Challenge Habits for Improved Focus and Better Growth

personal development Jun 02, 2020

Our daily habits shape our identity and determine our future. If we persistently engage in harmful habits, they can harm our overall well-being, causing us to feel depleted and unfulfilled. We must challenge habits for improved focus and better growth.


Here are 4 common examples of harmful habits that can rob us of our joy and peace if we allow them to persist unchecked:


  1.  Focusing on how life “should” be.

Our reactions to frustration can either motivate or irritate us. We should try to use them as a driving force rather than let them bring us down. Life is a matter of perspective, and we control how we view it. Instead of getting angry, we should try to find a lesson. Instead of feeling envious, we should cultivate admiration. When worries arise, we should act. When we doubt ourselves, we should have faith. It is important to remember that our response to any situation is more powerful than the situation itself. While completely uncontrollable...

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How to Healthily Distract Yourself During This Difficult Time

health Jun 01, 2020

This COVID-19 crisis has radically changed our lives. Just a few months ago, we had no idea our 'world' would be our homes!

This crisis is a powerful reminder of how important freedom is - and how much we need human connection!

Remember, you are not alone. Because what is DIFFERENT here is that everyone is impacted! Your neighbor, mom, boss, friends, and counterparts worldwide are all going through something similar.

So, it's important to remember:

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way. Viktor E. Frankl

This is the challenge each of us must rise to today! If we are going to be at home, we may as well make the most of it.

Here Are 10 Things You Can do to Make Your Life Better while Physically Isolated:

1) Create a Healthy, Supportive Routine

When we feel powerless or helpless (as so many of us do at the moment), one straightforward thing is to create a...

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Life With Godā€™s Purpose: A Path To Authentic Fulfillment

spirituality May 31, 2020

One of the greatest questions many women face is, “What is my purpose?” It can be difficult to discern our lives true meaning and direction in a world filled with various demands and expectations. However, as Christian women, we are called to seek God’s purpose for our lives rather than pursuing what the world deems important. Aligning our lives with God’s will brings fulfillment and peace that surpasses all understanding.

God has created each of us with a specific purpose in mind. Jeremiah 29:11 is a verse that offers hope and assurance: “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” This verse reminds us that God has already mapped out a plan for us, a plan that is filled with peace, hope, and purpose. By aligning our lives with His will, we can discover what that “expected end” is.


Discovering Your God-Given Purpose

The journey to aligning...

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Affirmation: I Understand that a Peaceful Soul Makes the Most of Any Situation

affirmations May 30, 2020

There are very few things that rattle my sense of contentment because it comes from within. “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world,” John 16:33. I have a peaceful soul. 


When faced with a hindrance, I successfully navigate it with a calm mindset. It is easy to avoid being shaken by adversity when I commit to having inner peace.


I use that centered existence to think of solutions carefully. My mind is more open to finding answers when my soul is unstirred.


Until I can achieve the outcome that I am looking for, I find value in the situation that I am in at the moment. I know that I can be effective regardless of what is happening around me. There is an inner purpose that is rarely impacted by outside forces.


At the end of each day, I am sure of living the day with purpose and will. The gift of life produces the desire...

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Spotlight on the COVID-19 and world travel

health May 29, 2020

Global Health Advisory Level 4 - Do Not Travel


The Department of State advises U.S. citizens to avoid all international travel due to the global impact of COVID-19. In countries where commercial departure options remain available, U.S. citizens who live in the United States should arrange for an immediate return to the United States, unless they are prepared to remain abroad for an indefinite period. U.S. citizens who live abroad should avoid all international travel.


Many countries are experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks and implementing travel restrictions and mandatory quarantines, closing borders, and prohibiting non-citizens from entry with little advance notice.


Airlines have canceled many international flights and several cruise operators have suspended operations or canceled trips. If you choose to travel internationally, your travel plans may be severely disrupted, and you may be forced to remain outside of the United States for an indefinite timeframe.


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Christian Life Coaching for Women: Empowered by Faith and Scripture

life coaching May 28, 2020

In today’s fast-paced world, many women juggle roles — as mothers, wives, professionals, or community leaders. These responsibilities often come with stress, confusion, and a longing for purpose. Christian life coaching offers women a faith-based approach to navigating these challenges, drawing on biblical principles to guide personal growth and spiritual development.

Unlike secular coaching, Christian life coaching grounds itself in Scripture, seeking God's wisdom for direction and fulfillment. Christian life coaches empower women to align their lives with God’s purpose through prayer, reflection, and a focus on biblical truths.


What Is Christian Life Coaching?

Christian life coaching is a process where a coach helps individuals set goals, overcome obstacles, and grow spiritually. The coach uses the Word of God as the foundation for guiding decisions, helping women navigate their personal and professional lives through a biblical lens. It’s not...

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Kingdom-Minded Entrepreneurs Focus On The Higher Purpose

In a world driven by profit and competition, Kingdom-minded entrepreneurs stand out as individuals who operate their businesses with a higher purpose—advancing God’s Kingdom on earth. These entrepreneurs recognize that their work is not just about financial success but about fulfilling God’s mission through ethical practices, servant leadership, and a commitment to making a positive impact. The Bible provides timeless principles that guide Kingdom-minded entrepreneurs as they navigate the complexities of the marketplace.


Understanding Your Purpose

Kingdom-minded entrepreneurs understand that their business is not just a means to make a living but a platform for advancing God’s purposes. In Proverbs 16:3, we read, "Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established." This verse emphasizes the importance of aligning our business endeavors with God’s will. Committing our plans and actions to the Lord not only invites His guidance...

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Reasons To Open Your Mind to a New Thing!

personal development May 26, 2020

Opening your mind to anything gives you the power to break down your internal walls and remove any self-limitations you impose on yourself. Often, women tend to get in their own way by losing belief in their abilities to chase dreams, learn new skills, and accomplish goals.


What does opening your mind to anything mean?

Opening your mind to anything means you believe in all the possibilities before you in life.

  • Rather than assuming a negative attitude and immediately presuming that you cannot do something, you accept that life can surprise you in various ways.
  • Instead of living in self-doubt or fear, you let yourself explore all your options, attempt new things, and encounter all that life has to offer.


What are the benefits of opening your mind to anything?

Opening your mind to anything offers a variety of benefits. For example:


1. Women who open their minds to anything have a strong sense of self-confidence.

Because you are willing to keep an open mind, you...

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Spotlight: Womenā€™s Health In The Christian Perspective

health May 25, 2020

Women's health is a vital topic that encompasses physical well-being and emotional, mental, and spiritual health. From a Christian perspective, health is about honoring God with our bodies and living in alignment with His design for our lives. The Bible offers timeless wisdom that guides us in caring for our bodies, minds, and spirits, helping us to lead healthy and fulfilling lives as women of faith.


The Value of the Body as God’s Creation

The Bible teaches us that our bodies are precious creations of God, designed with purpose and care. In Psalm 139:14, the psalmist declares, "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." This verse reminds us that our bodies are marvels of God’s creation, deserving of respect and care.


For women, this means embracing our bodies as God’s handiwork and taking steps to maintain our health. Whether through proper nutrition, regular exercise,...

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5 Simple Steps to Truth Mindset Decision-Making

Some women contend that, in its simplest form, life is a series of choices. This is true. It is not that simple because life itself is not that simple. The complexity of life or, rather, living life means that the choices the average woman faces over a lifetime are equally complex. These choices range from simple survival decisions (Should I eat that mushroom?) to difficult moral personal choices (Should I speak out against this injustice and incur increased personal risk?). 


The one thing that all these decisions have in common is the option of action and outcome. However, because the nature of these actions and their potential consequences vary wildly, a strategy can only encompass the decision process. This is where an understanding of what a decision is becomes important.


A decision is simply the action of deciding something. A woman faced with a choice makes a choice. The most basic example of this is the proverbial fork in the road. When facing a fork in the...

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