Whip Up Amazing Thanksgiving Desserts

health Nov 25, 2019

Are you wondering if a spin on the original holiday pie will be well-liked? Pies for Thanksgiving are time-honored. However, don't you wish to bite into a delicious brown butter carrot cake for a change or snack upon chewy cookies? Why not whip up amazing Thanksgiving desserts?


Do not limit yourself to a simple pie for dessert. Get your creative buckle on and change up your usual Thanksgiving dessert menu. You will be surprised to watch the crowds go ga-ga, relishing desserts like never before.


Sticking a spoon into the creamy pie is hardly a dessert to end a king-size feast. There should be a few too many options to treat your sweet tooth.


Are you running your brain, trying to come up with desserts that are winners and crowd-favorites? Don't think too hard. Figure the core ingredients first. Is it only pumpkin that screams Thanksgiving in all possible ways?


What about succulent apples or starchy sweet potatoes? Can you miss the pecans or the chocolates?...

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Affirmation: I keep myself physically fit during the Thanksgiving season

affirmations Nov 23, 2019

Staying physically fit matters to me. I make time for fitness even when my life is very busy. The Thanksgiving holiday is a busy time, but I still have plenty of hours in the day.


I get things done because they are important to my life. The things I do each day have value and meaning to me. Staying fit is one of those things that I value highly.


To stay fit, I make time for exercise. I avoid changing my routine during the holidays. I can enjoy the holiday season and still keep my workout routine. In doing so, I ensure my continued fitness and good health. I make sensible choices during the holidays. I stop and take time for myself when things start to get hectic.


Because I see the value of exercise, I make it a part of my schedule. I encourage others because I want them to succeed in their fitness goals.


By working with others to help them meet their fitness goals, I feel fulfilled. Seeing me fit and healthy makes others want to work toward their own...

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Best Presents For A Happy Thanksgiving Day

relationships Nov 22, 2019

Stop shying away from experimenting when shopping for fun presents. Social occasions like Thanksgiving are not an ordinary affair. The yearly get-together brings the family hanging hats under one roof. Maybe they are all there for a fancy dinner. But, delighting the host is just as crucial.

Your host might be simmering in stress. After all, organizing a party keeps one on their toes, keeping tabs on several things simultaneously. Popping in with a fun and happy gift could set the mood to be cheery.


Best gift ideas to stand out

  1.   A contemporary close-packed cheeseboard -Everyone admires a swanky cheese board. Choose a board that’s chic and relatively new in design. Try getting your hands on the foldable swivel cheese boards.
  2. Exclusively customizes cheese knife -Wouldn’t it look nice to stack up cheese spreaders that are one of a kind? Shop rare designed and best quality metal cheese knives. Add a touch of personalization by inscribing something just for the...
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New to Hosting a Thanksgiving Celebration?

life coaching Nov 21, 2019

Thanksgiving is more than breaking bread with your family and friends. Are you new to hosting the yearly feast? Not too positive concerning your hosting skills? Well, you are not the only one. Hosting a Thanksgiving dinner is challenging for the inexperienced. Arranging a glorious celebration is pretty challenging. Have you brushed up on your skills cooking the classics yet? Are you anxious about taking the reigns as this year’s hostess?

I am on the same page. The list of to-dos can keep your head spinning. Guess what? No one says you have to do it alone. Using the assistance and a few extra hands might be worth it. Do not tie yourself up with a long list of chores. Although you are the hostess, you ought to have the merriment of the holidays too. If you are busy juggling a zillion chores and stressing over the nitty-gritty, the spirit of cozy thanksgiving dinner is lost.

Don’t you want to greet and help your guests relax and enjoy the holiday with ease? Performing the...

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5 Ways To Crush Disruptions With Simple Time Management

personal development Nov 19, 2019

Disruptions are giant time thieves in your life. Have you ever considered how many hours are stolen from your days by other people or situations barging into your schedule?


Tips to help you better manage disruptions:


  1. Make time during every aspect of your day for the interruptions that we all experience.


You will never have a single day not disrupted by something unexpected. This is usually what throws women off course. It breaks your concentration, making it harder for you to get the flow back.


If you are at work and a coworker pops in for “just a minute,” you will observe that it repeatedly takes a lot of time. Before you know, an hour passes, and you cannot get time back.


You want to give time for these interruptions by looking at your day and figuring out how much time to devote to disturbances. For instance, if someone walks in your department, you can tell them, “I’m working on a project. I can only spare ten...

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How To Not Stuff Yourself This Thanksgiving

health Nov 18, 2019

Have you been toiling hard to stay in good health all year? Kissing goodbye to your potbelly could be trickier with the holidays and celebrations right around the corner. Isn’t it hard to abstain from the delicious big fat meals?


The finest of foods are at the front and center of the elaborate Thanksgiving dinners. Can you miss the mammoth meal, though? A thanksgiving grandeur is certainly amiss without a luscious feast on the table. With the gravy, stuffing, rich cranberry sauce, an array of sides, and ample other foods, overeating and stretching your appetite is hard to resist.


Overindulging in the delicious snacks and flavorsome dishes is quickly done. Aftermath? You are filled to your gills and feel like a blob. Isn’t it pointless to pine after you have stuffed your face with way too much food? Must you bid farewell to the luscious holiday feasts then?


No! Little did you know that there are intelligent, healthy hacks to welcome the holiday season...

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Affirmation: I Let the Seasons Inspire Me to Accept Change

affirmations Nov 16, 2019

Sometimes I would like to defy change. I find comfort in my routines. Things move smoothly, and I quickly anticipate the usual obstacles. However, when I look outside, I see a world in constant flux. I am reminded that the world is always changing and adapting.


These cycles of change encourage me to change and adapt as well.


Spring brings change. Life is green, growing, and abundant. Opportunities abound. I seek spring forms in my life: new challenges to overcome and build upon, the ability to create new relationships, and methods of improving my life.


During summer and fall, I reap the benefits of spring's new occurrences. I revel in the warmth of achievement.


Winter is cold but necessary. In my life, winter is a period of rest and forethought. I wisely use this time to relax, and I look forward to planting new seeds in the spring.


Even my day is cyclical, like the seasons. When I wake, I see new beginnings, like the budding leaves on a tree. The...

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Better Choices Make You Better

personal development Nov 12, 2019

Women must make good choices for many reasons, including having a greater sense of self, increasing confidence, and learning from experiences. But, becoming a better decision-maker involves taking risks and knowing that not every decision will be the best one.


Making mistakes is not necessarily a negative thing. It gives you more confidence in your ability to make decisions in the future based on those experiences. But, examining choices helps women make well-rounded decisions and grow as decision-makers.


Make Better Choices


A successful way to embark on a self-improvement journey is to make better choices. Women sometimes make choices without realizing they are making decisions that will impact their lives for the long run.


Maybe you have a weak record of decisions when trying to take care of yourself, but that does not mean it cannot change in 2020. Begin by applying both emotion and logic when you make choices.


No matter what it is you...

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Say Goodbye To Stale Pie With Unique Pumpkin Desserts

health Nov 11, 2019

Pumpkin pie has been doing the rounds for centuries to end Thanksgiving dinner on a sweet and cherishing note. Are you bored with the humble pumpkin pie? Time to up your game and play with a few different recipes without tossing pumpkin off the menu.


Hosting a top-notch Thanksgiving dinner is a cakewalk if you prep ahead and there is assistance up for grabs. Why bore your guests with the same dull holiday menu? Put new recipes to the test and wow your guests with these appealing pumpkin desserts.


  1. Pumpkin pie wantons -The deliciousness and flavors of a pumpkin pie are hard to beat. Don’t you agree? But, serving them the old-fashioned way has no excitement or charm to it. How cool is the idea of piping the pie in the wantons? Certainly creative! Velvety sweet pie and deep-fried doughs - sound’s divine already. Pair it with some maple dip or cream cheese on the side, and you will be racking up compliments all season. When in a time crunch, use wonton wrappers...
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Release Your Perfectionism To Be More Successful

personal development Nov 11, 2019

If a woman has a perfectionist personality, she wants all tasks to be completed flawlessly. These types of high achievers suffer more stress than women who are not perfectionists. When it comes to time management, believe it or not, perfectionism works against you.


1. Know that it is all right not to do it all.

Forget multi-tasking. Multi-tasking is synonymous with doing several jobs poorly at one time. That is very frustrating to someone with perfectionist tendencies.

You do not have to carry out everything in one day. Instead, concentrate on what is right in front of you that has to the earliest deadline first. Get that done, and then move on with the next task.


2. Give everything you do a time limit.

Whether you are a perfectionist or not, this is a good rule of thumb for any woman looking for better time management. Open-ended tasks tend to pile up because there is no finish line.

If you look at the whole picture of what is left undone, it can feel overwhelming...

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