Affirmation: I Exemplify Joy in Every Circumstance

affirmations May 23, 2020

Joy is my steady state of mind. I could certainly give in to feelings of anger, guilt, or sadness, but I feel so much better when I am happy. And because I think positively about life, I radiate joy, which in turn comes back to me.


In any situation, I take a minute to look at the value of my circumstances. I believe that there is a wealth of lessons and knowledge to be found everywhere. These teachings, whether positive or negative, help to shape me into a better person. Being the best person I can be, fills me with joy.


True happiness also means nurturing the well-being of my family. I pay attention to the impact my actions have on those that I love.


When my child gets injured or has a falling-out with a friend, I put on my nurturing hat. I offer support and unconditional love. The healing I see when my child’s face lights up again is more than enough to make me happy.


I know I am truly at peace when every breath I take brings fulfillment. My...

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The Heart of a Christian Mom: Nurturing Faith, Love, and Strength

relationships May 22, 2020

Being a mom is a calling filled with incredible joys, challenges, and responsibilities. For a Christian mom, this role takes on even deeper significance as you strive to raise your children in the faith, nurture their spiritual growth, and guide them with love and wisdom. But what does it mean to be a Christian mom, and how can you embrace this role with grace and strength?


Embracing Your God-Given Role

Motherhood is a divine calling. God has entrusted you with the responsibility of raising and shaping your children's lives. Psalm 127:3 reminds us that our children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Understanding that your role as a mom is part of God’s plan gives you the strength and purpose to fulfill this responsibility with dedication and joy.


Leading by Example

As a Christian mom, your actions speak louder than words. Your children look to you as their first example of what it means to live a life of faith. By prioritizing prayer,...

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Organizational Coaching for Better Life Balance

life coaching May 21, 2020

Organizational coaching is a process that provides women with the necessary support and guidance to navigate the complexities of work-life balance. This coaching is designed to help women set achievable goals, develop effective time management strategies, and enhance their communication and collaboration skills to achieve a healthier and more fulfilling work-life balance.


Organizational coaches are crucial in supporting women and organizations in their quest for work-life balance. They act as facilitators, guides, and mentors, providing valuable insights and helping women navigate the challenges of balancing work and personal life.


The primary role of organizational coaches is to help women identify and overcome obstacles that hinder work-life balance.

They assist women in identifying their priorities, clarifying their values, and aligning their actions with their goals. Coaches also help women develop strategies for managing their time effectively, setting boundaries,...

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Christians in the Marketplace: Living Out Your Faith in Business

In today’s world, the marketplace is more than just a place of commerce; it’s a sphere where values, ethics, and faith intersect. For Christians, the marketplace offers a unique opportunity to live out our faith, not just in words but in actions that reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ. Whether you’re an employee, a business owner, or a leader, the Bible provides timeless guidance on how to conduct business in a way that honors God.


Working with Integrity

Integrity is a cornerstone of Christian conduct in the marketplace. The Bible speaks clearly about the importance of honesty and uprightness in all our dealings. Proverbs 11:1 states, "A false balance is abomination to the LORD: but a just weight is his delight." This verse highlights the importance of fairness and honesty in business transactions. Christians must maintain integrity, ensuring our work and business practices are transparent and just.

Ephesians 6:7-8 also encourages us to work diligently...

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How Women With Great Self-Worth Think

personal development May 19, 2020

Genuinely confident and happy women are the ones with high self-worth. But how do they come to be that way? Are some women born with a more straightforward feeling of value? Or do they make a routine of acting a certain way, which helps to keep them feeling optimistic regarding who they are?


If you talk to women with great self-worth, you find several factors in common. Women who feel good about themselves tend to think a certain way. Let's look at a few ideas that keep women feeling worthy even when life gets complicated.


They Understand Where Mistakes Fit

Every woman messes up now and again. The women with self-worth recognize this. They show accountability for their actions but acknowledge that just because something went wrong does not alter who they are as people. They still respect themselves even when they make mistakes.


They Do Not Get Caught in the Trappings of Life

Who you are has much less to do with what you have than you may think. It does not make...

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When You See Health From A Christian Perspective

health May 18, 2020

Health touches every aspect of our lives—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. As Christians, our understanding of health is deeply rooted in our relationship with God and the teachings of the Bible. The Bible offers valuable insights into how we should care for our bodies and souls, reminding us that true health encompasses more than just physical well-being; it is about living in harmony with God’s design.


Our Bodies as Temples of the Holy Spirit

One of the Bible's most profound teachings on health is the idea that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, the Apostle Paul writes, "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."

This passage serves as a profound reminder that our bodies are not our own; they are sacred temples of the Holy Spirit,...

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Overcome Negativity and Jealousy: Focus on GratitudeĀ 

spirituality May 17, 2020

Our society greatly emphasizes material possessions such as cars, homes, and clothes. We tend to derive our value and social status from these things and aspire to acquire more money, houses, and vehicles. Despite our relentless pursuit of these things, we fail to find true happiness. Rather than feeling grateful for what we do have, we often envy those who have more than us, creating a sense of dissatisfaction in our lives.


As Christians, it can be challenging to live according to Biblical principles while also struggling with jealousy. Imagine constantly trying to outdo our neighbors, coworkers, or family members. The pressure to compete can be overwhelming and ultimately cause us to lose sight of what truly matters - relationships, children, and health. Placing too much value on material possessions can leave us feeling unfulfilled and create an inner tension that takes away from our happiness. Remember that true happiness cannot be achieved by accumulating material...

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Affirmation: I Laugh Because Encouraging Others Makes Me Happy

affirmations May 16, 2020

I discover many opportunities to impact the lives of others daily. I live in a world filled with others trying just as hard as I am to live their best life. Therefore, I seek to do my part when it comes to encouraging them.


I introduce myself when I encounter someone new. I look for ways I can reach out. Touching someone’s life is very important to me because it enhances my connections with them.


It is fulfilling to know that I affect others in ways that make their lives easier.


One method of impacting others is by offering encouragement. I believe that everyone needs as much encouragement as possible. To encourage is to give hope to someone or inspire them with confidence. Encouragement makes us continue working towards whatever we wish to accomplish.


I encourage others to achieve their goals whenever possible.


I feel thankful that something I can easily do means so much to those who I encounter. I am happy that I have the power to give...

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Forgive Mistakes and Extend People Genuine Mercy

relationships May 15, 2020

Forgiveness and mercy are at the heart of Christian living. They are not just virtues admired from afar, but practices lived out in our daily interactions with others. The Bible emphasizes the importance of forgiving one another and extending mercy, reflecting the very character of God. When we forgive and show mercy, we mirror the love and grace that God has shown to us through Jesus Christ.


The Call to Forgive

Forgiveness is not optional for a Christian; it is a command. Jesus clearly states in Matthew 6:14-15, "For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses." This verse underscores the seriousness with which God views forgiveness. We are to forgive others as a reflection of the forgiveness we have received from Him.


Operating out of forgiveness means letting go of grudges, resentment, and the desire for revenge. It is about releasing...

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Christian Life Coaching: Guiding with Biblical Perspective

life coaching May 14, 2020

Many seek guidance to navigate life's complexities in a world of uncertainty and challenges. Christian life coaching offers a unique approach, combining practical wisdom with the timeless truths of the Bible. As a Christian life coach, the goal is to help individuals achieve their goals and do so in a way that aligns with God’s will and purpose for their lives. By integrating biblical principles, Christian life coaching provides a powerful personal growth and spiritual development framework.


The Foundation of Christian Life Coaching

At the core of Christian life coaching is the belief that God has a purpose and plan for each person’s life. Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us of this truth: "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end." This verse is a foundational promise that God’s plans for us are good and hopeful. As a Christian life coach, the goal is to help individuals discover...

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