How to Be Successful in 3 Easy Steps

personal development Jan 07, 2020

Despite what you might think, nothing is between you and your goals! Obstacles are for conquering, so long as you keep trying. You can reach excellence if you do your best to get to your fullest potential.

Apply these three easy steps for just four minutes daily, and you will be on your way to extraordinary successes:

  1. Reaffirm your self-belief. It is easy to suffer the loss of your self-confidence. When it seems like things are not going your way, the instinct is to feel doubtful. It is crucial to reaffirm your self-belief daily.

* Look in the mirror. Tell yourself that you trust in your capabilities.

* Reflect on the past. Think about all you have accomplished. If you have been successful in the past, why couldn't you do it again?

* Write a personal affirmation. Commit it to memory. Recite it daily. Positive self-talk can offer you the motivation to go after anything your heart desires.

  1. Assess your hard work. Take time every day to evaluate your efforts. Did you try your best in...
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Exercise Actually Will Make You Boost Your Mood

health Jan 06, 2020

When you feel a little down, try exercise. It is believed that exercise releases serotonin, which is a chemical that controls your mood. Increased levels of that chemical make you feel good. On The Other Hand, low levels of serotonin may produce depression. At the very least, it could be to blame for feeling down.

You may have experienced a surge of good feelings after you have finished exercising. It is hard to deny that exercise benefits your mood, even if you are skeptical of the science. The feeling can last for several hours after your exercise session.

Many women choose to exercise in the morning because of the good feelings that come from it will last throughout their workday. Exercise even helps reduce stress that you may feel from working. It helps give you the ability to handle whatever circumstance confronts you while you work.

If you can not exercise in the morning, you can still benefit from exercise at other times of the day. You are looking for long-term benefits and...

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Make Jesus Fresh on the Mind

spirituality Jan 05, 2020

Women live in a culture obsessed with time, and we never seem to have enough of it. So in the middle of all this hustle and bustle, how do we make time for Jesus? We can certainly pray about different matters or persons in our lives, but the Lord Jesus is a living Lord who wants to have a relationship with us.

So, we should first come to Him to enjoy His presence, rather than starting our day by bringing Him all the things on our “wish list.” Then when we first contact the Lord in our spirit and enjoy Him in His Word, He will lead us to pray for these matters according to His will.

Making Time for Jesus

Accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior, becoming a Christian, being born again, or whatever phrases you use to explain or define your relationship with God signify a commitment. When aligning yourself with Jesus, you are committing to be faithfully obedient to him.

But are you? Are you indeed committed? Or is your relationship with Jesus like a gym membership...

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Affirmation: I Am Free From the Restraints of My Past

affirmations Jan 04, 2020

My past is only a memory of positive and negative experiences, which have taught me valuable life lessons. I have shaken off the restraints that once held me captive to my past. Leaving my past behind me, I can now feel free in my present.


The trials that took place in my past remain part of my history. Though I do not forget about my past, I am confident in correcting previous mistakes and paving a new transformational track for myself. I am shrewder and more matured now than I was in years past.


At present, who I am is a collection of the pieces of my past fit all together, forming a stronger and wiser me. I purge myself of the hurt that some parts caused me, but I learned the lessons.


While I learned many lessons from my past, I move forward to grow and create ways for new experiences. I forgive myself for my past missteps and make every effort to make better choices today.


I acknowledge that I am worthy of friendship and success even though I had a...

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How to Resolve Conflict with Open Communication

relationships Jan 03, 2020

Whether you are considering managing a team or creating improved relationships between your family and friends, communication is something you have to give considerable attention.  If you sit down with someone and make sure you are on the same page, you will work well together and get more done.


What Is Open Communication?


Open communication is precisely what it sounds like: tackling an issue head-on and openly discussing ways to resolve it. Nothing improves by letting an issue fester because neither party wants to discuss it.

You would be surprised how many conflicts resolve simply by sitting down with somebody and engaging in open and friendly communication. The discussion should not be accusatory, threatening, or argumentative. Instead, it should be an opportunity for all people involved to voice their opinions and be heard calmly.


Tips to Resolving Conflict


* A face-to-face confrontation might not always be best. For example, some people are most...

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What is a Life Coach, and Do You Really Need One?

life coaching Jan 02, 2020

All athletes work with coaches. Lots of professionals and entrepreneurs work with mentors. They are really very similar. A life coach is precisely that - a coach for your life. Most women were not formally taught how to live successful lives. Life coaches help you to figure out what you would like to do with your life, set goals, and achieve them. They have experience assisting others to live fulfilling lives.

A life coach helps with many facets of life, including:

  • Achieving challenging goals
  • Career
  • Creating more free time
  • Finding your life's purpose
  • Following an exercise program
  • Love life
  • Making more money
  • Starting a business

Multifaceted roles of a life coach:

  1. Cheers you on - When someone is in your corner, life is more manageable. Someone is always on your side when you have a life coach. It is easier to chase after big goals when you know you have support.
  2. Keeps you going - A life coach also pushes you. They have seen clients attempt to avoid hard work and stressful...
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Small Talk Survival Strategies You Need To Know

Happy New Year!

Ready to get this year started? 

Ready to jump confidently into conversations and network like a pro this year?

When meeting new prospects/clients/etc. for the first time, you are sure to get bogged down with small talk. If you take charge of the dialogue and turn it into something interesting, you become the rescuer of the situation. You leave a great first professional impression.


Quick tips for surviving small talk:

Do Your Research

Do you know who you will be meeting? If so, find out a few details about them in advance. Use the points to ask questions constructed to get people talking. For instance, “I hear you enjoy golfing. Where is your favorite course?”

Give a Memorable Introductions

When you introduce people, say the names slowly so everyone can hear. Also, be sure to tell some interesting facts about the person you are introducing, so they have something to talk about instantly.

Remember People’s Names

In social situations,...

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Merrily Adjust Your Sails for a Hardier Future, Girl

personal development Dec 31, 2019


It is the time of the year, again, when we break open our shiny new planners and start dreaming big. Next year will be different! I can feel it! Of course, as the saying goes, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. So, this year, I would like to invite you to try something different!


“When you can’t change the direction of the wind – adjust your sails” is an inspirational quote from writer H. Jackson Brown, Jr. It has depth and meaning if things are going on in the life that you cannot control.


The only issues you can change are the ones over which you have some control. Therefore, you need to find a way to adjust your sails and look to the future rather than spending more time on what is not working.

When a sailor knows a storm is coming from a particular direction, he or she will adjust their sails and let the wind blow them in the opposite direction. Remaining...

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Start Self-Care in the New Year

health Dec 30, 2019

Part of good health is self-care. But, self-care is a routine that appears foreign to most women. Probably because most have learned to put themselves last and take care of the needs of others first. That is backward thinking because you cannot help anyone else until you first help yourself.


Start by letting go. Too many women hold on to performing tasks because they feel guilted into doing it. They manage issues or deal with other people's responsibilities that they do not want to do in the first place.


It is tough to decline invitations you do not want to say yes to or stop doing what people you care about want you to do, even though you do not want to do it. Sometimes, it can also be hard to say no to ourselves.


That happens when you have a fixed mindset. You create a mental checklist of what you "should" do. For 2020, decide that you will say no to handling or doing anything that you do not wish to have in your life.


It is okay to skip the big family...

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What Will This New Years Bring?

spirituality Dec 29, 2019

Jesus Christ was born circa 4-6 B.C. in Bethlehem, just outside of Jerusalem. After the birth of Jesus and the narrative around his first visitors, we get just one glimpse of Jesus as a young boy before the camera stops for nearly twenty years.


Jesus visited Jerusalem at age 12 and became separated from them. He was later found in a temple, discussing religious affairs with some of Jerusalem's elders.


He went home and was obedient to his parents. "And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them: but his mother kept all these sayings in her heart." - Luke 2:51


Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist at the Jordan River was one of the first acts of His public ministry. This was the scene of the very first appearance of the Trinity to man. 


We go from baby to pre-teen to grown-up in just a couple of chapters. 


What are we to make of this silent period?

What does this mean for us and our...

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