How To Help Prevent a Heart Attack? Get Moving, Girl!

health May 04, 2020

National Women’s Health Week starts each year on Mother’s Day to encourage women and girls to prioritize their health. Preventing a heart attack should be one of the things that concern women most.

According to a 2018 CDC report, at 21.8%, heart disease is the leading cause of death for women in the United States (followed by cancers at 20.5%).

And while it is obviously not possible to completely prevent a heart attack, there are several important ways to help guard yourself against suffering a heart attack.


Are you tired of hearing advice about heart attack prevention?

Coaches like me will continue to advise about ways to prevent heart attacks until the number of people suffering the effects decreases significantly. If you have yet to take seriously the warnings and advice you have heard, seen, and read, please read on to learn about simple ways of heart attack prevention for almost everyone.


Because the heart is a muscle, it can be worked out and...

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Make Time for Jesus your Greatest Faith Priority

spirituality May 03, 2020

If Jesus, His kingdom, and His righteousness are the first priority in your life, all other matters of your life find their places. "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:" Ecclesiastes 3:1. But when you allow Jesus to slip from His throne, every matter in your life fights for pre-eminence. To make it through the struggles in life, we need to find our strength in Jesus.


Making Time for Jesus a Priority

Visa or Mastercard—are you even presented that choice anymore?

Take-out or delivery—that is a familiar phrase, especially during the COVID shutdown.

Hot or iced…coffee, that is.

Women are all faced with numerous choices every single day of our lives. Yet, we make nearly all of them without putting much (if any) thought into what we are doing. It is as if we are on auto-pilot. But why do you make the choices you make?

The solution to that question is simple: We make choices centered on our wants or...

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Affirmation: I am Made Stronger Out of Adversity

affirmations May 02, 2020

I know life is hard. I acknowledge that as part of the natural order of things. If I did not have hard times, I could not be grateful for the complete joy of good times.


I am reminded of the famous declaration, "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger!" Even if I feel I cannot bear any more, I persevere. I come out of the situation, seeing that I am stronger than before.


As my body is strengthened through exercise, my character is strengthened through adversities. Challenges apply pressure on me and make me feel like the weight of the world is on my shoulders. But each adversity I overcome makes it less complicated for me to kick off the weight of the next one.


Overcoming adversities brings me the confidence to face new challenges as well. If I did it once, twice, or many times, I know I can do it again!


Because of experience, I also know with certainty that "this, too, shall pass." It gives me the strength to continue no matter what the circumstances.


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Operate Out of Love: Overcome Struggles and Difficulties

relationships May 01, 2020

Life is full of challenges, and relationships are no exception. Whether it is a misunderstanding with a friend, a disagreement in marriage, or tension within a family, struggles and difficulties are inevitable. However, the Bible teaches us that when we operate out of love, we are to work through these challenges in a way that not only strengthens our relationships but also transforms them. Love is the foundation that enables us to navigate life’s storms with grace, patience, and resilience, offering us hope and inspiration in the face of adversity.


Love Bears All Things

One of the most well-known passages about love is 1 Corinthians 13. In verse 7, the Apostle Paul writes that love "beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things." When we operate out of love, we are willing to bear the burdens of relationships. Love gives us the strength to endure hardships, to believe the best in others, and to maintain hope even when circumstances...

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Organizational Coaching as the Expert Tool You Need

life coaching Apr 30, 2020

The field of organizational coaching employs various approaches and techniques to help individuals and teams improve their performance and achieve their goals.

These methods are designed to enhance personal and professional development, enhance communication, and promote effective leadership. Some common organizational coaching techniques include cognitive-behavioral approaches, solution-focused coaching, and appreciative inquiry.

Additionally, coaching can be delivered through various modes such as face-to-face, telephone, or online. The selection of the appropriate approach and mode of delivery depends on multiple factors, such as the needs of the client, the organizational context, and the coach's expertise.

An effective organizational coach must have a sound understanding of these various techniques and approaches to tailor their services to meet the unique needs of their clients.

The role of organizational coaching in facilitating women's achievement of work-life balance is...

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Work Life Balance: Opportunities To Empower Employees

Incorporating Work-Life Balance into a Businesses Culture

Including work-life balance in an organization's culture is a pivotal and crucial step towards achieving sustainability. By effectively addressing the workload and expectations of employees and promoting flexibility in their schedules and boundaries, businesses can establish a supportive and harmonious work culture that prioritizes the well-being of their workforce.

Cultivating an affirming and encouraging environment helps employees remain motivated, focused, and engaged, enhancing their productivity. Furthermore, such a culture fosters a sense of commitment and loyalty towards the organization, leading to higher employee retention rates and lower turnover costs. Therefore, businesses must consider these factors when developing their organizational culture to thrive in today's highly competitive business environment.


Addressing Workload and Expectations

It is fundamental to address the workload and expectations of...

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Find Opportunities to Improve Time Management

personal development Apr 28, 2020

Women can control time management well by finding their lost time. Lost time is when you did not even appreciate that you were squandering it in the first place. It is almost like keeping change in a piggy bank, and one day you know it, you have over $100!


1. Do not waste the time that most people do.

There are ways to find a time often unnoticed because women tend to think about time management as their big blocks of time available. But you can do a lot in just ten or fifteen minutes.

Do not waste away the time you have while waiting at the doctor’s office or exercising. For example, if you enjoy using a treadmill, you can get a standing desk to work on something with a fast-approaching deadline while you walk.


2. Appreciate that not everything that appears crucial is.

Sometimes things only seem important. Examine your life and stop doing the things that are not critical, and drain your time. If something is not a matter of being happy and succeeding...

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Social Distancing, isolation, quarantine - the reason why is to be protected

health Apr 27, 2020

Physical/Social Distancing, Isolation, and Quarantine


COVID-19 is a new disease, and there is limited information regarding risk factors for severe disease. However, based on currently available information and clinical expertise, older adults and people of any age with serious underlying medical conditions might be at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.

Based upon available information to date, those at high risk for severe illness from COVID-19 include:
• People aged 65 years and older
• People who live in a nursing home or long-term care facility
• Other high-risk conditions could include:
     o People with chronic lung disease or moderate to severe asthma
     o People who have heart disease with complications
     o People who are immunocompromised, including cancer treatment
     o People of any age with severe obesity (body mass index [(BM]I)≥40) or certain underlying medical conditions,...

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You See Security And Hope In The Serenity Prayer

spirituality Apr 26, 2020

Reinhold Neibuhr (American Theologian-Philosopher 1892-1971) wrote the "Serenity Prayer". It is beautiful and encourages us to accept with grace what we cannot change. During this COVID-19 crisis, with so much out of our control, this prayer is the perfect antidote to worry and stress.



A little Serenity Prayer history:

There are many, many different versions of this prayer, and it has been adapted, quoted and used by many - including by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) who popularized and used it as part of their 12 Step Program, and named it "The Serenity Prayer".

According to Wikipedia, the original prayer was written by Reinhold Niebuhr in the early 1930s and simply said, "Father, give us courage to change what must be altered, serenity to accept what cannot be helped, and the insight to know the one from the other." Reinhold wrote his versions of the prayer as a single sentence - not placing it into 3 lines like a poem as is commonly seen.


Full Unedited Version of...

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Affirmation: I Am Free from Anger and Remorse

affirmations Apr 25, 2020

I live my life free of anger and remorse because I choose to deal with situations as they arise. I avoid the tendency to prevent conditions that cause me pain. I know tackling them upfront will help me get to the origin of problems immediately before they can take root and grow.


If I am offended, I talk over my feelings with the person involved. I am not interested in laying blame, but I attempt to be open and honest, sharing how I feel in the wake of their actions. I speak out of a need for greater understanding and respect.


If I upset someone, I express regret with a sincere heart. I release my pride as well as any wish for revenge.


Rarely is an issue one person's fault entirely. I oppose the idea that the other person must approach me before I can forgive or ask for forgiveness. After all, I cannot change anyone else.


I can only take the blame for my actions. But, I am ready to ask for forgiveness and seek understanding, even when I feel that the other...

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