk around the block at lunch or sit by a window where I can see the trees. I play softball in the park or grow vegetables in my backyard.


I practice acceptance. I accept reality instead of struggling...

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4 Quick Tips to Stand on Your Own Two Feet, Girl

personal development Mar 02, 2021

Can you stand on your own two feet? Are you the independent type, or do you rely on others for your answers, care, and decisions? If you are looking to improve your independence, you are in luck! It is never too late to increase your independence, and doing so will significantly increase your freedom to enjoy your life with no limits!


Indeed, we are often the person who holds us back the most. And if you think that is true - what areas are you holding yourself back from achieving more success? Is it your health, finances, business, or relationships? It is probably more than one of these. So here are four areas of your life where you can create more independence and begin thinking for yourself:


  1.  Health

I think everyone can agree that you cannot make gains in any other areas of your life without your health. To be independently healthy, you need to exercise good habits in your life, such as eating quality foods, getting the proper nutrition, and staying active....

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Affirmation: I Find Joy in Small Accomplishments

affirmations Feb 27, 2021

I celebrate every small win. I find joy even in tiny achievements. My acknowledgment of these small wins helps me achieve bigger ones. As I celebrate my success, I show gratitude and thank those who support me.


My small accomplishments help me see progress.


This progress gives me a boost and encourages me to keep going. It helps me feel that I accomplish important things.


I cross off each win on my path to a bigger picture.


I celebrate my accomplishments with my family and friends. Even a small win deserves a party.


I divide my goals into smaller pieces. This makes them more manageable and lets me celebrate each little accomplishment on the list. I see progress all the time. I help others shape their goals into reasonable parts.


Minor milestones help me see that success is within my reach.


They show that my work has meaning. They let me refine my objectives, so my goals are easier to achieve.


The joy I feel with each...

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How To Reclaim A Sense Of Belonging Through Kindness

health Feb 24, 2021

It is common to want to have a sense of belonging. When women belong, we are established as part of the group. That sense of belonging is a normal human need, just as food and shelter. If you feel like you belong, you feel your life has value. And you cope with your emotions better.

Sometimes, we lose our sense of belonging, though. This can be for a myriad of reasons. Traumatic events could influence a person’s self-compassion and self-esteem. Trauma can leave survivors out of sync with the world. They feel lonely, overwhelmed, in turmoil, and have emotional pain that creates a different sense of anxiety.

Humans are social beings. The quality of our relationships is affected by our emotional, mental, and physical health. Researcher and author Brené Brown says, “A deep sense of love and belonging is a fundamental requirement of all men, women, and children. Biologically, cognitively, physically, and spiritually we are wired to love, to be loved, and to...

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