Spotlight: Keeping Lupus Fresh on the Mind

health May 03, 2021

May is Lupus Awareness Month

It is a time when we rally together to shine a spotlight on this often misunderstood and invisible disease. Let’s dive into what Lupus Awareness Month is about and how you can get involved! 🌟

  1. What Is Lupus Awareness Month?

    • Lupus Awareness Month, observed throughout May in the United States, is a dedicated time to increase understanding and knowledge about lupus, an autoimmune disease. This month, various events, campaigns, and initiatives are organized to educate communities, dispel myths, and advocate for individuals impacted by lupus. The goal is to raise awareness about the symptoms, treatments, and challenges of living with lupus and to promote support and research efforts to improve the lives of those affected by this complex and often misunderstood condition.
    • Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that can impact various organs and systems in the body. While its symptoms are not always visible outside, they can wreak havoc internally, affecti...
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Affirmation: I Make the Most Out Life  

affirmations May 01, 2021

I believe my life is a precious gift. Every day brings me a fresh opportunity to accomplish my dreams and appreciate the beauty surrounding me.


Routine physical activities and good quality nutrition keep my body in shape and strong. Keeping myself in top shape provides me the ability to honor God’s temple and my life.


Logic exercises sharpen my reasoning skills.


Spiritual practices add to my insight and resolve to make good choices.


Forming priorities permits me to drive my life to the results I want. I focus my hard work on what I know is meaningful.


Spending moments with family and friends gives me a sense of love and connection. Dedicating my talents to meaningful work helps me to build self-esteem while I contribute to society.


The more I consider my surroundings, the more treasures I discover.


I believe education is a lifelong process. I delight in learning.


I travel to meet others and get a renewed perspective on my life. I spend time appreciating ...

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Healthy Independence Will Make You Live Free

personal development Apr 27, 2021

Women should all strive for healthy independence in our lives because it gives us many other freedoms that collectively can create a successful, fulfilling life.


Here are four of those freedoms and how they can affect your life:


  1. External Influences - Becoming free from external influences allows you to make your own decisions and happily own the outcomes. When you have healthy self-esteem, you will rely on yourself for decisions and choices. You will not look externally for validation, and you will not constantly second-guess yourself. You will have an intelligent basis for your preferences, and you will not bend to culture, society, religion, or background. You will be able to think for yourself in all situations.
  2. Internal Reactions - You are not emotionally reactive when free from internal reactions. You have reasoned reactions to situations rather than knee-jerk emotional reactions. You think about things. You weigh options, benefits, and drawbacks. You educate yourself
  3. ...
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Affirmation: I See that My Present is Great, and the Future Looks Bright

affirmations Apr 24, 2021

I have many things to be thankful for in my life. I count my blessings.


I think that my life is wonderful. I am grateful for all the positive things that are happening in the here and now. My present life only continues to get better. I make an effort each day to list the things for which I am grateful.


My future looks even brighter. I awaken every morning with enthusiasm and anticipation for whatever the new day may bring. The positive steps I have already taken almost guarantee that the most amazing parts of my life are yet to come.


I visualize my future for a few minutes each day. I focus on that image to produce the most compelling future possible. My confidence soars, and I know that my dreams are coming to fruition.


I know in my heart that the forecast for my future is bright and sunny.


My emotions and my life are connected. One feeds the other. I choose to see the good things in my life and be happy about them.


With such a fulfilling present and future, I...

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The Unusual Role of Ego in Independence

personal development Apr 20, 2021

Your ego considers independence very important. And your ego has a precise definition of independence - doing things your way without help from anyone else and liking it. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you consider it, the way ego wants things done is rarely how things happen in real life.


But that does not prevent the ego from rearing its ugly head and causing many problems.


When you meet someone who sparks your desire and heart, your ego feels incredibly threatened. After all, this would not feel so good if you were complete and whole on your own, right? So, ego puts up a fight when things are going great and lies to you about why you are feeling so happy.


Maybe it shows you that you are weak if you depend on someone this much. Or it means that if you were truly independent, you would not need the company of another. You might begin believing that you are codependent when really, you are just in love!


The ego has many tricks up its sleeve for ke...

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Spotlight on the danger of abuse

health Apr 19, 2021

It may sound strange, but people who have lived with abuse for many years may not even realize that they are being abused.

If you have grown up in a family where abuse occurs almost every day, you may think that hitting, pushing, or constant yelling are normal ways to treat the members of your family and other people.

Every family has arguments, but when yelling goes too far or lasts too long or when disagreements turn physical, that is abuse, and abuse is not normal or healthy.


National Crime Victims' Rights Week is April 18-24, 2021


If you have been hurt—physically, sexually, emotionally, or due to neglect—you are a victim of abuse.


Abuse and neglect can affect the way you view yourself and the rest of the world.

You might—

Feel afraid, anxious, angry, confused, or sad.
Fear being hurt again.
Have trouble sleeping, eating, and concentrating.
Skip school or not do well in school.
Have lots of headaches or stomachaches.
Use drugs or alcohol.
Feel ashamed or even blame...

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Affirmation: I Reconnect with Nature and Invigorate My Spirit

affirmations Apr 17, 2021

Nature energizes my spirit and my life. I enjoy my connection to nature. The outdoors helps me regain my focus.


I can disconnect from my busy lifestyle so that I can reconnect with nature. 


Modern society challenges my relationship with nature. I put aside my technology to focus on the incredible, natural splendor all around me. I take time to walk outdoors to be grateful for the majesty of the animals and plants.


I pay attention to the rhythm of nature during my outings. I listen to the sounds that envelop me. I observe the connections between plants and animals. All of these beautiful elements raise my spirit.


My spirit feels vibrant while I delve into nature.


I easily re-establish my relationship with nature, even when I have been away from it for a time. I try not to stay away too long because nature is essential to my soul. It makes me healthy, serene, and strong.


Nature unlocks a channel in my heart that embraces love. It helps me restore my spirit from ...

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Being Independent in Life is Important

personal development Apr 13, 2021

Independence is a skill that not every woman possesses at birth. Of course, everyone has to become somewhat independent as they grow up towards adulthood, but it is far easier for some to accept their independence than others. Evading independence as an adult creates problems in many different areas of your life, especially as you enter into professional and personal interactions.


Learn to:

  • be your own strongest supporter – vital to success in any area of life.


It can be challenging for some women to realize they are responsible for any life occurrences—choices made shape your life. Your decisions develop your direction. Being practical about this is beneficial and necessary. When you know you can rely on and take total care of yourself, you can accomplish anything.


  • stand on our own two feet – although trust is not always detrimental.


It is healthy to be able to trust and rely on others. What you should not do is leave your potential for joy in someone else’s h...

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Affirmation: I Discover and Experience the Beauty Around Me

affirmations Apr 10, 2021

As long as I allow myself to see the beauty surrounding me, my life is enhanced a hundred-fold. Therefore I strive to release any negative thoughts and feelings that can blind me from this beauty.


Beauty abounds in my loved ones and my relationships with them. Each one has its unique beauty, unlike anyone else. I see this beauty in their smile, feel it in their caress, and hear it in their song of life.


They share their beauty in their hopes, dreams, and aspirations. I listen and am lifted as I encourage them. When I feel down, they let their beauty shine through to bring me back up again.


I find beauty in everyday things - a wildflower lifting its bloom through the rocky soil, the puppy that greets me with glee, the crystals of the morning dew, and the soft comfort of my bed at the end day.


Even humdrum routines bring the beauty of their own. When I get something done at work, it is a beautiful thing! When I make a tasty dinner, that is beautiful also, and I thoroughly...

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Affirmation: I Release Joy Everywhere I Go  

affirmations Apr 03, 2021

How I deal with the world each day largely determines the kind of day I have and the quality of connections I experience. So I make a conscious decision daily to be cheerful. I strive to spread joy.


Because I prefer that people positively affect me, I want to do the same for everyone I come into contact with too. This means managing my mood and ensuring that I stay positive.


However, to have something to share with others, my cup must be full. So I also tend to my joy by engaging in interests that satisfy me. This helps uplift my mood and empowers my approach to life to be filled with joy and passion.


I do my best to both uplift others and be uplifted by individuals I meet. Life is more pleasant when I am in the company of happy people. To boost the spirits of others, I am joyful and spread happiness and positivity among those around me as much as I can.


Today, I promise to put all my effort into releasing joy everywhere I go. I stay on top of my moods so I can consciou...

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