Jesus Christ Is The Awesome Healer of Our Relationships

relationships Apr 24, 2020

Relationships are at the heart of our lives, shaping who we are and how we experience the world. Yet, many of us know the pain of broken relationships—whether with family, friends, or ourselves.

Sin created a division between Adam and Eve, damaging the close relationship God had given them, and ever since, sin has negatively affected every relationship.

But there is hope. Jesus Christ came not only to save us from sin but also to heal our relationships. Through His love, grace, and example, we can find restoration and peace in our connections with others.


The Foundation of Healing: Jesus’ Love

At the heart of Jesus’ earthly mission was love. His command in John 15:12, "This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you," Is a powerful reminder. Jesus’ love is not just love but a force that transforms. It is unconditional, sacrificial, and transformative. It can heal the deepest wounds caused by conflict, misunderstanding, and...

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Professional Life Coaches Will Make You More Targeted

life coaching Apr 23, 2020

Life coaching is a transformative process that facilitates personal and professional growth for women seeking to achieve their goals. Professional Life Coaches will make you more targeted. It is a collaborative and dynamic relationship between a coach and a client, in which the coach provides guidance and support to help the client overcome obstacles and achieve their desired outcomes.

Embarking on a journey of life coaching can be a life-changing experience for those who wish to grow both personally and professionally. This process involves a close partnership between a coach and a client, working together to achieve the client's goals.

This collaboration is characterized by a dynamic exchange of ideas, where the coach provides guidance and support, helping the client to overcome any obstacles that may arise along the way. Ultimately, the aim is to encourage clients to achieve their desired outcomes and unlock their full potential.

The coach employs techniques and tools such as...

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How to Make Powerful Goals You Can Achieve

We use goals to evaluate how well we are doing now relative to where we want to be. Sometimes big goals do not motivate women. They tend to feel so outside their realm of possibility that it feels pointless even to try. And, poorly defined goals can lead to weak intentions to accomplish the goal and consequent procrastination.


Make goals that feel genuinely possible for you within a concise time frame. Realistic goals at the forefront of your consciousness, tap into your creativity more productively. You can see and feel the possibility of achieving those goals. You believe that they are doable.


Use this simple three-step approach to establish practical goals you can reach. You will not encounter a lot of failures because you can constantly adjust your timeline and goals as you learn. The key is to give each goal a lot of consideration, study, and think before setting it.


  1. Maintain Your Values


The more goals fit into one of four primary...

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Ways Living in the Moment Helps You Get Past Grief

personal development Apr 21, 2020

When you are living in the moment, your focus is on that moment only. The past and the future cannot touch you.


It is a difficult task to put your feelings about the past or future aside. It is like when someone says, "Don't think of a hippo in a pink tutu!" You thought of one just now, didn't you?


Well, your grief is sometimes that hippo in a pink tutu, and it seems like there is nowhere to turn. In these situations, you can look for help by thinking in the present moment.


Staying in the present takes practice. While you are learning how to live in the moment, remember that it gets easier as time goes on.


Using Meditation


You can control your thoughts. One practice that is all about staying in the present moment is meditation.


This easy practice can also assist you in getting over your grief.


Meditation tips:


  • Create a meditation schedule - 30 minutes daily.
  • Go to someplace where you are alone and can relax.
  • Sit in a position...
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How to Easily Expand Your Comfort Zone

personal development Apr 20, 2020

What if I told you I would give you $1,000 to make a significant public speech? Would you take me up on the deal? Like most of us, you most likely recoiled at the idea right away, even though it may well be lucrative for you! Why didn't this idea appeal to you?


When the very notion of certain activities evokes fear or anxiety within you, it is because they are outside your comfort zone. Public speaking, for example, is outside most people's comfort zone.


Our comfort zone is the sphere of actions we feel comfortable with and can achieve with no negative emotions. It also consists of people, places, and things that bring about only positive thoughts within us.


How Important is this Comfort Zone?


A comfort zone may limit your capabilities and make you abandon your dreams and goals. Or, it can drive you on to great things. Your comfort zone can define both your personality and your promise for success.


Countless successful people achieve their goals...

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Kindness Makes A Girl Strong!

health Apr 20, 2020

Being Kind Gets You Nowhere. Or Does It?


"Have you ever noted how much of Christ's life was spent doing kind things?" - Henry Drummond

Do you believe the phrase, "nice guys finish last?" Women often believe that being kind means you are weak and can be easily taken advantage of by others.

But is this correct?

Women are taught that behind every smile, there is a hidden motive.

We are apprehensive and skeptical when others show kindness to us.

Kindness does not equate to weakness. Quite the opposite, it takes great amounts of strength to show kindness to somebody who thinks differently than you do or is slowing your progress somehow.


Benefits of Kindness

Women who perform regular acts of kindness are often more successful, have more social friends, and are more well-liked than those who do not. It is advantageous to your overall mental health.

Ways being kind helps your success:

  • Kindness improves confidence. Studies show kindness boosts self-worth.
  • People remember...
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Fundamentals Of The Christian Mindfulness

spirituality Apr 19, 2020

What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is a loosely described term that has gained cultural popularity. Like anything, mindfulness can be misused. It is an ancient practice that is a component of all major world religions, including Christianity.

In the United States, it is typically from a secular perspective. Secular mindfulness is horizontal, paying attention only to yourself. There is no faith component emphasized. However, mindfulness does not necessarily undermine our faith. Christians just need to make sure we approach it wisely.

The principle is that when women are mindful of the present, they can avoid the pitfalls of letting their past or their future hijack them from living in the moment.

Over the centuries, Christians have explored practices that encourage a quiet, listening stance before God. From a biblical standpoint, we know that Jesus gives the peace that can exist in all circumstances (John 14:27; Philippians 4:7).


What makes Christian Mindfulness unique?


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Affirmation: I Listen Because Words of the Wise Empower Me to Stay Grounded

affirmations Apr 18, 2020

I value wise counseling.


Wise words in times of confusion empower me to stay grounded like an anchor for a ship. Instead of being swayed by every wave that comes my way, I ask for the advice of knowledgeable people who truly care for me.


Seeking wisdom keeps me from drifting in the vast sea of opportunities. I pay attention to my trusted advisers and respect their advice. I take advantage of their ideas as a springboard for forming my conclusions.


Listening to words of the wise protects me from needless hazards. Life is too short to be taught every lesson from personal experiences. I save myself time and anguish if I learn from varied past experiences of others.


Counseling helps me deal with life changes free from fear. I request counseling for a range of circumstances. Whether personal or career-related, it does me good to take heed of the ideas of others.


When I am deeply engaged in a situation, and my emotions are high, it can be tricky to think...

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Good News of the Healing in a Relationship with God

relationships Apr 17, 2020

The foundation of all healing—physical, emotional, or relational—begins with our relationship with God. By its very nature, sin creates a barrier between us and our Creator, distorting our ability to connect with Him and others. The brokenness we experience in our earthly relationships often reflects the deeper spiritual separation caused by sin. However, the good news is that Jesus Christ came to bring healing to our relationships. First and foremost, He restored us to God through His sacrificial death on the cross.


Jesus Christ came to restore what was lost and to heal our relationship with God, enabling us to heal our relationships with others. Through Jesus Christ, all our sins are forgiven, and we can call God “Father.”


The Consequences of Sin

To understand the need for healing, it is important to recognize the impact of sin on our relationship with God. The Bible tells us in Isaiah 59:2, "And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us...

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You'll See Improved Results with Christian Life Coaching

life coaching Apr 16, 2020

Women seek to become aware of their passions, life purpose, inner strengths, and visions for the future. But as Christians, they realize that these are God-given and that we find ultimate fulfillment only when we follow His plans.

 You'll see improved results with Christian Life Coaching.


Importance of coaching for women

Coaching plays a crucial role in the personal and professional development of women. It helps them to identify their strengths and weaknesses, set achievable goals, and work towards achieving them.

Additionally, coaching provides women with the necessary support and guidance to overcome challenges and obstacles in their personal and professional lives. Coaching equips women to become confident, assertive, and successful.

Coaching is an incredibly valuable resource for women who seek personal and professional development. One of the key benefits of coaching is that it provides women with a safe and supportive space to explore their strengths and...

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