Affirmation: I Cleanse my Body, Mind, and Spirit, By Letting Go

affirmations Apr 04, 2020

I let go. It is a freeing process to renew me. The old me steps aside when I release my inhibitions and awaken anew. I must let go of many things in my life to open myself to blessings in store for me.


Letting go of all anxiety and stress cleanses my mind. As I let go of my worries, I have peace of mind and tranquility in my soul. I am empowered when I surrender control because my mind is free from tension’s corruptive power.


I let go of all emotional wounds of my past so that I can cleanse my spirit. No matter whatever is behind me, I step forward into a better day. I oppose evil thoughts and replace them with faith and trust. And I know my present and future hold the best days of my life.


To cleanse my body, I scrutinize my diet and make necessary changes. I eliminate fatty and unhealthy foods. I eat fruits, vegetables, and other food rich in nutrients and vitamins. My body is free from alcohol, drugs, and other toxins. My lungs are free from smoke. I...

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Christian Daughter: A Journey of Faith, Honor, and Love

relationships Apr 03, 2020

Being a daughter is a role filled with unique joys, challenges, and responsibilities. As a Christian daughter, you are to navigate these dynamics in a way that honors God and reflects His love. It's a journey of faith, honor, and love that brings immense joy and inspiration. But what does it mean to be a Christian daughter, and how can you live out this role with faith, honor, and love?


Understanding Your Identity in Christ

Before anything else, it is important to understand that your identity as a daughter goes beyond your earthly family. As a Christian, you are, first and foremost, a daughter of God. This profound understanding empowers you, shaping how you view yourself and your relationships. Knowing that you are loved, valued, and cherished by God gives you the confidence to live out your role gracefully and purposefully.


Honoring Your Parents

One of the key commandments in the Bible is to honor your father and mother. Ephesians 6:1-3 reminds us that children must...

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Christian Life Coaching Is Personal Growth And Development Through Jesus

Christian Life Coaching is a process that aims to help women improve their personal and professional lives by setting and achieving goals, enhancing their self-awareness, and developing the necessary skills and strategies to overcome any obstacles that may stand in their way. At the heart of Christian Life Coaching lies personal growth and development through learning to live like Jesus, which is the driving force behind the transformative journey that clients embark on.


Everything in life is about communication and relationships.

Life coaches are experienced professionals who play a pivotal role in helping women unleash their full potential and live a fulfilling and purposeful life. They work collaboratively with their clients and employ various techniques to help them better understand God, themselves, and others, through a Truth Mindset.


Christian Life Coaching is a unique and effective approach to encouraging women to achieve their goals and unlock their full...

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Coaching As The Catalyst That Will Make You More Successful

life coaching Apr 02, 2020

Coaching is a partnership between the client to explore options, face hurdles, and forge new paths to success based on the client's goals. Women often seek help from Christian Life Coaches to improve an aspect or skill. The benefits of Christian coaching can be manifold. Christian Coaches help you set and achieve goals, overcome obstacles, improve your communication and interpersonal skills, and increase your overall well-being and satisfaction. Coaching is utilized as a catalyst that will make you more successful.


Coaching Specializations Include:

  • Business Coaching
  • Career Coaching
  • Corporate Coaching
  • Executive Coaching
  • Health & Wellness
  • Personal Development
  • Relationship Coaching
  • Retirement Coaching
  • Spiritual Coaching
  • Time Management Coaching
  • Weight/Body Image Coaching
  • Work/Life Balance Coaching
  • Other Specializations


We cannot cause a change in anyone else. We cannot save, restore or fashion someone else's character. A coach is someone with skills and knowledge...

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Transparency Or Intimacy: You Need To Know The Difference

No fooling, being vulnerable has value. Author Brené Brown has proven that vulnerability can transform relationships, including those between customers and business owners. Being transparent is the new customer service, but do not confuse transparency for intimacy. There is a line between being vulnerable and oversharing.


Transparency should feel like a warm hug that lets others know you understand, you have been there. You may even be there at the current moment. Transparency should not feel icky, awkward, and uncomfortable. Some things are or the therapist’s couch, not your content.


Do Not Confuse Transparency for Intimacy


When creating compelling content, it is crucial to know the line between transparency and intimacy. Here are a few do’s and don’ts that will help you create compelling content that does not undermine your authority or make people feel weird.


Do: Do share authentic stories and current topics that are...

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Make Helpful Life Changes Easily

personal development Mar 31, 2020

At least 90% of people will tell you that they do not relish change. Change is not easy because people are creatures of habit. You want to continue living in a specific schedule once you have conditioned your body and mind to function in that way. This makes you feel secure with your surroundings and decisions.


Even if you do not like change, there are ways to make healthy lifestyle changes easier. You can also use tools to welcome change into your life, even when entering new uncharted territory.


Here are three ways to make lifestyle changes easier for you:


  1. Establish the Pros and Cons. If you recognize that you need to make changes in your life and are not looking forward to doing so, you can carry out a simple exercise that will make the transition simpler to handle.


Take a sheet of paper. On one side, write "Pros." On the other side, write, "Cons." On the corresponding side, you will note the pros and cons of the change to see the benefits and...

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Alert: What is this COVID-19 thing, really?

health Mar 30, 2020

Coronavirus (COVID - 19)


Beginning December 2019, we have been hearing about a family of viruses known as coronaviruses. There are 69 known species of these coronaviruses. Seven of them can affect humans. The others of this virus species are contracted by animals, mostly pigs, bats, and other small mammals.



Healthcare providers have known about these viruses since the 1960s. From 2002 to 2003, the general population began to hear of them due to an outbreak of a new strain of coronavirus that occurred in China. Eventually, this virus was called Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The epidemic spread to twenty-four countries around the world. According to the World Health Organization, roughly 8,000 cases were reported. The mortality rate was between 9.5 to 10 percent.

Another new strain of coronavirus emerged in Saudi Arabia about ten years later, with an extremely high mortality rate of 35 percent. That epidemic spread to twenty-one countries before it was...

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Overcome Painful Questions Reading More Of God's Word

spirituality Mar 29, 2020

Sometimes women feel God’s presence. Other times, it seems like God has completely disappeared from our lives. We can often feel anxiety, sadness, or mistrust of God in these times.


The Questions that Haunt the Hurting

During unspeakable loss and horrific evil, many women doubt where God is. Heartache forces us to confront the ugly questions we otherwise would not ask. Some questions haunt us deep into the wee hours of the morning.

We ask things like this:

  • Do You worry about what happens to me?
  • Does my pain matter to You?
  • If You are good, why does life hurt so much?
  • Why did You not stop this?
  • Why will You not take this away?


Why Is God Quiet?

In response to these types of questions that threaten to rip at your soul, it seems as if God is quiet. Insult to injury. Abandonment in the face of most profound sorrow. Why is God quiet?

Prayer warrior, and the man after God’s own heart, David wrestled with similar questions during his lifetime. In Psalm 13:1-2,...

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Affirmation: I Stand Up for Myself if Others Try to Tear Me Down

affirmations Mar 28, 2020

I know that there is a distinct difference between being nice to others and being a pushover. For this reason, when I feel offended by others' comments and feel as if their comments are mean-spirited, I stand up for myself.


I am the type of woman that likes to avoid conflict. I normally tend to agree with others basically for the sake of dodging an awkward situation. Though a lot of people might not be fond of these personality traits, I find them to work just fine for me.


But, my attempts to avoid conflict are discontinued when others intentionally try to tear me down. I need a right to stand up for myself. I make it a point to put others in line if they say something that hurts my feelings.


I love to live in harmony. But if I choose to let others walk all over me, I pay the price emotionally later. So, I choose to protect myself by standing up for myself. When someone attacks my competence or negatively affects my emotions, I prefer to say something.



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Faith Is The Foundation Of The Christian Marriage Life

relationships Mar 27, 2020

Marriage is a sacred covenant, a union that reflects Christ's love and commitment to His church. For Christians, marriage goes beyond a legal contract; it is a spiritual and emotional bond designed by God Himself.


But what does it truly mean to have a Christian marriage, and how can couples ensure their union aligns with God's will?


Let’s explore the key elements that form the foundation of a strong Christian marriage.


Christ at the Center

The most important aspect of a Christian marriage is having Christ at the center of the relationship. When both partners seek to honor God in their marriage, they create a firm foundation to withstand life's challenges. This means prioritizing prayer, studying the Bible together, and seeking God’s guidance in all decisions.


And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him, and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.— Ecclesiastes 4:12


This verse beautifully illustrates...

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