Better Success Through Professional Organizational Coaching

life coaching Jul 23, 2020

Are you tired of feeling like your work and personal life are in constant conflict?

Have you been struggling to achieve a sense of balance?


Organizational coaching could be the solution you have been searching for!


Let's explore how this approach can help women like you find the desired harmony.


Introducing Organizational Coaching

Over the years, many organizations have realized the importance of work-life balance in enhancing employee productivity, satisfaction, and well-being. In pursuit of this goal, organizational coaching has emerged as a valuable tool an organization can use to help employees achieve a better work-life balance.

Organizational coaching involves working with employees individually or in groups to identify their personal and professional goals, develop strategies for achieving them, and create a supportive environment that fosters growth and development.

Organizations can create a more engaged, productive, and fulfilled workforce by providing...

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When You Think It in the Mind, You'll See It In Life

personal development Jul 21, 2020

Anything women believe and think will project how we live our lives. Too many women do not consider this. They often attribute their hardships to chance or fate. Although there are some elements of this within our lives, how we think can change our future.


If you are a negative thinking woman, you will not see answers even when they exist.

You will beat down any notion that comes your way, thinking it is not possible. On the other hand, every idea can become an answer when you maintain a positive outlook. You will find the path much faster than when you do not acknowledge any ideas.

These consequences of positive and negative thinking play out for women repeatedly. Positive women advance where negative women stay stuck in place or, even worse, fall behind.

You will assemble with folks who share a similar mental mindset.

  • Negativity will draw negative thinkers, and positivity will attract positive thinkers. If you get a group of positive thinkers together, who are all open...
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Affirmation: I Feel Adventures Awaken My Spirit

affirmations Jul 18, 2020

There is something wonderful about new opportunities that stirs excitement in my soul. Adventures awaken my spirit and allow me to have an open mind to newness.


I love being able to explore the world. New places challenge my sense of adventure and teach me how to soak up the unfamiliar humbly. I feel alive when faced with a new language to learn or a new culture to respect.


I travel to have adventures, gain new knowledge, and make new friends.


There is little room for fear when I board a plane to a foreign country. I proceed with a brave heart and a peaceful soul because I believe that my steps are guided.


Sure, I get butterflies in my stomach when I try something for the first time. There is a mix of anxiety and excitement that comes with discoveries. But my sense of adventure wins out over fear every time.


It is easy for me to venture out into the unknown. When I focus on gaining a positive experience, I leave little time for negative thoughts. I...

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You Need to Embrace Priorities While Working from Home

Working from home on the sofa while your family goes about their day around you makes anyone feel the strain. Women must do whatever they can to find a unique home office space that sets the tone for a positive, productive workday. 


No matter how planned your day may be, unexpected problems will always pop up in life. It would be best to prepare for occasionally going off course and learn how to adapt and overcome those bumps in the road. 


Working from home is not new. But as more businesses look towards making it an integral part of how they operate, work as we know it looks set for significant changes. When you prioritize your work life, there are sacrifices that you will have to make.


If you have a big project about to be released and technical issues and glitches pop up, you may have to cancel plans in your personal life to show up and fix the problems in your work life.


When you prioritize your home life, you will have to accept that...

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9 Positive Reasons to Do Something New

personal development Jul 14, 2020

What comes to your brain if someone says you should try something new? Are you excited to jump in and try it? Or are you terrified of possible adverse outcomes? See, most women get scared away by the thought of trying something they have never tried before. And that is okay.


The next time you get nervous about experimenting with something new, come back to your “why” and remind yourself of these positive outcomes.


  1.  You Will Learn What You Are Capable of

How do you know if you do not try? As soon as you start mixing it up and trying new things, you will unveil things about yourself that you never knew before. You may have a hidden talent or a personal interest that grows into something big.


  1.  Humility is an Added Bonus

When you try something, and you fall on your face. The bright side is that you earn a sense of humility.


  1.  Capitalize on the Successes

Creating your next opportunity makes it that much more satisfying when you...

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Affirmation: I Wear My Calm Hat When I Evaluate Sticky Situations

affirmations Jul 11, 2020

To fully recognize and analyze situations, I need to remain calm and gather my stillness and quietness.

When life throws me trials along the way, I remain calm and enjoy the peace that is mine. Using specific tools that help me be calm allows me to let go of the necessity to panic or fall apart in challenging situations. Calm is something I can choose to be. I am strong enough to build up my stores of serenity for surprises.

I have a special reservoir within me. I either choose to fill this tank and keep it filled or to let it become empty. This special reservoir is my serenity tank. When it is full, I enjoy calmness in all situations. I can draw from my serenity tank when I need it.

I fill my tank with positive energy from maintaining a healthy body and mind, daily relaxation, and meditating on God’s word.

When I forget my physical and emotional needs, let negative energy into my life, or become over-stressed, I drain my serenity tank.

Today, I will add to my serenity tank...

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Make Successful Goals with Organizational Coaching

life coaching Jul 09, 2020

Organizational coaching is a valuable tool for working women seeking optimal work-life balance.

One of the primary benefits of this approach is its ability to help identify and set meaningful goals. By working closely with experienced coaches, women can better understand their unique circumstances and aspirations. Coaches provide a safe, non-judgmental environment where women can explore their priorities and values.

Proverbs 21:5 KJV - "The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness; but of every one that is hasty only to want."

This process enables women to understand what work-life balance means to them and what specific goals they want to achieve. Coaches help women develop a comprehensive plan that considers various factors such as their career goals, personal life, health, and well-being.


By working with a coach, women can gain the support and guidance needed to overcome obstacles, progress, and achieve their desired work-life balance.

Coaches play a vital role...

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Separating SpacesĀ When You Work from Home is Important

Depending on your personality type, you might find it difficult to draw a line between work mode and home mode, mainly if both occur in the same physical space. If you manage all your work and home life in the same place, things may get much more complex than need be. It could lead to unnecessary frustration toward your family or home life.


Work-from-home experts agree it is vital to create a separate space for work at home. It would be best to create an area to be productive and focus solely on your career path. If you have the opportunity, find office space outside of your house because then you can have a completely private area to focus on your work.


This is a straightforward way to separate your work and home spaces completely. You will have to factor in the costs of rent and other possible utilities, but it may be worth it if it means you can be more productive and creative.


Your life may not be at the right place for an office outside of the home....

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Address the Stress of Your Professional and Personal LifeĀ 

personal development Jul 07, 2020

Ladies, thinking that you can handle everything life throws at you is careless. It would be best to address that stress will seep into your life no matter what, whether it comes from your professional or personal interactions.


Striving for a healthy work-life balance is a difficult challenge even in the best of times. But, this can be even worse for women who are working from home, especially during the "worldwide pandemic".



Any job can have stressful elements, even if you love what you do. It will help if you face that stress head-on so that you can find the best way to handle it all. When the stress on the job interferes with your work performance, health, or personal life, it is time to take action.


Treat yourself. Buy something that you have always wanted. It could be anything in the world if it fits in your budget. Maybe you have not had your favorite coffee in a while, or there is a...

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Know More About Authentic Prayer Conversations

spirituality Jul 05, 2020

Prayer aligns our hearts with God and His purposes. Prayer exists throughout the Bible. Jesus often withdrew from groups and his disciples to spend time in prayer. Jesus has promised us good things from God—his Father and ours. He does not promise to answer our specific demands, but he invites us to pray and promises to give us good things.


God loves us. He communicates with us out of His word and our prayers. The thought of prayer as a conversation seems so simple on the surface. But when you first start to pray, it can feel more like a monologue. After all, you are talking, but you are not hearing anything. Or are you?


God DOES speak back. It might not be audible, but He WILL speak to you in your spirit the more time you spend talking to Him in your prayer life.


It is easy to miss God’s voice because He does not always respond right away or precisely as we had anticipated. You might pray about money troubles only to find twenty dollars later...

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